CNN Blog – Tuesday, March 20

Recently gas prices in the U.S. have skyrocketed, in some places to over $4 a gallon. This is always a hot political issue with both President Obama and the Republican Presidential candidates talking about it. Your question deals with the President and federal governments involvement with gas prices and what they can and should do.

Your Question: 

Do you think that the federal government can influence the price of gas? If so, how? If not, why not?

***Reminder: Please write in complete and coherent sentences.***

About Mr. Moore

Professional Educator

301 comments on “CNN Blog – Tuesday, March 20

  1. Tehehehehehehe, this is a good question. I do not think that a country should be allowed to decide what religion the people in their country practice. This is because everyone should have the freedom to religion. We are very lucky to have that here in the U.S. It just is about freedom really, it could also unite a country if everyone was fine with the religion the government decides however this usually isn’t what happens. iooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo

  2. No country should be able to chose what a person can believe. That violates the basic rights that allow us to be who we are. Without them, everyone would be the same, and without diversity, the world would be a cold and dark place in which nothing makes sense. The Earth would basically be a humanized version of Family Guy. Nobody wants that…

  3. yes i think that the government can influence the price in gas that the state has. because people arnt spending much money

  4. yes i do think that the feral government can influence the price of gas i think yes because they can get oil from anywhere not just were they are right now they can get it from the united states but they don’t i don’t get it

  5. I think the government can have a big influence on the gas prices. I mean come on over 4$ a gallon is TO MUCH. They should defiantly lower the price so that people can actually afford it. like people are just going to stop buying gas cause they cant pay for it so they will lose money and I don’t know i would rather gain money then lose money so they should lower the prices.

  6. I think the government does influence the gas because quite a few people are not wanting to pay gas that is nearly $4-$5 a gallon. I know that it is around the time for voting, and that is one of the main reasons I think that gas is going up, because a lot of the government money is going for the Presidential Election.

  7. I think they should decrease the amount on gas in all gas stations because they don’t know what the future has for the country. We might fall, we might still be on our knees. They only waste a lot of money on useless stuff.

  8. i don’t think that the government can influence cause it is not up to them it is up to the people that sale it to them


  10. I think the government should be allowed to influence gas prices because if they don’t, we’ll only end up getting more economically hurt then we already are. I don’t know if they control the price of oil or not, my guess being not, but if the price of gas is hurting an entire country, the price of oil should be lowered. That way, gas will probably be charged less for and America’s economy may being improving.

  11. i think the gove can say how much gas is and how much it will be. i think it should be way cheaper then it is now.some people have to drive far to get to there job so they are wasting $ on gas when they could be using it for better things

  12. I don’t think there is much they can do because we also get gas from different countries and sell to different countries and the more we charge them or the more we charge us the more gas prices go up. And seeing as it’s such a needed thing I don’t think it will be changing anytime soon

  13. The government has power to lower gas prices. It is too high. In some places its 4 dollars and that’s crazy. That’s too much. It should be lowered.

  14. I think that it would be best to put tariffs on countries that are charging to much and just go green for a while so that those countries will be begging you to start buying gas again. This boosts America’s and other nations’s reputations as being “Green Countries” it also allows us to pollute the earth less and get things cheaper when we come back. This could be done by just having our allied countries do as we do. Then boom we come back to the fossil fuel scene and we just take it all at once.

  15. Yes, yet the government doesn’t produce much of the gas, they can set prices on them. They can lower the price but that could result in more money lost or gained. Unless we get a gas surplus of some kind, our gas prices will continue to increase. Obama can also tell the world to lower prices like he did in 2008. #Nuthin

  16. I think the federal government can influence the price of gas. Our economy is horrid already and people don’t have much money for the $4.00 a gallon gas that is being sold to them. And when gas gets to $4.00 a gallon that just shows how much worse the economy is getting….. And that’s ridiculous!

  17. i believe that the government shouldn’t influence the gas price as in going in and just changing the price but by finding more jobs for the people who needed them that way the money gets moving around in the economy and then the gas prices will go down and life for every one well be essayer.

  18. The Government has limited influence on the gas prices.We import oil from foreign places and the price of it depends on how much is available and the economy.One thing that the Government could do is approve drilling oil in the U.S. because Mr.Diab says that we have tons of oil underground.

  19. The price of gas should only be influenced by resource availability. If the government has the power to influence gas prices, then yes they should lower the cost to help with the economy. I think personally though that they do not have much say in the matter. If resources are hard to come by, that’s too bad and prices will go up.

  20. no i don’t think that the federal government has an influence on the gas prices because they cant say how high they want the gas price to go up

  21. I think the government can influence the prices of gas. I think that they see how much oil they have and how much they need to distribute to every state. Then give prices according to each state. Then some states have higher prices while others have slightly lower prices.

  22. I think that the government does have an influence on the prices of gas. The president should be working hard on making good friendships with the oil companies that are in other countries. But, some of the issues are out of the government’s reach, like rebellions or wars in countries with oil rigs.

  23. Yes, I think that the government can influence the price in gas that the state has. They just don’t want to spend any more money than they need too so they have us do it for them. They can decide what prices they want to have, anytime and or any place.

  24. I’m not sure if they have a say or not but I think that it is ridicules that the prices have gone up that high. now for a full tank of gas you will probably spend at least $80.

  25. I think they are able to influence the prices. They may be using this to get out of the debt they created. I think it does depend some on the availability of resources as well, but the government most likely has some level of control.

  26. I think the government can influence the price of gas but it really all depends on the amount of gas there is. The availability of gas is very low there for the governments raises the prices. When the availability raises the government may or may not lower the prices.

  27. I think that the federal government could influence the price in gas that the state has. I think the reason they are not trying is because they don’t want to spend more money than they already have to so that’s why they have us paying ridiculous gas prices. Overall, they would just rather have us spend our money.

  28. I do not think that the government has a lot of control of oil prices as its sold. However i do see it as the governments responsibility to lower taxes on oil. Also The government could help by lower prices by encouraging green technology.

  29. yes i think that the government can influence the price of gas. I think that the government should be able to change the price in the gas.

  30. Yes, i think the government can influence gas prices, because they government decided where our country gets our oil from , so they can decide which is the cheapest. They should have the power to lower fuel prices in america.

  31. Yes i do think that the government can control or influence the gas prices because they are the ones who make the decisions and they can decide how much money they want to make out of it, and if they choose less, then they will make the prices go down. They just want to make money.

  32. I do not think that the federal government can reduce the price of gas. I think this because other countries are only going to sell us the gas for a high price and in return that means we have to raise the price in order to make any profit.

  33. I think that the federal government can influence the price of gas because they have the power to do it but they don’t use it. We have plenty of resources available for it so the price should not be going up but it should be going down with the more gas they find.

  34. I think that the government can influence the price of gas. The state just doesn’t want to spend more of their money, so they are having us do it for them. They would rather have more poverty in the state than having less expansiveness things.

  35. Yes, I believe that the government can influence the price in gas that the state has. The gov. doesn’t want to spend more money so they have the people of the united states do it for them.

  36. Yes, I think that the government can influence the price of gas. They could try to lower them and have at least a guaranteed price for the maximum it will go.

  37. i think the government can slightly change the cost of gas, but not down to $2 instead of around $4. They have power over it to some degree, they just don’t want to pay it.

  38. I don’t think that the federal government has that much influence on the price of gas because it is all produced in other countries. That gas is sold for a certain number of dollars a gallon to gas station companies and then sold to the consumer. They should also stop the foreign people from not paying taxes to own a gas station.

  39. I think that thegoverment control the gas. He could ask for cheaper gas prices. We could also trade more things to get more gas instead of using just money to do this.

  40. i think that the government can have a huge effect on the gas price. they can control the trade and they can stop it completely.

  41. No, I don’t think the federal government can influence them. I think this because the less gas there is the more expensive its going to be. And i don’t think that the government can stop that.

  42. I think that the federal government can have an effect on gas prices by choosing how to get the gas and how exactly to use it. They can also choose where to get oil from, and there are probably places where they could get it for less.

  43. Yes, I do think the government has an influence on gas prices. But the gas prices are also directly made from how much the other countries sell the gas to us for. But our government can made any prices they want.

  44. I think the government has all of the power to change the gas prices. This is because they refuse to drill holes into our country and get their own gas. But since they refuse we have to pay extra money to get our own gas from a different country.

  45. I think that the government can influence how expensive that gas prices are. If we were to drill in the U.S. then the prices would be a lot lower. Also, if there wasn’t as much tension in the Middle East then the prices would most likely not be as high.

  46. I think the government can influence the gas prices because they can at least try to help with the prices and see if they can lower them but its not a guarantee.

  47. Yes, the government could influence the price of gas. They want us to give them more money, but with the not affordable prices, less people with get gas. The government will then lose money.

  48. I think that the federal government can influence the price of gas because all of the money and ideas go through them first. I think that government can help us keep the gas prices down and not have gas prices soar up to $5.00 a gallon. But, they should also take in some of the citizens ideas for some extra help.

  49. yes i think they can that they can and they do it so they can get a little more money but then they lower it back down

  50. I think that the government has some control over the price of gas. However they they can’t control everything. Many influences on oil price is foreign and cannot be controlled. We can’t force Middle East countries to sell us cheap unless we start another war

  51. Yes, because the government can control how much oil can get into the country, which makes them able to control the prices

  52. A government should be able to change the price of gas because it is the governments issue and responsibility to try and make a deal or something with other countries where oil is being pumped. They then can try and trade some resources that the U.S has a surplus of.

  53. I dont think the government can effect the price of gas. I think it depends on the resource avalibillity.

  54. I think that the government has the power to influence gas prices, i think they are making gas cost more than it should. Gas is to expensive. In some states its over 4 dollars a gallon. Thats a lot. They should lower it

  55. I do not think the federal government can influence the the price of gas. I believe the price of gas is determined on the availability of the resource. If it were up to the federal government I think they would be trying harder to lower them. But since gas is a natural resource they cannot have control over when it is surplus and when it is not.

  56. Over the past few months, gas prices have been going up , the national average being somewhere around $4. The price of gas usually depends on it’s availability, and because there isn’t much oil here in America, we have to purchase it from other countries in the middle east. Although the government may not to bring the gas prices down to $2, I think that the government can slightly influence the price of gas by negotiating with those countries and coming to a more reasonable price.

  57. I do think the government has the power to change the price of gas to some degree. The government could lower taxes, which would lower the price of gas. They could also encourage more drilling for oil in America.

  58. I do think that the government can influence the price of gas. They can cut back on other stuff and lower the gas price. They control the costs of other things, so they will have enough money to buy the gas and lower the price for everyone.

  59. The government can influence the price of gas in the states. They can at least lower the price a little bit so that people can actually go places and do things.

  60. I do believe that the government can influence the price of gas for they can sanction on the producers and make them charge more for the price per gallon

  61. yes they can influence gas prices. they are buying gas for too much money so they are raising the gas prices.

  62. the government can all ways get the gas pries, because the counter that make’s gas can stop helping us. i hope that the gas pries will drop. for all people.

  63. Yes i do think the federal government can influence price of gas. Because the only way for the price of gas to go down, is for us United States citizens to buy gas just enough for the economy to even out.

  64. I think the government does have a say on gas prices. I think they do because they don’t want to spend more money so the higher they raise the prices the more money we pay and the more money they have

  65. I say yes because whenever the government says that prices will be going up they usually do. It also makes us spend money not the government.

  66. i believe they have enough power to do most things, one of them is control the gas amount. they have more than enough money to control it. although it they had that control over it why wouldn’t they have already changed the price?

  67. Yes, i think that the government can influence the price of gas, because there are tons of people that go out and they don’t have enough money to pay for almost 4 to $5 of gas, they should lower the price of gas before everyone loses most their money just because of gas.

  68. yes, the gov can influence the price of gas.

  69. IN don’t think they can because this industry happens in the middle east and oil is an nonrenewable resource so the less oil we have out there the more gas will go up and we can’t really control that so they will continue to go up until we make cas that don’t run on oil. Or until we run out of oil they will go up.

  70. I have no idea whether the government can influence the price of gas, but my safest guess is no, probably not. I guessed this because the U.S buys mainly foreign petroleum, and we can’t do much if its foreign. However if the petroleum was ours, they probably could influence the price, but then there may be major bad results/ outcomes of that happening.

  71. i do think that the federal government does influence the price of gas because maybe they can compromise with other countries that we get oil from to lower the prices all together i just don’t get that if we don’t want poverty and poor and people going into debt why don’t we just change the whole money system.

  72. I do not think so because gas is worldwide and it costs money to get it and ship it, and if gas goes up in paying for it to come to the U.S. they need a way to earn their money back so no they cant

  73. I do think that the government has an influence on the gas prices because I think they have a good say on what those prices are. But then again, i think that the owners of the gas companies also have a say. When President Obama said that there is nothing we could do, I don’t know if that’s the case. It is getting harder and harder to get oil because i think the Earth’s natural resources are running out, so they have to raise the prices in order to get more oil.

  74. I don’t think that the government can have a direct effect on the gas prices, but I do believe that they can change things in the government so it doesn’t cost as much. Maybe they could start getting oil back from the middle east, so we have enough, and it won’t cost more.

  75. i don’t think the government can because the problem of high gas prices in the U.S involves other countries too. Other countries are the ones who are getting us the oil, so they would have to be the ones to lower the prices, so then we could.

  76. I don’t care who makes the gas prices go up or down. As long as the gas prices aren’t high then i don’t care what they are. The government should make them lower because they are pretty high but Obama said it is what it is and they can’t do much about it.

  77. i dont think the federal government can influence the price of gas i think they should be able to but i dont think they can because i think the the country that we buy it from controls the gas prices

  78. I think the government can influence the price of gas because they could pass a law that regulates how expensive gas can or can’t get. I personally think $4 a gallon is ridiculous for gas.

  79. Yes I think that the government can influence gas prices. Their relations with the countries who sell us oil can help determine the prices at which it is sold to us. We have seen that before when we were in a disagreement with a Middle Eastern country and our gas prices shot up.

  80. i don’t think the government can influence gas prices because it all depends on how much oil is left on the world and when there is less oil the price will go up. there is less oil everyday so i makes scene that the prices would go up. i think the government should try getting more people to using hybrid cars that use electric power and gas.

  81. i dont think the govenment can control the gas price i think people that think that are ignorant

  82. I think that the government can’t influence the price of gas. I think this because most of the oil is imported and gas prices are a way to pay off those countries for the oil. So that is why I don’t think the government can influence the price of gas.

  83. i think the government can have a say in the price of oil because they are the ones who are buying it from other countries so if they wanted to try to lower the prices they could try to talk to the other countries about it. or just start to drill oil in america and establish our own prices for our own people.

  84. I think that the federal government can influence the prices of gas because they should make a law stating that gas should not be higher than $3. Gas prices are too high and if it goes up to $5, we would be paying $50 for 10 gallons of gas.

  85. yes, if they really wanted they could drop the price of gas to 2 dollars and everything will be cheaper and we could have the best economic system.

  86. The government can influence gas prices by setting prices ranges or talking with oil company owner…..they could do something…but they wont…like Obama said….they just want are votes…him included

  87. I do think that the federal government can influence the gas prices. I think they need to do something because the prices are very high right now and it’s hard to handle in this economy today.

  88. I think that the government could make an influence, but like they said, they really cannot change it.

  89. No i don’t think that they can because it has to do with the countries across seas who supply us with the oil.

  90. i think that the gov. can influence the price of gas by spending less on other things so they dont have to raise the price on things to make up the money they spent.

  91. im not sure i don’t know much about them but maby they can ask anouther country for oil . maby the thing about the oil is just a excuse to get more money.

  92. yes, i think that the government can do more and stop the gas prices for being so high. He has the power to rise or lower the gas prices and he doesn’t want to.

  93. I don’t think that the federal government because they don’t have very much power on how much things cost because of the bad economy. It costs money to do anything and because oil is getting harder to come by then of course the price will go up.

  94. I think that the government can in have a say in the prices of gas. The state is in control of the their state for the most part. The president has an overall say but i still think that they can compromise if they really wanted to.

  95. Yes, I think the government should influence the price of gas that we have. People are going to stop going out to places if gas gets really high. Businesses can start losing costumiers because they won’t have to gas money to go out to the store or wherever they need to go. Gas prices need to be lowered!

  96. I don’t think the government has much control over gas prices. Most of our gas comes from other countries and that makes it more expensive for us. If we started to drill our own oil in the United states, that would be much more effective and help us all out a lot financially.

  97. Yes, I think the government can influence the price in gas that our state has. They just don’t want to spend more money so they have us do it for them. It is their state so they can do what they want. They would rather have us loose money than them having to loose money.

  98. I do think the the government has an influence on the price of gas. If the politicians predict the prices will increase, they most likely will.

  99. I do think that the government can influence the price of gas because it’s a big issue and if we were to use a little bit of our own oil we have been getting for years it would lower the price then countries that sell the oil that’s causing the gas to go up would have to sell there resources a lot cheaper.

  100. I think the federal government can influence the gas price because they have the power to do so. When the oil is shipped in we have to earn money to pay for it so they bump up the prices to get a higher profit but when they do this less people will buy so they have to keep bumping the prices up.

  101. I think that they can and should do something about it because if gas prices get to high it could rise riots and protesters. They should finally find a price of gas that will stay even though gas is a limited resource, but there are more electric cars coming out so we won’t need as much fuel such as gas or diesel.

  102. I do not think so because gas is worldwide and it costs money to get it and ship it, and if gas goes up in paying for it to come to the U.S, they need a way to earn their money back, so I don’t think they can.

  103. The US Government does have the power to influence the cost of gas. They could implement more jobs into producing alternate forms of energy. This will solve the gas problem, and the job issue. The president or the republican candidate, *COUGH COUGH ROMNEY* who wins the nomination and could become president, should do this.

  104. Recently, gas prices have been rocketing, the national average being somewhere around $4! The price of gas usually depends on it’s availability, and because there isn’t much oil here in America, we have to purchase it from other countries in the middle east. Although the government may not to bring the gas prices down to $2, I think that the government can slightly influence the price of gas by negotiating with those countries and coming to a more reasonable price.

  105. Im sure that the federal government can at lest do something to lower the gas prices, they are extremely high and are still rising. The government should pass a law that says the people that sell the oil to the united states need to lower the prices of gas so that our economy can actually start coming back.

  106. yes because i think the government can anything they wanted too. People pay all these taxes and the economy is just getting worse. Instead of using the money for like the people in jail, use it for the people that pay taxes and try to influence the prices in gas.

  107. I think that the government has some control over the price of gas but not much. It is mostly the places that sell and buy gas that has the control. The president should try whatever he can to lower the prices though, not just say he has no control over it. They should not promise it will lower but try to fix it.

  108. I do not think so because gas is worldwide and it costs money to get it and ship it, and if gas goes up in paying for it to come to the U.S, they need a way to earn their money back, so I don’t think they can.

  109. Yes, I think that the government can influence the price of gas money because if people at the gas station are earning more money then are they suppose to be earning, then why increase the price of gas money? Yes, the gas money is increasing but it’s for the taxes and the gas. But some people just say that they want more money, no we need this money for the gas. Even though the gas money is increasing by a lot then I think that we should be patient and wait till it decreases, hopefully.

  110. I don’t think that the federal government has that much influence because all the oil is produced in other countries which makes it more expensive. If the US starts drilling more then gas would be a lot cheaper and we would make a lot more money off of it.

  111. Yes, I think that the government has something to due with the price of gas because in CNN student news it said the higher the taxes were in that area, the higher the gas prices were. I think that the only way the we can get the gas prices to go down is to pump more oil in the U.S. instead of relying on other countries.

  112. I believe that the government can influence the gas prices that places have. Not a lot of people want to go around and drive places when gas is that high. And including themselves. So if they really want to see a change they should actually start and try to make a change. i also think they are being selfish for not trying to change this subject of matter sooner, it seems like they want us to lose money, and not them.

  113. Yes, I think that the government can influence the price in gas prices because they could help lower them.

  114. I think that the government can influence the price of gas because they control everything else so they should be able to control the prices of gas.

  115. I don’t think that the federal government can influence the price of gas because the gas is coming from another country and it depends on where you live because if you live further away from where the gas is coming from then it is going to cost more. The government can’t control on how much the other countries are having them spend to get the gas to the U.S.

  116. I think the federal government can influence the price of gas. We could lower the taxes affecting the buying and selling of gas. But to be fair you’d have to lower taxes for all things then, not just gas, but that would be good for the nation’s economy anyways. Additionally, the government can open up more areas for drilling and allow more pipelines that transport gas to be made. This would greatly reduce the price of oil in the short term, and in the distant future too because the investors would sell their oil shares for less in an effort to keep their money, before the price of gas dropped too low.

  117. I have no idea if the federal government can influence gas prices. They might have a little influence like where they buy it from and if they buy it from the cheapest place and stuff. But the government can’t just make it go down automatically. The government needs to buy cheaper oil. Also they can help find new ways to fuel cars so we don’t have the gas prices anymore.

  118. Yes, i think the government can influence the price of gas because they have the power and the ability to do it. Who ever that is in charge of the gas can pick the price and they should lower it if it gets to high.

  119. The government should influence the pas price, but they should make it lower for everyone budget fit and not go over board with it. The president is making us pay way to much money on gas when we don’t have that much to start in the first place.

  120. Yes, They can limit the price of the gas in the country. But i don’t think that it is right because it is not there job to keep the price of gas low. And if they do that the gas station could start to loose money. I think that the price of gas should be lower but the government should find better ways to do it.

  121. I think the federal government can influence the price of gas. They influence it by making us pay more so they don’t have to.

  122. yes, I think that the government can change the price of gas. some things are that they are the people that are buying it so they could lower it.And if you lower the gas prices people might go out more.

  123. I don’t think that the government could influence the price of gas because they are buying it from another country who could say what and how much they wanted to sell their gas for.I mean they may be able to negotiate how much they are paying for it but it they may be able to help a little but not a lot.

  124. I think that federal government can have a great part on the influence of gas prices. They could try to lower the prices and do or trade other things to get gas for a less price than they already do. Not many people in this economy can afford gas as it is anymore, but to rise it up to over four dollars a gallon? That’s outrageous for our country, we need to lower prices.

  125. Yes I think that the federal government should influence the price of gas. No one wants to pay almost $5.00 for each gallon so they’ll have to pay like $70.00 or more. I think if they lower prices more people will do things. Its like the government is getting people to may for things buy getting them to pay so much for gas, I don’t think it’s right, gas prices need to go down.

  126. I think it should because everyday the gas prices gradually increase.

  127. Yes I think the federal government can make a difference because they can allow more materials to be brought in and make cost boundaries for the fuel shipped in.

  128. I think that the federal government does have influences in our gases prices. I also think that they should lower them because so many people uses cars now a days and if the gas prices go up anymore, less and less people are going to be driving.

  129. Yes, I think the government can influence gas prices. I think since they are the people who run the country, they should be able to say how much they want gas prices to be. They are all very powerful because they are all important people in the United States and they run everything else, so why shouldn’t they have control over the prices?

  130. I think that they can control how much they give us to sell and put into our cars, but i don’t think they can control the price, if our fossil oil is going down then gas is going down, not being created as much, so they cant export as much as usual, and because of that they are raising prices. Also it has a lot to do with the people we get our gas from, they started raising money for gas because i think they figured out that we need the gas, and so since they raised money we must raise more money on gas to help pay for the gas.

  131. I don’t think that the government can influence the gas prices because it really depends on how much oil they make and how much they’re selling it for. And so if people need a lot of oil to fill their car then the gas prices will go up.

  132. No, I don’t think that the federal government can influence the price of gas. Only because it all depends on how much it costs and how much we import and how much the foreign countries such as, Saudi Arabia, charge for it.

  133. I think the government can influence the prices of gas because they can choose to either get oil from Canada and Mexico which would make it cheaper, or go over seas for it like in the middle east which makes it much more expensive.

  134. I think that the government can influence the gas prices. They just choose not to. They like money and know lots about the economy. This allows them to know how to avoid spending money. If they paid for their gas the way we do they would probably spend money for us. Sadly though they don’t like losing money. They like making money.

  135. I think that the government can influence the price of gas because people aren’t going out as much as they used to because the gas prices are so high. They should lower the prices because a lot more people are using cars now and the prices are way to high.

  136. I don’t think that the government can influence because its all about supply and demand. If its difficult to get the product or something like that then your gonna need to raise your prices to get the money to get the product.

  137. i think that they can influence it by compermising but it still up
    yo the countrys that you by the gas from.

  138. yes they can they could start driling here or even go in to the gas reserves they could do lots of things with diffrent cuntres to make it alot beter then it is giting over here

  139. The government can and cant influence the price of gas they cant really lower the price of foreign gas unless we just took over the country. How ever if elected president they could get the EPA out of the way and let oil company’s drill on the oil preserves that we already have in some states. I think that if I were to become president that would be the first thing I would do.

  140. I do not think the federal government can influence gas prices because the price for gas is mostly determined on how much other stuff, like oil, costs.

  141. Yes, i do think that the government can influence gas prices. the government can set laws or limits on how much gas can be sold for so that people who have low incomes can actually get to places and maybe help the government a little more.

  142. Yes they can influence it because in the northern-middle US there is almost as much oil as in the middle east. We have the oil to bring the gas prices down but the government isn’t really doing anything to influence it. If we really wanted to, the gas prices would be shot down.

  143. Yes, the federal goverment can change the price of gas because they are the ones that are purchasing it and they decide to make the gas stations buy it for more money. If they sold the gas to the gas stations for the real price, than the price that we have to pay will be a lot less

  144. The federal government can influence the gas prices because when products are in high demand businesses make them higher prices so they can have more profit but the government could tell them that they aren’t allowed to do that so that the people paying for the gas don’t suffer.

  145. I do think that government can influence the gas prices. If the government/president keeps the wall street bankers and people who work for the gas companies happy then they will get their votes.

  146. YES! The government can make gas free if they want! (It would just be stupid!)

  147. I think that the federal government can influence the gas prices. I think this because seems how the prices of oil and things like that are going up they feel the need to keep bringing money in for their benefit instead of the countries as a whole.

  148. the government can because they pay for the oil an all the work so if we manage to lower gas prices people will buy more gas give more money to the government were they can then pay for more oil.

  149. I think the government has some control over the price of gas. Other countries have some control too though. I think that our government should find a fair price while taking in consideration other countries prices.

  150. I completely agree with the fact that the government can influence the prices of gas. Every single day the price of gas gradually increases and anyone who drives knows that this can be really annoying. Since we get our oil for the gas from the middle east, I don’t see why the gov’t can’t just negotiate a deal with them to lower the price of gas here in America.

  151. I don’t think that the federal government has that much influence on the price of gas because it is all produced in other countries. I think the only way we are going to get cheaper gas is if we start drilling for more oil in the United States instead of relying so much on other countries.

  152. yes i do think that the government does have a influence because y is 1 3.75 and a different 1 is 4.00 and they are right down the street if the gov lowered tax on gas or even used oil from here in the USA because there is a oil well by my house and it works all the time it never stops and i know that there are over 1000 oil wells in mi

  153. I think the government could influence a LITTLE BIT, but not much. If they lowered the price somehow, it would affect taxes, which would mess a lot of things up economically. If the government lost tax money, then our country would be in return hurting a lot more. The only thing we can hope for is that they soon start drilling in Alaska, where there is supposedly a TON of oil.

  154. yes, i think the federal governent could have control of anything if they wanted to. i feel that we should find something that can be reuable or clean it self to be used again and we wouldnt have to worry about gas so much.

  155. I think that the gas prices are way to high and that they should be lowered because in this economy right now people don’t have enough money to pay for gas that can get up to 4.00 dollars a gallon let alone some people don’t even have jobs. I think the candidates say that the gas prices will go down just so you will vote for them but it’s not an easy fix.

  156. Yes, I think that the government can influence the price of gas by drilling our own oil in America.

  157. I think that Obama needs to understand first hand how bad the situation is. He just reads about it, but he doesn’t really live it. I think that the republicans and the democrats need to get together and figure out what they can do to lower the gas prices so that they are not so high. I think they can influence it a way that it goes down. They say that by the summer in some places it will get up to six dollars a gallon and that’s ridiculous when just several years ago it was 2.50. If they work together I think they could find a way to lower them.

  158. I think the government has some what of something to do with the high gas prices. Gas will always coast money though because it is being shipped all around the world. The gas shouldn’t be that high anyways. But yes i do think the government can control the gas prices to a lower amount of money because they pretty much control everything else in the US.

  159. I think the government can’t control how much gas costs because it depends on how much the oil is. The government has control over a lot of things, but I don’t think they can change the price of gas.

  160. Yes i think the government can influence the price of gas. I say this because i think they add on some kind of tax or something on gas companies that make the gas price go up. They go up because they still need to make a profit on top of what they are paying for it.

  161. i think that the government can influence the gas prices because, the government has control of everything that is priced at what the price of that particular item is priced at so they should be able to control the price of gas.

  162. I think we are too self-important and we don’t understand how little of an influence we really have on the entire globe. Of course it’s much larger than many other countries, but there’s not as much we can do about global gas prices as we’d like to think we can.

  163. i think that they should have some control over the gas prices but in some places its almost 6.00$ which i don’t think is fair. what are people going to do if they cant afford that.

  164. I could care less who can get the gas price up, as long as they get it up and going i’ll be happy because i don’t feel like paying that much for when i get a car!

  165. yes I think the government should be able to lower the gas price because we have all the places to get it the oil but we do not want to spend the extra money.

  166. i think the governed largely influences the price of gas. i feel they are testing our limits before we stop traveling and using fossil fuels. i also think they want to get the most out of our pockets and put a bit more in their pockets. they could be raising prices to pay off our large dept but thee are many choices and opinions.

  167. I think that the federal government does have an influence of the gas prices. They whole situation with gas pricing has gotten out of hand and someone needs to do something about. The prices are very high and i think that if the government really tries to focus on the situation and regulate the distribution, where they are buying the fuel from, and how they sell it, the gas issue can be resolved! The government just needs to take a direct focus on the situation until the prices are dropped to a reasonable standard.

  168. No, I do not think that the government can inflience the gas prices and why i said that is because as Obama said all they want is the vote! I think if it did happen it would happen along time from now and the are the ones who want us to pay more and more money for the gas i do not think gas should be up this high and arnt they the reason why gas is so high ? Well if they can make it higher they can make it lower. I just don’t understand why we have to pay so much for gas people could go broke just trying to pay for gas….

  169. I think that the government can influence this because they could have made the Alaskan pipeline, and they can do other things.

  170. Yes i do think the government has something to do with the price of gas. the reason i think this is cause when the gas got really expensive a couple years ago they had the military give up some of there gas. but they cant decide how much is in the earth.

  171. I don’t really cares what or who fixes the gas prices but if they don’t change, when it becomes my concern I’m going to freak out. We need the gas prices to go down or we’re going to all be seriously broke.

  172. I think the federal government can influence the price of gas. I think they can do this by knowing where to get the gas from. This can help because if they find a cheap place to get gas the prices will drop, although I know they cannot change how much company’s are going to charge but they can change on what type of gas they are choosing. Also to reduce prices of gas we could start drilling for more oil in the U.S. and not depending on other countries which would be much more expensive.

  173. I think the government cannot influence gas prices because they only make the gas prices according to how rare the gasoline is. Our government buys our gas from other countries so however much they sell it to us raises or lowers the gas prices.

  174. the government can get oil from alaska and canada and the huge supply in the montana region. so by not buying all the oil from the middle east we can save money and doing that will lower the gas prices. we dont need to give money to countrys that hate us. we have canada and the rest of the oil in the US

  175. I think the government can influence the price of gas to a extent. Like having 1 dollar gas is never going to happen but getting the gas down to around 3 dollars isn’t unrealistically. But it also has to do with how much the other countries want to sell their gas to.

  176. Yes, i do believe that the government can influence the price of gas. There is no reason why prices are this high. And they say that in some places, the prices will go to $5-$6 a gallon. Remember when we thought that $3 was really bad and now we have this.

  177. i think that the government can influence the price of gas because the have all of the power. they can set an embargo and price for certain items.

  178. Do you think that the federal government can influence the price of gas? No shouldn’t that be the oil companies?If so, how? If not, why not? Because it’s not them that control the amount of oil we’re able to get, or something along those lines.

  179. I think that the government can influence gas prices but they don’t want to spend the money to do so. A long time ago gas prices used be 99 cents for a gallon now their for 4 dollars a gallon.

  180. Yes, i think the government can influence the price of gas. We can try to get Saudi Arabia to stop hoarding all their oil and trade it with the countries that need it. We can also start drilling our own oil.

  181. i think that the government could influence the gas prices because they can make people start to drill oil in the united states which would decrease the price of gas and they would help the economy

  182. I think the federal government CAN influence the gas prices. The government has allot of control and power. If they made deals with the other countries. OR if they use the gas we actually have in our country. That would lower the gas prices allot.

  183. i think that they can influence the price on gas because they can fix some things and maybe make gas a better price for the people.

  184. I think that the federal government has some influence on gas prices. I remember back in middle school though that a teacher told me about this elected group that decides how much oil is allowed to be sent out each year so if they only send out a small amount gas prices jump. I also think that Obama is right on their not being an easy fix to gas prices if they were going to lower the gas prices it would take awhile to get everyone to agree on it in the House and Senate

  185. The federal government can influence the gas [rice in some ways. They can allow drilling in Alaska and also make more drilling in america cutting down on the intake of foreign fuel. I t costs way more to import fuel then get it ourselves. This could also create way more jobs and that’s what we need.

  186. I think that the gas prices conflict is just becoming over talked about and over publicized. Yes, the gas prices are high. Yes, it’s unfair that they are this high. And yes, it’s very very annoying for those of us driving. But most of us have heard our parents complain over and over and over again about gas prices whenever we stop at the gas station. We just have to get over the fact that the gas prices are going to be climbing and being overpriced while our economy is as crappy as it is. I don’t really think the government can influence the prices of gas, it’s up to the gas station companies like BP, Shell, and all of those other ones. If you’re driving down to Brighton you pass about three or four different gas station and all of them have lower and higher prices than others. Just simply pick whichever one has the lowest price. That simple. We don’t need to make this big a deal about it.

  187. I don’t think they can because it’s all about the price the government has to pay to get the gas from other places in the world that produce it! So if they want more money for the fuel then we have to pay so we can get it! and our economy isn’t doing well either, so all these things add up to higher/increased gas prices to us American, U.S. citizens

  188. Yes, I think that the government has the power to influence gas prices and it should use its power to help decrease prices while trying to find an alternate energy source that’s affordable for everyone. The government should set some standards for gas prices so they can’t skyrocket and impair everyone’s ability to get around.

  189. I believe the government can influence the price in gas. The situation just keep getting worse and worse. Although the gas is basically produced in other countries, they can still help lower the gas price here.

  190. Yes i think they do because they are the ones who buy it from other countries. But they cant completely control it, the sellers have more control.

  191. Yes, I believe that federal government can influence the price of gas. I think they can influence it, but i do not think they can do anything about it. They could come up with all these ideas on how to lower gas prices and to help people save more money on it but i do not think they can actually change the prices of the gas. someone else is responsible for that.

  192. I think they do have influence on the as prices. They use some of the money they get from the gas prices for other problems with the economy.

  193. I think the Government can. They can start new oil rigs in other countries that are rich in oil, and they would be able to get more oil, and reduce the price.

  194. I’m pretty sure they can, because i think its like half the price of gas is from taxes, so yeah they government has a big part in what the price of gas is. I don’t think they should be allowed to influence the price of gas, but i guess they are just gonna do what they want.

  195. i do not thing the federal government can influence the price of gas because they will just misuse the process and mess everything up.another reason for this is because they could make the gas prices skyrocket even if nothing has happened with the gas/oil. I personally think that the company’s that own the gas/oil plants should be in charge of the price on the gas so that no government has control over what they do.

  196. I don’t think that the government can really influence the price of gas. It depends on how much oil really is, and if they were to try to change that then it would just cause more problems.

  197. I believe that the central government has an influence on gas prices because they are important.

  198. This whole gas thing is getting really stupid. Gas is too high my fellow Americans we are all aware of this hot political topic. It is dumb. They are too high and they need to be lower, matter fact i don’t really care who does it, this is an on going crisis that must be put to an end….it’s destiny….

  199. Yes the government should influence the price of gasoline. All of the Arab nations like Saudi Arabia horde the oil and drive the price up. I think that the U.N should get involved in this matter. I personally think that we should give up on fossil fuels, and invest in clean re-usable energy.

  200. I do think the government can influence the price of gas. The government can influence gas prices by allowing more production locally, by letting more businesses drill for oil. Another way to lower the cost of energy is use other fuels, like natural gas. The United States has one of the largest supplies of natural gas, and it is much cleaner and more efficient than oil. Lowering the amount of regulations on drilling rights will lower prices. An increased supply makes the price lower for consumers. Another benefit of producing energy resources is the economic benefit. Natural gas production can create up to 1 million jobs, which helps the weak economy.

  201. I do think the federal government can influence gas prices. The federal goverment is in control and i think if they really put time into it they could lower gas prices.

  202. I think, as much as it in a way, hurts, to give the government means of production, which is very close to Socialism, it seems to be the best way to handle something of so much value, and need. Companies may not be able to keep up with demands, and may be too expensive to maintain running a company that size, gaining not much profit.

  203. I think that the government should have a partial influence on the price of gas, but only if they are going to lower the gas prices, and not make them higher.

  204. Yes,i think that the federal government can influence gas prices.The government. Also 5 dollars a gallon makes me sick to my stomach.The u.s. needs to do something about this.I think if everyone stopped buying things in the gas station the gas station will lower gas money.

  205. I think that the government can influence gas prices to an extent. They can do this by making certain treaties with other oil wealthy nations that are not under some sort of restrictions. For instance find a oil wealthy nation and be like we will buy 80% of our oil from you if the price is reduced to a certain number.
    Also it’s the government that would decide if we wanted to drill for our own oil in America. By doing that we could bring gas prices down.

  206. I think that the government can have an influence on the price of gas because they can control how much money is brings in. The government can take control of the price of gas and make it more affordable for people. When gas prices are cheaper then people feel they can travel more which helps out other industries also. If the government could influence the gas prices to become lower then it could help out other areas of the economy.

  207. I think there should be a change in the gas price, but a lower change instead of higher. I think it will help our economy save money and change to price on gas otherwise the gas prices will get too high and people cant get to there job or home…ect.

  208. I don’t think they can because gas still costs money to be made and shipped around the world. It would mess things up financially trying to raise gas prices like that and then other countries may not import gas to us.

  209. i think that the government can have a little amount of the control of the price of gas because they are the ones that tell how you how much the prices are. The little gas that we are getting means the more higher the prices are. the government would rather have us pay than them so that they aren’t losing more money.

  210. i think that the government can have a certain amount of control over the price of gasoline because they are the ones that can negotiate how much and where they get the gas from. since they are not getting gas from the middle east the gas prices have gone up drastically and that is upsetting the US citizens. The government needs to get over their issues and cut the citizens some slack, we pay them enough money as is, we don’t need to give them even more money for gas.

  211. Yes i think they do because they are the ones who buy it from other countries so they decide how much our country should be paying for it.

  212. I think the president & federal government can effect gas prices, they just don’t choose to.Gas effects everything, if gas costs more, its likely that people will walk or ride bikes to work due to a lack of money

  213. Our government can influence gas prices they choose not to because they get money to pay for the transportation of the gas from us.

  214. Yes, I do think that the government can influence the gas prices. They have the power to do almost anything, so they should be able to do something as simple as lowering the gas prices.

  215. I don’t think that the government can go out and directly change the prices of gas but i think that they can help with them. They can give support for things to help reduce the coast but they cant do much more. What they need to due is try and find a new cheaper ful to replace fosial foils as much as possible to help.

  216. Yes, the federal government can influence the gas price but the they don’t want to change it cause they get more money.

  217. I think the government could influence the prices of gas but not easily. The U.S. imports a lot of the gas we use. Therefore, they cannot really change that price but we could try and rely more on the gas we have here.

  218. no i don’t think they should raise gas prices just because of the Presidential candidates.

  219. Yes, i think the government can influence the price on gas because we actually have more then enough gas in America for everyone but they are saving just in case other countries run out of gas to be “smart.” They could easily just lower gas prices and use some of the gas we have stored now but not all just in case something does happen instead of giving other countries our money and us spending more to drive. It’s ridiculous!

  220. I do think that the government can have an influence on the price of gas, they have so much of an influence that they can manipulate the price for there own personal gain. Much like how Obama didnt pass the bill for the oil pipeline which means there is less of a supply of oil, and in A CAPITALIST SOCIETY more supply means that the price goes down. Also Obama says that drilling more oil in the united states will not affect the price of oil but that is not true in a capitalist society, more supply equals less cost.

  221. I don’t think that the federal government can influence the gas prices because if they could they would have a long time ago. Also no one really wants to because it would be really expensive so they don’t try.

  222. I don’t think the government has enough influence on gasoline to effect the price. The rising price is due to the conflict in the middle east where we import most of our oil. The best thing we can do right now is go electric, it’s a field of energy where we have more control over the price and how much is produced inside the country

  223. No, because the government is not putting the price on gas. The pricing is coming from the country that we are getting the oil from like Israel. If things were going better in the country that we are getting it from the price would definitely drop down to $3 and below

  224. I think that the federal government can influence the price of gas, it’d just be expensive for them, so no one really wants to try. I think that if they don’t lower the prices, though, no one is going to buy gas anymore and so it wouldn’t be needed. The federal government would end up having to decrease the gas prices, otherwise the whole government would lose money because no one wants to pay that much for a gallon of gas.

  225. i think they do have an influence on the gas price, They could make a law that gas prices cant rise above a certain point or that you can only sell your gas at a specific amount.

  226. I do think the government can affect the price of gas. I think they should try very hard to lower gas prices by negotiating with the countries that sell the gas to us.

  227. I think that the government can partially influence the price in gas. The government uses the money that we pay for gas to do what they want to do with it instead of using their own money. But on the other hand, ever since the oil spill we have had troubles with the gas prices because it takes more to get more gas and will coast more money to get.

  228. I think control over gas prices is a constant struggle, even for the federal government. They can try to put restrictions and regulations on the sale of it but in the end those who buy and sell it are in control of the prices citizens pay. They can easily come up with an excuse as to why the price is so high and the federal government can’t argue with it without proof that it’s unnecessary.

  229. Yes, i think that the government can influence the price of gas. They influence a lot of other things in our life, why not gas? They can make laws or find ways that they wont be so high. Some people in this country can’t even afford food, and they sure wont be able to afford 5$ gallon gas.

  230. Yes, I do think that the government can influence the price of gas. I think that the price can be managed based upon where and who we buy our oil from. If we buy from enemies, of course the price will be high. One way that I think we could really lower to the prices would be to decide to start drilling for oil out west in Wyoming, California, Alaska, and others. If we do this, gas would become very cheap because we can set our own price. Government officials claim that this is a bad idea because they are saving it for “a rainy day”. Here is what i say- Native Americans are already drilling on their land, so if we don’t start, it will eventually run out anyway.

  231. Yes, I think that the government can influence the price of gas that the state has. They just don’t want to spend more money so then we have to spend more. It is their state so they can do what they want. If we lose money, the state has to fix the gas and get more money back up. The government should try and give more money to states JUST for gas prices. The less gas the more people can go places, the more people that go places, the more jobs, the more money, the more taxpayers, the more money back to the state and the government. And the chain starts over again.

  232. i think the government needs to lower the gas prices because right now the prices are being influenced to increase and prices over 4$ a gallon should not be allowed.

  233. yes i think the government can do that because it is their state so they can do what ever they want with it.

  234. I don’t think that the government can influence the price because it is all about need and demand, you have to equal out both of those to get the price. If you drop the price, then you will be in debt, if you raise the price you will have more poor families, It is all about equaling those to out.

  235. i think the government cant controll the price of gas because it costs to much for the big companies to buy and they would be losing money whenever they sold gas.
    i think the obly way to reduce the prices of gas are for forign companies stop charging so much because other people cant afford it

  236. I think that the government can influence the price of gas. The can use resources in our country instead of buying from other countries and result in a lower price.

  237. In the past couple years, gas prices have shot up to an average of $3.84 per gallon. Gas prices are a hot topic for political debates and campaigns, and each candidate has their own idea on how to lower gas prices. I think it’s hard for the federal government to influence the price of gas, since the majority of the gas we use is imported from overseas. The only way I can see them helping is by lowering or repealing existing tariffs on gas or lowering prices on domestic oil.

  238. i think the government should influence gas prices because they would be lower and i don’t want to grow up with $6.00 gas prises.

  239. Yes I think the government can do something about gas prices, but will they? No. They don’t want to waste their precious money to help the U.S. economy. They could spend just a little bit of money to lower gas prices and they’d be getting more money in return because people could finally afford gas.

  240. Do you think that the federal government can influence the price of gas? If so, how? If not, why not?
    I DO think that the “feds” should be able to influence the gas prices because I think they will lower them! To Me, as a driver with my own car, that would be very helpful!

  241. I think the government can determine how much gas will cost, they tell the country that they will not buy the oil over a certain price, then what we don’t get from them we can use our own oil.

  242. I think they can put an idea in the companies heads but i dont believe that they will change the gas prices just because the government tells them to. I believe that they will do what they believe is “right” and try to decrease the gas prices.

  243. I think the government can do something to make the gas prices go down, and they can do this by having some sort of pack that is against the high prices, then it should be lowered.

  244. Yes i think the president can make a difference in gas prices. They can by putting bills against it.

  245. yes can but if they wont they can mace the gas were it did barn rely fast or they can mace a car that it get more G.P.M but the car only wont to make new car

  246. I do think they can because they have that power. It dose not need to be $4.00 for a gal of gas. That’s way to high. They could bring it down back to $2.00 or $2.50 for a gal of gas. They need to find somewhere else to but it form.

  247. they can but they cant at the same time. the government can just put regulations on the price but they cant just strait up tell the gas staitions how much the gas should be. and most of the prices come from supply and demand of the oil, the middle east has raised the price for there oil so when the U.S buys the oil for more and in turn makes the price high all together.

  248. I do think the government can influence the price of gas. Even though the president hasn’t been able to change the gas price rising for as long as its been high, that doesn’t mean that they can’t make a change now. If we don’t give someone a try to help try and fix the insane prices, who will we know? They can make better connections with the places we get our gas from, or come up with a way to not use so much gas (electric cars). If people want to use less gas, try going electric, but the downside is that they are expensive.

  249. I agree with president Obama, the candidates running for the republican race, say, they can solve the high gas price issue, but they can’t. They only want your vote and that’s why I like president Obama’s honesty when he says there is no solution. The government can only do so much when it comes to gas prices, because they don’t have control over how much money it’s sold for. Hopefully, the U.S. preforms so magic voodoo that makes the gas prices go down.

  250. yes i think they can influence the price of gas. The reason why is they could talk to other country’s to get them to lower it.

  251. I think the government can change the price but they need to have a reason they cant just say on day alright all gas stations gas is going to be raised today. Most of the prices come from the supply of oil we get and the middle east raised the price for oil. But i think they can change the price of gas.

  252. I don’t really know a lot about what the federal government does but since they’re part of the government then i guess they would have an influence on the price of gas.

  253. I do but i don’t at the same time i feel that the oil companies have more places to go but the government doesn’t in fores it so they don’t have to worry about it until they get told that they have to do it. But the government cant say they the oil industry has to lower prices because they can say that they don’t have anywhere else to drill and they are trying to save up on it.

  254. They should just lower the gas prices because some American citizens cant afford that, and from that outcome they don’t have gas to get to their jobs and if they cant get to work, then they cant get money, and more than likely they will get fired, and that will raise the unemployment rate in America.

  255. I think they can cause the government controls taxing on items and gas is one of them. When they tax items there prices goes up. Also through indirect ways they influence the price through the wars going on.

  256. I think that they can but not a lot. they can make better negotiations with other countries that sell us gas and we can drill for our own gas, but it would cost a lot of money to build drills and the president could also not be able to make better deals.

  257. The politicians sometimes act like they have more control over it than they do,They could lower the price, but if the gas itself is getting more expensive to pump or ship then it would be an awful idea. The only way we could fix this is to somehow make oil more obtainable, which we have almost no control over

  258. I don’t really think they can influence the gas price. Obama said that they can fix the gas prices and just say its gonna be $2 because its hard to promise that. They say it just because they want your vote. The price depends on how much we get it for so the gas price only rises cause other countries.

  259. I think that the federal government can influence the price of gas. Because it is now because of them that they re so high up, so obviously they have control over it, so why not lower it to help out Americans that can’t afford such expensive gas.

  260. I believe that the federal government can influence the prices of gas. There is plenty of gas in the mid-west and we could start to use that. Gas prices will only knock down the economy more, and so we have to do something about it. Eventually if the gas prices continue to rise with everything else then the U.S. will no longer be a first world country. Another problem we have is the government and officials promising to do certain things that they cannot do. Then we trust them and the government knock down the economy more. Gas prices lately have become a problem with more and more Americans. When i’m in the store, more now i will hear parents and other adults talking about how they can only afford certain things and i see coupons being used more. Back when the gas prices were under $2 everyone lived a pretty normal if not good life, and now we are slowly loosing the things we own. Gas prices are a huge contributor to that because we all use gas so much in our lives and everyday to get to work, mow our lawns, and to power smaller items we use.

  261. I think that they can’t make them up or down in price the reason why I think that is that if gas gets harder to find they need to make the prices go up to get enough money to pay for the things they need to get to find gas. That is what I think.

  262. I don’t think the Federal government can influence the price of gas, because the gas ins’t coming from them, it’s coming from the oil company’s. I think the oil company’s should be deciding how much gas is. I mean maybe the Federal government can have some say in it, just by helping with deciding the gas prices, but that’s about it.

  263. The government can do whatever to lower the prices but you never know what they will do. They can lower or just keep raising them.

  264. I don’t think the federal government can influence the price of gas. The prices of gas depend on what other countries sell there oil for because the government has to make a profit so they sell it for a lot of money. I just hope the gas prices are down by the time I drive!

  265. the government could change the price by getting oil by ourselves not buying it off foreign country’s.

  266. People already have enough problems with money, so the prices of gas going up isn’t helping out anyone. I think they could influence the prices of gas by paying them a little more money for the gas and lower it for us.

  267. I think the federal government can influence gas prices. They could do this by using more local sources of petroleum. They could also tax gas less. We could also negotiate with the middle eastern oil suppliers for lower prices or trade something in return for the oil.

  268. Yes they can they can the can use the oil we have in america and use the pipeline from Alaska to US so then gas prices will go down.

  269. I think the government can influence the price of gas by controlling who they trade with. I’m sure the people that sell the oil, need the money, just as much as we need the oil. Maybe an agreement could be worked out to help lower the prices.

  270. No, I don’t think the president can influence the price of gas. I think this because the president cannot say how much gas is and how much the oil will cost.

  271. Yes, i do believe the federal government can influence the price of gas. They have the choice and so does the president. it is the president’s jobs to make big decisions and gas is one of the biggest ones out there. with the way the economy is right now, gas should be lowered just for now at least. it would give people a chance to save money.

  272. I think there really is no great fix to the issue and like Obama said people who say there is and say it will be quick are only hurting the economy more and it not being true. Also the gas prices are only rising with the rise of oil prices so we need to fix those before we even think about gas. And they should make more gas efficient cars and make them cheaper for people to afford.

  273. i don’t think the federal government can influence the price of gas. he price of gas all depends on what other countries set their prices at. the US government can only influence the price of gas if the other counties set their price for oil lower.

  274. I think the government can influence the price of gas. They can cut back on other stuff and lower the gas price. They control the costs of other things, so they will have enough money to buy the gas and lower the price for everyone.

  275. I think that if they say they lower gas prices and the people believe them well that’s fine but you would have to tell the people how you would do because just saying it isn’t gonna do much.

  276. I think that the country has a certain price they sell the gas and the U.S has to sell it at a certain price to get the money they paid the other country back. So no i dont think that the government can influence the price of the gas.

  277. I think that if they find a problem to the rising of gas prices they can figure out what to do different. If they didn’t use the gas for things tat don’t do anything it would cut down the price of gas.

  278. honestly i dont think they can becasuse i know no one likes the gas prices so if they could do something about it they already would have with out hesitation but then again theirs always how did they get so high in the first place the world may never know

  279. Yes, i believe that they can influence the price of gas in their state. They just dont feel the need to take on the burden of doing it and spending the money.

  280. I don’t think that the government can influence the amount of money gas cost. i think that that depends on how hard it is to get the oil out of the ground at how much people want to make off of it.

  281. yeah they can a little bit.by cuting down on the tax on the gas and they can try to find other natral fules for your car.

  282. yes, he who controls oil shipments controls gas prices. irans government controls alot of oil shipments and, because of recent events, they are charging alot of money

  283. i think that the government can put a price cap on gas and say if gas prices go past this limit you get shut down. or the government could get their oil from a different company.

  284. i say yes, they can be wanting more money to pay off debts that they owe to other countries, and due to that, we Americans haft to pay almost 5.00 for gas.

  285. I think the federal government can influence the president to lower gas prices. With lower gas prices more jobs would be available because people would be able to afford gas to get to their job.

  286. I don’t think that the federal government has that much influence on the price of gas because it is all produced in other countries. That gas is sold for a certain number of dollars a gallon to gas station companies and then sold to the consumer. I think the only way we are going to get cheaper gas is if we start drilling for more oil in the United States instead of relying so much on other countries.

  287. They do influence the prices because not a lot of people want to leave or can because they dont have the gas or the money to buy it.

  288. yes i think the federal government can lower the price of gas because they have the power to do that and if gas was lower then it is now people would be out of their houses more.

  289. I think that the government should have a huge influence on what gas we use. They should also consider some of the citizens ideas and opinions.

  290. I don’t think the federal government can influence the price of gas because it depends on how much the oil is. He may have control over a lot of things, but i just don’t think he can change that, or that the owners would let him.

  291. yes they can at lest make it so the people that are selling it knows what they should sell it at. maybe by making a law that gas should be under three dollars.

  292. I think the government should influence the price of gas, because lots of people are not going out as much because they don’t want to pay almost $5.00 a gallon for gas. They should lower the prices so more people will be out and about getting what they need to get.

  293. Yes, I think that the government can influence the price in gas that the state has. They just don’t want to spend more money so they have us do it for them. It is their state so they can do what they want. They would rather have us loose money than them loose money.

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