CNN Blog – March 26, 2012

President Obama recently visited the DMZ (demilitarized zone) which is the area that separates North and South Korea. While in South Korea the president was in talks discussing nuclear arms and material. North Korea was one of the countries identified by President Bush in 2003 as being a part of the “Axis of Evil” along with other countries such as Iran and Iraq. Leaving many to believe they should not be allowed to have nuclear weapons.

Your Question: Should the United States and its allies be able to prevent other countries such as North Korea and Iran from having nuclear capabilities (the ability to have nuclear power and nuclear weapons). 

If yes, why?

If no, why not?

About Mr. Moore

Professional Educator

363 comments on “CNN Blog – March 26, 2012

  1. Yes, we should be able to because the could be planning something dangerous.

  2. Yes I think that the United States should limit other countries nuclear power only if they believe that it is of a real concern to them.

  3. I think that we should be allowed to partially decide whether or not a country is allowed to obtain nuclear power but it isn’t really our choice. If we had proof that these countries would misuse nuclear power to harm other then i believe that we should have complete control over whether or not they get to use nuclear power.

  4. The United Sates should be able to prevent other countries like North Korea from having nuclear capabilities. I think that because other countries ‘good ideas’ might hurt another one in some way. If the US wanted to do something with nuclear capabilities North Korea or Iran might not approve wither. You also have to think about the safety of others.

  5. No, we should not take away the nuclear power. The power may actually not be used for weapons (though it is most likely). All countries have their rights. We cannot become the world’s police. However, we should keep a watchful eye on them. It simply isn’t right to take away something from another country. Who gave us the right to do that?

  6. If the United States wants to stop every country from their own nuclear plans, It might end up being a war. They might think that the U.S government is not minding their own business, and may lead to chaos. If a country, Korea for example, wants to make something nuclear, The U.S needs to set a plan, and make it a top secret plan, so they won’t know when the U.S will strike and affect the Nuclear plan

  7. I don’t think that just we should have the decision. It should be a vote within the U.N. Also if they vote that the country in question should not have the nuclear program and they don’t stop when everyone tells them to we take them out. I mean we just totally blast them. It would be Gnarlicular. The main point is that you have to have a vote on it with other countries and not just us can decide.

  8. Yes, the United States and its allies should be able to prevent other countries such as North Korea and Iran from having nuclear capabilities because they could be planning an attack against another country. And if they were then it would be right to stop them from building nuclear weapons that would lead to death and war. Even though countries have their rights to do certain things, there should be a restriction on certain things that all countries do.

  9. I think that we shouldn’t have the right to stop a country from having nuclear power/weapons. That would be like a country coming to us and stopping us from having things that can help us. Also, if we did that, we could start another war. So I say we should just ask them to only use it if they are being attacked. Cause then, we wouldn’t have to worry so much on if they are going to attack us or others and start another war.

  10. No, I don’t believe they should be able to because we once fought Britain to gain freedom so that they couldn’t tell us what do to so who are we to take rights away from them?

  11. yes i think they should only if we use them right tho if we just use them to start a war and just to kill a lot of people then no i don’t but if we use them right them i think we should have them

  12. Your Question: Should the United States and its allies be able to prevent other countries such as North Korea and Iran from having nuclear capabilities (the ability to have nuclear power and nuclear weapons).

    No they should not be able to do that or have control over it. They have their own rights just as we do. We can’t prevent them because we do not have the right to stop them at what they are doing. Why dose the U.S want to control everyone and everything but say that we have freedom and they don’t.

    • I agree. We don’t have the right. Nobody prevented us in making nuclear power/weapons. Why should we prevent them?

  13. i think that we should be able to cause then if we don’t they would try to use it agents use and that would not be good and other people that would want to use it they would use it fro war and if we don’t try to stop them their would be a war going on

  14. The Unites States should be able to prevent countries from using nuclear power if we can prove that they are going to use it to make nuclear weapons. If the country is only going to use it for energy then they should be able to use it. Having nuclear weapons only causes problems and wars.

  15. i don’t think so because they can do what they want to do and i don’t think we can stop them even if they do have one.why would we want to go over there and try to stop them.

  16. I think that we should be able to because that would be a big risk for us. we should stop them from making nuclear weapons. But if it will be a big risk we shouldn’t so it.

  17. I think we should be able to prevent other countries from having nuclear power. All nuclear power has ever really caused is pain and disaster on other countries. Nuclear power is not something to be messed with on any level.

  18. Yes. U.S. and its allies should be able to control other countries because they will blow our brains out. WE WILL get blown up if we don’t act now. It may have taken Iran 60 more years to figure out a nuke but now they have one. We should just stop them before they kill us all. North Korea is risky to because they don’t like anyone. Steer clear USA!

  19. We should because all of the other countries are not trusted with nuclear capabilities except for us. We have been in battle with the other countries which that’s the main reason we shouldn’t trust them with nuclear capabilities, we only had to have a nuclear situation once because we had to end the war, and there wasn’t any way except for dropping the nuclear bomb on Japan.

  20. I believe that America and other countries should have the ability to have a say in whether or not a a country could have nuclear power and nuclear plants. This is so that there is no suspicion, no wars breaking out, and things are “safe.” If America did not have a say in this situation it could be bad for both America and the other country.

  21. i think we should have some power. Like if we had proof that they were trying to use them against other countries then we could have an effect, but if there is no proof then there is no power.

  22. I don’t think they should be able to prevent them from having nuclear capabilities. They shouldn’t be able to do this because that is not their country to control what does and doesn’t happen inside there. That country should be able to do what it wants to do. Although they can control if they do or don’t have it they can.

  23. Unless the country is going to use its nuclear weapons for evil purposes like terrorism, I think that other countries should be allowed to have nuclear capabilities. However if The world suspects bad things to happen because of a nuclear weapon, then the U.S should not allow them to have a Nuclear weapon.

  24. yeah i think they do. They should because we wouldn’t want to have a nuclear war or something because they don’t trust us or something. If they do that then they would kill people who are innocent for no reason.

  25. yes but only to a point, i think if they are both thinking seriously about having a nuclear war, that us, america should try to talk and persuade them not to,and if they don’t listen we should physically do something.. Other than that i don’t think we should get involved because we have other things to worry about.

  26. I think that we should be able to prevent other countries from having nuclear power. I think this because it has never turned out well and if bad things happened it could lead to devastation in more then just that country, and it is also a really big risk for many countries.

  27. I don’t think we have a say in whether they should or shouldn’t get nuclear weapons. If they need them, then they need them. It’s not our decision.

  28. I don’t think that the United States should try to interfere with other countries nuclear capabilities unless we fell a major threat from it towards our country or our allies countries. The United States doesn’t need to know whats going on with it just because. They might just be using it for nuclear power.

  29. I think yes they should be able to, because they are most likely going to use the nuclear power on other countries. Yes its a totally different country but the United States should be able to protect our country like banding the other countries from having nuclear power.

  30. I think that we should be able to prevent other countries from having nuclear power. I think this because all it has ever done is bring pain and devastation to countries. Something like that is not meant to be messed with and should be left alone. I think every country would be better off with out it.

  31. Yes, cause if there was all kinds of bombs heading our direction and we knew we could have done something to stop it. Then i think the U.S would feel very stupid for not stopping it or at least watching what they were doing.

  32. I don’t think that the USA should be able to control whether or not other countries can create nuclear weapons. If thy start to use these nuclear weapons as a threat and it is a must do situation then we can stop other countries, but only then. We are not in charge of the world

  33. The Unites States should be able to prevent countries from having nuclear power if we can prove that they are going to use it for nuclear weapons. If they are only going to use it for energy then they should be able to use it. Having nuclear weapons only causes problems and wars.

  34. I think that it depends on the situation. If we have evidence that these activities are going on and that they’re lying about it, we should be able to put a restriction on them for everyone’s health, but if we don’t have evidence and these are just speculations we shouldn’t be making it into something that it’s not.

  35. I don’t think we should really interfere because it is not our choice. We should only get involved if we feel a threat.

  36. yes as long as we new for sure that they wouldn’t use them on us or to start a war with some one

  37. Its a big risk with the nuclear weapons I do not think it would be a good idea in my opinion. Could not a nuclear exploitation like kill all of us? sooo why would we want anyone to actually use that? but its not out choice its the wars choice and so there is nothing we can do about it. They should be able to prevent the other countries from using them.

  38. I don’t think the United States should get so involved with other countries. This is because in the past we have been over seas in Korea when we don’t need to. I think that we should let other countries deal with themselves because if we keep on getting so involved we are going to keep on having more wars. This will also lead to more tension to other countries and more countries not appreciating, what we do?

  39. I think that we should have the power to say that counties like Iran shouldn’t have the power of nuclear weapons. Manly because they would wage war on other smaller countries. Also it keeps things even between other countries.

  40. Yes, i think its the right thing to have the United States and its allies to prevent other countries rights to have nuclear capabilities, because if we don’t have permission to control that the other countries will most likely come and attack us!

  41. I think we should be able to because, if we don’t then they could attack us . Also if something goes wrong with the nuclear weapon, it would affect our whole world and other countries as well .

  42. I do not think we should be allowed to control the weapons other countries have. We have nuclear weapons so why would we hold back other countries having them. It will be really dangerous for them to have these bombs but we shouldn’t be allowed to say if they can have them also or not.

  43. No, i think the United States should not be able to control what other countries have or do. We wouldnt want another country saying what we can do and what we cant. We should just worry about ourselves i think.

  44. i think they should. all together they could take all the progress from these countries using the war method. they could come and take it or destroy it. this could create a risk for the U.S. and other countries.

  45. I think that no country should be aloud to have nuclear capabilities. If all countries had them then there would be wars like WWI and WWII all the time. So no country deserve the right to having nuclear weapons.

  46. yes as long as we new for sure that they wouldn’t use them on us or to start a war

  47. I think we should because it is to the betterment of mankind and not just us, if they did launch a rocket that could reach outer space that would mean that they could also arm them with nuclear warheads and that could possibly mean the end to the world as we know it

  48. I think that if the U.S feels that other countries are for sure making nuclear weapons then they should try and stop it because none of there own government will try and stop it because they do not care. But it is all of ones countries responsibility to stop any thing like this to ever happen.

  49. i think that they should not be able to tell someone else to have something if they have it them self.

  50. Yes, the U.S. and it allies should be able to control other countries nuclear abilities. It could lead to a threat to the U.S. if we don’t. It was also give them a higher chance to win a war against us if it ever comes down to it.

  51. I think that the us and its allies should have a say in but they should not be able to just say that other countries cannot have a nuclear programs. i think that the countries around the one that want to have a nuclear program should have more of a say than others.

  52. I believe we should be able to say that they can or can’t have nuclear devices because if a war breaks out and one of them are involved, they could just use that and destroy half the world. Plus we are also not so friendly with those countries so taking away their nukes could be a good thing.

  53. The United States should be able to prevent countries from having nuclear capabilities if we can prove that they will use it to cause harm. If the country is going to use the nuclear power just for energy then they should be allowed to use it. Having nuclear weapons only causes problems and wars.

  54. Yes, to make sure that we can stay safe. Also, only to a certain point. We can’t try to completely control them.

  55. We should be able to because we dont want them attacking us with the missiles I also think that this would cause people would get mad at us.

  56. Yes, We don’t want them being stupid.
    Using it on us or anyone else there will probably be no mercy.

  57. no because they have the right to do what they want.

    • NO they could use it on us or they could blow their own people up! THAT’S NOT GOOD! So they should be no nw in iran or korea

    • yeah, but if they’re going to effect others in a negative way then they should be stopped.

    • Yeah, but would you rather die because with them having nuclear power they are going to use it on other countries like the United States,.

  58. yes and no if we have hard evidence that it will do us or another country harm then we should be able to stop them. If we dont have any proof then no.

    • Good answer. In the case of Iran (or is it Iraq? Whichever one we are in right now), their leader has said that he wishes to bomb Israel off the face of the earth. I would say that is sufficient proof.

  59. i dont think they should be able to have nuclear weapons because there on the list of bad guys for a reason so they have a chance to bomb and hurt other people):

  60. I’m on the edge for both opinions. The reason why I would say yes, is because the safety of the U.S, and also other citizens in the world. I don’t think there should be any reason to have Nuclear weapons what so ever.

    However, i would say no, because who is the U.S. to tell another country they can’t have weapons. No, it’s not necessary to have weapons that can pretty much blow up the whole earth, but it’s not in our position to be in control of that.

  61. i dont think that other countries should have nuclear powers and weapons because if they just use it for war we do not need anymore war(sorry this is soo short i wrote a lot before but i accidently deleted it)

  62. I think that we should be able to prevent nuclear power in other countries. If we don’t prevent this, we could have a risk of other countries bombing us with their nuclear power. This might end up back-firing though. It might be a bad idea if this puts the U.S. in danger.

    • I agree that any country having nuclear power is a potential danger to the U.S. I also agree that if we try to prevent them from having it though that it could seriously back fire and make them want to go to war.

  63. Yea we should stop them before they get nuclear power.

  64. No, the United States should not be able to control what other countries can have or what they can’t have. Because they’re their own nation and it wouldn’t be right to control their government activities.

  65. I believe that this is totally far, considering that the other countries are threats to America’s safety and because we over power them, taking advantage of our rights and ideas is a fair thing to do. This is only even more justified when we feel that our safety is in jeopardy.

  66. I do think that we should be able to take away their power of having nuclear power. It may take time to take it over and it could be dangerous for sure. Also, they could always use their power against us.

  67. Yes, we should limit the amount of nuclear weapons that other countries have. We should because, if they just keep building them up, they might use them on us or some other country.

  68. Personally I think the United States and it’s allies should not be allowed to control whether or not other countries have nuclear weapons. I think those countries should be able to do what they want just like us, United States, would want to have their own choices. This may be dangerous, however people have their rights to be free. Also if we try to get involved and tell them what they need to do this may lead to a war which would be even worse. Overall i think that we should just let them do what they want.

  69. yes we should be able to because they are probably gonna blow us up if we dont because they hate us and they probably want to blow us up because of wht we did to bin laden

  70. I think that the US should not keep them away. Because if we have them they should have them too. It’s not fair that some have them and some don’t. I also think that all countries should have them.

  71. I don’t think the United States should be able to stop them from having missiles because it will just make them mad. I don’t want them to be mad because then it will start a nuclear war and that won’t turn out well. So it is probably best we stay out of this so we don’t all get killed.

  72. i believe that The United States should be able to warn them of any acts on them if they launch nuclear weapons. Now can they stop them no because if they want to do that a war will have to break out. So their countries have their decision on if they want war or if they want to launch nuclear weapons

  73. I think that we should be able to stop them from having nuclear weapons because they will probably do something stupid with them like blow up the U.S. So we should be able to tell them that they can’t have those weapons.

  74. i do not think that the United states should be able to control whether they have nuclear power or not. countries have their rights and should be able to decide if they want to use it or not. Also if we say they cant they might get mad and use the power against us.

  75. I do think we should have some what of a say in the other countries having nuclear capabilities. If they need them for war purposes there’s a chance that the nuclear weapons could be used towards us. If we are able to have a say in theirs, then it would only be fair for them to have a say in ours. If that is not possible, then I think each country should only have it open to themselves.

  76. Yes, because we have to protect our own safety and we cannot trust anyone or any country out there to be honest or true. We have to defend ourselves and protect us.

  77. I do not think the United States should get involved with other countries and their rights. If we had nuclear weapons it would not be a problem at all. If another country came and told us that we are not allowed to have these things a war would break out because they have no control over it and no right to say what we can and cannot have because it is our country. Same thing goes for them. We have no right to tell them what they can own. It’s very unnecessary to get involved.

  78. I do think America and it’s allies should be able to prevent countries like North Korea and Iran from having nuclear weapons. Right now Iran and North Korea have unstable governments and are unpredictable. They could abuse their nuclear weapons.

  79. i don’t think that we should have any control over what other countries do but we can try to keep us safe without blowing us up.

  80. I think they should just because we havn’t been able to trust these countries in the past and we’ve went to war with one of them. I think we should just have other big countries agree that if any of those countries develop nuclear weapons, that we all go in their countries and level them. They can’t attack us if theres no one left.

  81. i agree chlosiff

  82. No, i don’t think we should be able to do that. we shouldn’t get involved with other countries, it could start a new war. its to dangerous.

  83. I do not think that we should get involved. If we do, that would just cause more problems with our own country. We need to just stay out of it and let the other countries handle it.

  84. I don’t think that we should get involved with other countries nuclear capabilities. Unless they are targeting the United States, then we can go and try to shut it down. I just don’t think we need to handle other problems right now.

  85. I feel that the U.S. should be able to control other countries nuclear WEAPON capabilities . But if the nuclear research is just for power let them be. If the project turns into a weaponazation i feel we have a responsibly to the world to prevent them building the weapon.

  86. let them go and do the program. why cant they do that!? see if they are doing what doing and if not i just don’t know .

  87. I think that it is a good idea. I think that if North Korea, China. etc got ahold of nuclear weapons they would use them against us.

  88. yes becuase they can attack us and that would start a war and we don’t need anymore fighting… i hate fighting i don’t why we all cant be nice and not hurt millions of people cuz the government cant agree on something.

  89. I don’t think they U.S. and its allies should prevent other countries from having nuclear capabilities. Instead the U.N. should be in charge of deciding if a country should have nuclear capabilities. This would be good because it was lessen tension between the U.S. and other countries.

  90. I think that the US should not prevent other countries from having nuclear weapons. It isn’t fair that some countries can have nuclear weapons and other cant. I also think that ALL countries shouldn’t have nuclear weapons at all, the only thing they do is cause conflict.

  91. yes because it will make the world safer. less nuclear problems mean less overall problems. this is a fact that we should have

  92. i don’t think that the U.S. should get involved with other countries businesses. If they aren’t hurting us then why should we just take away something from then when maybe all they are doing is protecting themselves. But if they start to use the weapons against us I think we should step in and take the nuclear weapons away from them. We should be able to protect our people.

  93. I don’t think that the United States and its allies should prevent North Korea and Iran from having nuclear capabilities. North Korea and Iran should be able to do whatever they want since they are not a part of the United States. The Unites States and its allies should not be involved with North Korea and Iran.

  94. yes i do think that we and other countries should not let them have nuclear weapons. i think this because i think that only america should have the nuclear weapons because we are better.

  95. I think that if we got some other countries to side with us then we should. We should not be able to tell another country no if no one is there to back us up. It is a huge risk whether we have support or not.

  96. yes we should because if we didnt a nuke can get into the wrong hands. if that where to happen then there would be nucular wars. and nukes should be conroled by the united nations not just the us withc it is.

    • I agree that it would be bad if the nukes got in the wrong hands, that it could be a big problem, but I don’t think that it is wrong for them to have nuclear power, just not nuclear weapons.

  97. Yes, I think the United States should be able to have allies to prevent other countries from having nuclear weapons/abilities. The United States needs to protect itself and its citizens, and by preventing other countries from having nuclear weapons and abilities the United States can protect itself and its citizens.

  98. If the US knows that those are dangerous, which they most likely are, we should be control them. If they start a war, everyone’s in danger.

  99. i think they should be aloud to have nuclear weapons because its not are country if they want to build them let them we need to let other country’s do what they want not what we think is right

  100. I think we should be able to. If we didn’t they would most likely take and attack us with the weapons. If it can caused someone and taking a big risk, it’s probably not the best idea.

  101. i belive if any country has nuclear weapons we must stop them from using them.if we don’t then they might launch them and they can kill a lot of people or the whole human race.

  102. The United States in my opinion should be able to prevent other countries from having nuclear programs, because it is for our safety. We cannot trust other countries all the time. Then again we can’t be babysitting other countries all the time. It’s not really any of our business

  103. Yes, Because we have no idea if hey are planing on attacking some one for some reason. we all have to be protective and care for one another safety.

  104. I don’t think we should be able to because it led to more conflict between us and those countries. I also think countries have their own decisions and we could prevent something from happening but we can’t just go into their country and tell them to stop and then start a war.

  105. I do not think that the U.S. should have a say on other countries and their nuclear power usage. They shouldn’t be able to control us in the same aspect.

    • Will you also have to put in mind that we are not in a good relationship with a few countries, and want to have a nuclear war. The next thing you know is that bombs are going off in your back yard.

  106. yes because, if we didn’t give them the writes they might come and attack us. If something goes wrong with the nuclear weapon it could effect the whole world and many people.

  107. I think the U.S. should be able to stop North Korea from using Nuclear weapons if we have other countries that agree. If they are going to use them them we should be able to take them away so they don’t harm anyone. Nuclear weapons are so powerful we need to make sure no one is going to use them.

  108. We as a nation of freedom should be able to stop other countries from murdering our people. If another country has a way to attack our country, then by all means, we should stop them. The innocent people of the United States should be able to live everyday without fear of being murdered by an enemy.

  109. I think that they have their rights to be able to build what they want because we don’t own them but the U.S. should be able to interfere with the nuclear programs if they become a safety hazard or if the other countries use them in dangerous way.

  110. My opinion is sort of in the middle on this situation. I dont think other countries should be taking part in nuclear activities but I dont think the US should get involved in other countries affairs. If they do get involved it could cause unwanted conflict and start an unnecessary wars. But I think it would be safer for everyone if we could control the power some what.

  111. i think that we should stop trying to role the world in meny ways we control ever one in the world by telling places that they cant do thing we should gist keep to our selfs in stead of giting in to ever ones stuff its bad for our world there needs to be more competing contres in stead we are leving them in the dust

  112. No the United states and its allies shouldn’t get involved in other countries things. If we can have weapons and stuff then they can too. But it also can bring problems.

  113. I think the U.S. should be able to prevent other countries from having nuclear power because if someone doesn’t the nuclear power could cause radiation. Nuclear power should be controlled because if its not other countries could make bombs and start bombing other countries like the U.S. If we don’t want our country bombed then it should be controlled.

  114. I think the united states and it allies should be able to prevent other countries from having nuclear capabilities because they could be making nuclear weapons and other things that could allow them to start war on another country. Another reason we should be aloud to prevent it is because we already have problems between us and those other countries and if they are going to use those nuclear capabilities against us, it will only make things a lot worse. I think we should go there and make sure that they aren’t using the nuclear power to make any kind of weapons before it is to late.

  115. Yes, I think that the United States should have the power to eliminate nuclear power in other countries that don’t have good intentions for its use. If we do not prevent these countries from nuclear power, we might be at risk of war. Not only can the nuclear power hurt us, but other countries also. It is a good idea to prevent the “Axis of Evil” from accessing these tools.

  116. i don’t think The United states and its allies should be able to prevent other countries from having nuclear capabilities. They should be able to have them as long as they don’t try to hurt another country’s.

  117. yes i think we should because there is a big chance that they would use them in a war and the outcome of that could be deadly. but at the same time i think they have the right to do what they want but i still think it would be a good idea if the US. prevented it.

    • Yeah i agree. If we say that they can’t have those weapons then we won’t get blown up but if we let them then i think they will use them in a war and destroy everything.

  118. I think that it would safer if we were able to control other country’s nuclear capabilities, but i don’t think we should become more involved in other countries and their nuclear capabilities.

  119. I don’t think that they should be able to have nuclear weapons because they will most likely want to use them on the USA. But it is there choice because it is there country. If we want to stop them we would have to go and fight them.

  120. Yes, i think that we should have a say on weather other countries such as North Korea should be allowed to have nuclear weapons. The nuclear weapons wouldn’t effect the country that uses them but it would effect what ever they are using it for and could kill/ injure millions of people. But i don’t think that the U.S. should get involved with this issue because we just got out of a war, and I do not think that it is a big enough matter to put millions of our soldiers lives in danger.

  121. I think we should be able to. I think this because other countries haven’t been able to stand on their own and considering the fact that the smallest things make them angry giving them nuclear weapons could be a potential threat to everyone else. And they aren’t fighting any wars, so what would they do with then anyway?

  122. I don’t really know. I guess we shouldn’t force them not to have it but we could tell them that we don’t really want them to. Like if they wanted to have a nuclear program we could just boycott some of their trading goods. If we forced them to not have nuclear programs then we would get into another war and we don’t need another war.

  123. I think that we shouldn’t get involved.

  124. I can’t really decide. Yes, because we obviously don’t want them to cause any problems or attack us, and no, because if some other country decided they wanted to have control over some of our weapons, we’d be pretty mad. So I think it’s not necessarily fair for us to control what Korea & Iran do, but it might be needed to keep them from attacking us.

  125. Yes, because this can hurt a lot of people in these two countries and it can hit other countries too. If we do not they will most likely attack us with the weapons and we don’t want that. I say yes, we should prevent other countries from having nuclear weapons because if we don’t it will effect the whole world.

  126. I think that we should be able to. People of the Axis of Evil all don’t like other countries. And North Korea might launch a Rocket to put a Satellite in space, but that rocket has to land somewhere.

  127. I think that the United States should stay out of other countries business because if we get into there’s they will come back and get into ours and then there will probably be a big fight and we don’t want that happening again so I would just stay out of it.

  128. Yes, I believe that the U.S. should have the power to prevent other counties such as North Korea from having nuclear capabilities.

  129. I think that we shouldn’t have the power to unless the safety of the United States citizens is at jeopardy. I mean we have to have some form of weapon that is just as dangerous or even more dangerous than a nuclear powered weapon. I mean what if we were the ones, would we want other countries trying to control what our armies and navies have as a defense mechanism against other countries that are a threat? No we wouldn’t. So why do that to other countries like Korea and Iran?

  130. I think that they should be able to prevent countries like Iran and North Korea from having nuclear programs because they cant be trusted because they would most likely launch a nuke at some one. I also think that if countries like Iran wont even let UN officials into there testing site or the research facility then they for sure cant be trusted. I think the North Korea is just waiting to bomb america because they have hated us ever sense we sided with the South Koreans. So if countries like those have a bad rep and cannot be trusted then they should not be allowed to posses nuclear weapons.

  131. I dont think the united states should have the power to prevent other countries from having nuclear capabilities because if the united states have nuclear capabilities or any other country, then they should be able to have them too. But it is risky because there could be a big situation.

  132. The United States and its allies should be able to prevent other countries from having nuclear weapons. If the United States does have nuclear weapons than other countries should be able to have them also.

  133. I think the United States has the right to prevent another nation from getting nuclear weapons. Certain nations should not get their hands on that kind of weaponry. It’s just not safe, for anybody in the world. If one nuke is sent flying, so many others will also, the world would be decimated. Like Syria, and North Korea, would start a war even if they couldn’t win it. They would lob a nuclear missile at another nation. Every nation would panic, thinking they would the target, and suddenly a barrage of missiles would be soaring through the air. A bad scenario for everyone on Earth.

  134. I think we should be able to because it could be a huge affect on the whole earth if they were to use it on anything, like a different country in a war.

  135. The United States and its allies should be able to prevent other countries from having nuclear capabilities, if they feel that they would be a threat to people. On the other hand they shouldn’t just be able to say that they can’t have nuclear capabilities unless they have proof that they would hurt many people.

  136. I think that the United States should be able to stop other countries from doing things with nuclear weapons just for the safety of everyone else. If we don’t it could end up putting the United States and a lot of other countries in danger because of the stupid decision of one country that is fighting with the United States.

  137. i really dont care if other countries have nuclear bombs. or any bombs for that matter if the usa can have bombs why cant they.

    • A nuclear bomb is a lot different than a normal bomd could destroy like a whole like part of the world if used so we could possibly die.. That is why other countries should not use nuclear anything for that matter.

  138. I think we should. I mean, personally, i would rather NOT be blown into oblivion. (No, that was not a Skyrim reference.)

  139. Yes because they might attack us.

  140. I think we should be able to. Were trying to keep our people and many other counties safe by doing this. I believe if they got to have nuclear weapons and nuclear power they would start a nuclear war and they would try and take over countries. They would try to imperialize countries.

  141. I think that we should be able to prevent them from having nuclear capabilities.Especially is they have used them against us for things like war.If a country has a known reputation that is bad then they should not have nuclear power in their hands because something bad could happen.

    • That is a really good reason. I think the same thing and they would use it against us to gain territory for themselves so they could eventually take over North America.

  142. they should regulate it once the countries nuclear programs reach a certain point. We need to worry about our country, not get ore noses in other countries. The countries are bad, but we could be less controlling

  143. Yes, I do think we should be able to have a say in that because nuclear power and nuclear weapons are very dangerous, and many things could go wrong very fast, even if it wasn’t supposed to. Especially since we have allies who also want to get rid of them, they should have to agree on how dangerous the nuclear power can be..

  144. I think that they should be able to because then they are protecting our well being. It is possible that the two countries could team up and destroy the U.S. If North Korea launches the satellite then everyone is in danger.

  145. Yes, because there’s a threat of them using the weapons against us. also it could start a war if they do use the weapons and more Americans will lose their lives.

  146. I think that we should be able to help out other countries. A lot of countries need our help since were the most stable one out there and they cant help themselves or do pretty much any of it on their own. We cant help them through the whole thing though that may put us into a risk that our country doesn’t need but it wouldn’t hurt to help at least a little bit.

  147. yes, if these countries are planning to strike back at another they could be up to no good.

  148. i say yes to some extent, i think if they are both thinking seriously about having a nuclear war, that us, america should try to talk to both and convince them and persuade that it is a very bad idea. Other than that i don’t think we should get involved because we have other things to worry about such as our economy.

  149. I think that America shouldn’t be able to control other countries and what they do with nuclear power because it just makes our relationship with other countries weaken.

  150. it is good if we do keep control of all of the nuclear powered stuff but it is also their decision. They had no say in if we were allowed to have our nuclear things. I think that we should let them but if they try to attack us then we will take the stuff away.

    • They didn’t have a choice, but we do. The world isn’t fair, and the strongest hold power over the other weaker nations. We have every right to prevent them from getting a nuclear weapon.

  151. Yes because the countries that we want to stop have not always had the best ideas and not had the greatest relationships with the U.S. I think that enough countries agree with the U.S we should be able to stop there progress because if we don’t it could be disastrous.

  152. No, I don’t think that they should have a say in it because they aren’t part of our country. But in another way I think we should have a say because if they try and bomb our country we can try and stop it.

  153. Well if the people who want to go nuclear and have nuclear weapons plan on using the weapons against other people not just protection then they shouldn’t have it. I think it’s best that countries like North Korea and Iran don’t have access to nuclear power because all they do is use it for bad instead of good.

  154. I think that the us should dont be able to take change of them. I think that way because they are there own countries and they independent. ‘the only thing I dont like is that if we do leve them alone they could boom us

  155. I think that we should give other countries the same rights as we give ourselves. That is the simple idea that this country was built on and I think that it still stands. I would predict that everybody having access to nuclear power would bring world peace because countries would know that they would be destroyed by other countries if they used it. But then again, that was originally how people thought of alliances and that lead to the first world war.

  156. well that a hard question the reason is the yes its a good idea cause cause it will stop these country from using nucks but at the same time say if lran goes two war with Britain then well be pulled into it.

  157. I think that we should have the power to stop other countries from building and having nuclear weapons. One because the only reason a country would want nuclear weapons is to attack other countries. They might be making the weapons for defense hut its for unlikely. We should just go in to iraq and north korea and just shut down the manufacturing of the weapons.

  158. Yes we should, because it could harm other countries and many peoples lives will be lost due to nuclear power which is not good.

  159. I think we should be able to, those countries have been very unstable in the past and the slightest things tick them off, and honestly they have no need for nuclear weapons, they aren’t fighting any wars so why do they need to have them?

  160. i think that the US should not be able to prevent other countrys from having nuclear material. its like me going over to my neighbor and saying that he can use his refrigerator. i can say that im not going to do anything for him if he uses he fridge but i cant force him not to use it. it is the exact same thing as the country is doing.

  161. If it were anything else, I would say no, but because it’s NUCLEAR WEAPONS, I say yes. The reason I say this is because if another country decides to detonate a powerful nuclear weapon, I guarantee it will affect a large part of the world, perhaps even us. They could make weapons that could devastate the entire world if they wanted to. No one should be allowed to have that, and since it would likely affect us, we should try to stop them, for everyone’s safety.

  162. As long as the other countries don’t abuse the privileges we give them, this shouldn’t be a big issue. I feel that we can let them have nuclear abilities just in case there is a big emergency.

  163. Yes, because I believe that the propagation of a nuclear war would be detrimental to all life on earth, not just to whatever countries involved. We should be able to take measures to stop any nuclear activity in dangerous or war-bound nations, such as ourselves.

  164. I think that we should because nuclear power can be very dangerous. If we didn’t have it we might get attacked. It could also prevent wars from happening because other counties wouldn’t want to get near nuclear power, well at least i wouldn’t.

  165. They should not be allowed possession of such destructive weapons, and the U.S. should change the fact that they do. It’s presumable that they are planning to start violent confrontation.

  166. i think that the united states is being greedy. they should be allowed to have nuclear weapons because, the U.S. does not own other countries and they have the right to have their own weapons. i agree with this but, the us should let them have nuclear technology as long as they don’t use it on the U.S. because the U.S. is letting them use it.

  167. Yes i think they should, if they are a threat to our safety and for everyone else then they should not have a nuclear program. I do not think it is unfair i just think it is for our own good. But if we don’t take action and we all blow up its not my fault, its what happens when bad countries be stupid and choose to be bad.

  168. I think we should stop other countries from having nuclear power. This may create problems with the other countries, that is one of the few risks. Other foreign counties like Iran, are not our allies or enemies, we are neutral in my opinion. So if we stop them from making their weapon, they will be mad at us, but they wont have a huge weapon. But if we don’t stop them and just sit and watch, when we make them mad at us, they will have a big weapon that will do a lot of damage.

  169. Yes I think so because if they didn’t I think everyone would worry all the time weather they’re going to be attacked or not also they might try and attack the U.S. I also think that if they had nuclear weapons that it would just be a constant war all the time.

  170. I don’t think that we should be able to do that, yeah it is going to put us at risk. But we have so much technology that we would out power them by far. So, i think it’s fair. Because we have just so much, they can try to out power us. But we would just destroy them.

  171. Should the United States and its allies be able to prevent other countries such as North Korea and Iran from having nuclear capabilities (the ability to have nuclear power and nuclear weapons). Well, we have Nuclear weapons, so what is stopping them from having them, Besides there is no way they are going to, just out of nowhere attack us. We have allies and they will obviously help us. We have nothing to worry about, Let them play with there toys if they want to.

    • Exactly, we can’t act like we’re the top of the food chain. We don’t have the right to control other peoples actions and decisions.

  172. i would say yes because we want to prevent being attacked with nuclear weapons.i don’t think any country should have the nuclear weapons. But i also think that the u.s doesn’t allays need to inter fear with other countries about everything

  173. I think the U.S. and allies should only be able to prevent other countries from having nuclear capabilities if it has been proven that there are nuclear weapons and there are plans that they are going to be used. Nuclear experimentation is okay if used with innocent intentions. Going this route shouldn’t be taken lightly and thought about so no one is offended and wars don’t begin over trying to save lives. The only reason another country should ever step in and tell another country what to do is when there are loads of people in danger. Precautions should only be taken when necessary so countries can retain their independence and right to make safe choices.

  174. I think the United States and it’s allies should not be allowed to control whether or not other countries have nuclear weapons. I think those countries should be able to do what they want just like us, United States, would want to have their own choices. This may be dangerous, however people have their rights to be free. Also if we try to get involved and tell them what they need to do this may lead to a war which would be even worse. Overall we should just let them do what they want.

  175. No, I think that they have the right to it. It would be like a country telling us that we are not aloud to have nuclear weapons, that wouldn’t go over so well. I don’t think that we should be able to stop them, they have rights also.

    • That is good points, & yeah they do have their own freedom to do what they wanna do. But they will probably put their selves in danger because we have a really big bomb.

  176. I think that the U.S. and our allies should be able to stop North Korea and Iran from having nuclear weapons because we’re looking out from our safety. If we don’t shoot down their attempts at making nuclear weaponry then they have the capability to blow us sky high. What else would they do with weapons of mass destruction? Think about it.

  177. they should because the affects could be harsh and deadly. it also gives a safety net to us because there is little chance with the restriction that they are able to harm us. if we didn’t have the restrictions and the rules on other country’s we would be in constant war and allot of people would die as an affect. not having rules on other countries is a dangerous game that we would most likely lose at.

  178. i think that the u.s should be able to say if north Korea has nuclear capabilities. i think this because the government is unstable. they also have bad relations with the neighbor country, south Korea. they could attack anybody at anytime.

  179. they should be able to because if they don’t something bad could happen. I think they would be able to fight us with weapons and what if we have a family and a big war is going on ? A lot of people could loose there lives over it. I just think it is best but if they choose to take over or whatever that is there choice and i don’t think we should have a say in it because we are citizens and they are in higher power then us so i think what ever choice they make is there choice and no one can stop them.

  180. I don’t believe that America and it’s Allies have the power to prevent other countries of having a nuclear program. It’s their country and they have the authority to decide whether or no to have one. If they do build a nuclear plant there should be a group of people from all across the world to monitor their operations.

  181. I think that we should limit the nuclear capabilities. If we don’t we could have another cold war, or even worse, another world war. By doing this we wont destroy the earth. Say that there is a malfunction and if that country has a ton of nuclear weapons, then they basically kill everyone.

  182. I think the US and its allies should be able to prevent countries such as North Korea and Iran from having nuclear capabilities because they are dangerous and can affect even us if the countries decide to use them against us. The production of the weapons should be stopped. It could lead to unnecessary wars that lead to deaths of many people.

  183. I don’t think we should be able to tell them if they can or cant have nuclear power. Its just not fair, if that happen to the United States there would be an uproar. I just think we should be able yo track the usage of it. Maybe we need to have people over there tracking it so we know they are doing anything harmful.

  184. In this case they should be able to restrict countries because we don’t trust them not to bomb anyone so if they do the world will end because nukes would be dropping like crazy. On the other hand its not fair that the US and other countries have an unfair advantage in wars and could threaten the other countries that if they don’t do something for them they will drop a bomb on them but I don’t think that applies to this situation because the US isn’t doing that.

  185. I don’t think we should be able to. Yes, it could be a big problem for us, but if we can have a nuclear power then they can to. Were not any better. And if they go to war, and they other country has nuclear power then they should be able to have nuclear power to fight back.

  186. Yes, i do believe this so that it is fair if they attack us. I believe that if they have them then we should be able to have them also. But we don’t have any, so we are trying to see if they have any, and if they do, then we are going to tell them to destroy them.

  187. i think that the us should stop them from doing and building then. but there could by a big risk in dong it.

  188. We should be able to at least ask them to not use nuclear weapons. However, they most likely don’t care what anyone else has to say, it’s their ability and power that they have. We technically can’t take it away from them.

  189. Should the United States and its allies be able to prevent other countries such as North Korea and Iran from having nuclear capabilities (the ability to have nuclear power and nuclear weapons). I don’t know, as long as they’re not bothering us I don’t see why we have to make it a big deal.

  190. Should the United States and its allies be able to prevent other countries such as North Korea and Iran from having nuclear capabilities (the ability to have nuclear power and nuclear weapons).

  191. The United states and its allies should be able to have the UN strip these unstable countries of CONFIRMED nuclear weapons. If we don’t take away the weapons, the world will live in fear that they can launch their weapons at any time.

  192. I think we should be able to because nuclear power can be extremely dangerous, and a huge risk to the U.S. This also prevents wars from happening too because other countries could easily attack us if they wanted to.

  193. I think that the U.S has no right to say anything to any of the other country’s because they never did anything to us yet. If they start engaging us with bombs, then I think it would be necessary to do something.

  194. yes, the united states should be allowed to prevent Iran, north Korea from having nuclear weapons. Because the united states don’t really trust either of those counties and we don’t know what they are going to do with the nuclear weapons.

  195. I do not think that the United States alone should be able to tell countries whether or not they are allowed to have nuclear weapons, but rather several countries as a whole. If just the U.S. told them that they can’t have nuclear weapons, they might take it as an insult and think that we don’t like them. If the order came from a group of countries and a voice of the world, then they might be more apt to accept the request with no problems. An example would be the United Nations. Some may argue that we can’t control other countries, but when they are corrupt, we must supervise them. An analogy would be as follows: A kid in school becomes a bully and threatans many other students, and hurts them as well. A group of students or teachers must step in to control the situation. The teachers do not own the kid, but they must supervise him. If it was just one teacher, the kid might hold a grudge, but if it is a group, he would take it as something that must be done.

  196. I don’t think that the U.S. should have the power to tell which countries if they should be able to have nuclear power or not. One thing I do think that they should be able to do is if that they have a tip that one country is making nuclear weapons or planning some kind on nuclear attack, then they should be able to step in and do something about it.

  197. I think the United States and other countries should be able to interfere with other countries nuclear development only if it is suspected that they are developing nuclear weapons. The United Nations asks countries around the world if they would release reports on nuclear projects. If countries refuse the global community access to nuclear sites, countries should be involved, because it can threaten the security of the world.

  198. yes i think we should be able too.but this is going to be a big risk because if they do have nucular power and we try to stop them.

  199. The US and its allies should not be allowed to say who can and who can’t have nuclear weapons and power. Ever country has the right to use and own nuclear power and make weapons but if they try and use it against other countries then I think the US can step in. If they begin making weapons and trying to use them for harm and destruction then I think the US and t’s allies can take away their nuclear resources but as far as nuclear power goes I think they can use it without interference.

  200. Yes i believe that the U.S and their allies have the right to prevent other countries from having nuclear capabilities. If they let those countries have nuclear capabilities they would be a huge threat to the entire world because they have caused problems before, and i’m sure would just love to bomb Israel or the U.S as soon as they possibly could when they get nuclear weapons. Either that or try to barter with countries so they wouldn’t fire the missiles.

  201. I think that we should be able to try and prevent them because we don’t want nuclear weapons to get into the wrong hands. But also I think we should back off a little. We don’t want them to get nuclear weapons and then target us.

  202. No I don’t think the U.S is allowed to prevent them from nuclear weapons/ Nuclear power if they aren’t doing anything wrong, but if they are hurting people with them and using it in harmful ways then I think the U.S can stop them.

  203. Yes we do have the right because if they were in our place they wold have done the same. Besides if they were to acquire nuclear power they both would end up starting a war because they both want power.

  204. I don’t think that the U.S should have nuclear weapons and power because the U.S has been involved enough and shouldn’t stand out much longer because our country maybe at risk.

  205. Since north Korea is an enemy/threat to the U.S.we should stop them from having nuclear capabilities, because if we don’t, they will most likely attack someone with their new nuclear power

  206. I believe they should because the U.S. could have a big say on safety of countries. If they restrict dangerous conflicts between countries the across the world. This will lead to less conflicts between North and South Korea.

  207. In my opinion i think that the U.S can’t tell the other country’s what to do. If the U.S started doing this they might turn on us and declare war. I think that the United States just needs to leave them alone, unless they start bombing us.

  208. I believe the US and its allies should be able to restrict the nuclear capabilities of SOME countries. They should be able to do this because some troubling corrupt countries should not be able to have nuclear weapons because it is unsafe for the world. Though we should only be able to restrict them until they are not corrupt.

  209. I think that the U.S. should be able too because they are probably going to attack us with those weapon’s and hurt a lot of Innocent people.so we need to do everything that we can to keep our country safe.

  210. Unless the U.S. and its allies have good reason to believe that some countries are not putting their nuclear capabilities to good use, I don’t think the United States and its allies should be able to prevent other countries such as Iran from having nuclear capabilities.

  211. I think that no one should be able to have nuclear weapons. If no one had them them then we wouldn’t have to worry about them. I think that other contrys have the right to own nuclear weaponry and are able to use nuclear power if we are allowed to.

  212. I think yes we should be able to because they could easily turn on us and bomb America. Also if we told them that they can’t send a rocket up in space then they should obey or orders and not send one up. There are reasons why they should not do stuff.

  213. i don’t think that they should have nuclear weapons because if they start to use them for bad the turn out will not be good. If they show us that they can handle having them than it would be fine because we won’t have to worry about it.

  214. yes we should be able to prevent it because other countries don’t need that kind of power. what good would they use it for. they could only use nuclear power for war ant we don’t need north Korea to have nuclear powers any ways there is no point.

  215. The United States and its allies should not be able to prevent other countries such as North Korea and Iran from having nuclear capabilities because we need to worry about our own country instead of restricting other countries from doing things. If we worry about ourselves, we’ll be just fine.

  216. I don’t think the U.S should be allowed to tell other countries what they may or may not do. However, I don’t believe that countries should be producing any kind of nuclear weapons or threats. No matter how innocent the intent there is always someone out there who could try and turn those against them or use them for bad. I think a better solution to this is to arrange a council and with a group of leaders and try to halt production everywhere in the world, so the risk is eliminated.

  217. They Should be able to have nuclear power to power factories and do many things as long as they don’t have nuclear weapons. Nuclear weapons can be a threat to us and other countries like south Korea. Nuclear power to power buildings and other places i think is okay. As long as it is not a threat.

  218. Yes because its a matter of security. If it puts the United States in danger we should be involved. On the other hand they could be doing something good so its a hard decision to make.

  219. I think that the U.S. and its allies should have the right to prevent other countries from having the ability to have nuclear power and weapons. I believe this because it is the best way to make sure everyone stays safe, and so things stay under control.

  220. i think the united states and our allies should help stop North Korea from using any nuclear power because it could become very dangerous and we could be at risk of being attacked.

  221. I think that the United states should be able to prevent North Korea and Iran from having nuclear capabilities because it helps protect other countries and our own from future wars and incidents. The United states being able to do this can help many people and its just not for our own good.

  222. I say both yes and no. Yes, because they could attempt to attack us with those nuclear weapons, and we need to do what we can to keep our country safe. No, because if we were to get involved again it could break out into another war, and we don’t need to be risking the lives of the brave people who serve our country to protect us. They have families that don’t want to loose them too.

  223. I believe the United States and its allies be able to prevent other countries such as North Korea and Iran from having nuclear capabilities because of the amount of hate they have for the U.S. and its allies. Its unsafe and dangerous to allow these countries that hate us with a passion to have access to nuclear warfare.

  224. I do not think we should be able to put restrictions on other countries nuclear power. The only way we should be able to to interfere is if it involves the safety of the United States, which, in this case, it doesn’t.

  225. I don’t think we really are able to boss people around, even though it is helping us stay out of war to some degree. We may be a super power, but we don’t exactly have rights in saying a country can’t do something just because it makes them a threat, because really, there’s no world law. except for the U.N., which everyone has to come to, and make an agreement on.

  226. Yes, Because if they have been a threat in the past, allowing them to have nuclear weapons is just giving them a mass destruction toy. It is just like giving a weapon to a child and saying, “Don’t hurt you or anyone else.” They won’t understand and they will use it.

  227. I don’t think the United States is able stop other countries form having nuclear power weapons or anything. We could try to persuade them but it would be one of those situations where it could backfire on us. They could get mad for the U.S trying to stop them and then attack us.

  228. i dont think that the americans or other countries should be able to stop another countries exept if they know it is a threat to other countries if their activities are peaceful then there should be no reason to stop them

  229. I think we should, because we do not know what they will end up doing, they could launch a missile at us and blow up the U.S. We need to at least closely monitor them, make sure we know what they are doing, because if they start building nuclear missiles, we will know something is up. And they may not blow us up, but they could blow up another country, and as the “Big Brother” to the world, we need to protect that honor of a title. So we need to protect others from these countries. So we should keep them not having a nuclear program.

  230. Yes, I believe if countries come together they can prevent one country from building nuclear arms. Especially if they have a violent past, such as North Korea. What also adds to that tension is the new leader of North Korea. We may not know the intentions of this new leader. I think that the U.N should address this problem, not necessarily the U.S.

  231. Yes i think we should to help protect are country and other country’s so there cant be a suprize bombing and everyone dies.

  232. I do believe that the U.S. should be able to allow countries to have nuclear weapons or not because if a country is considered hostile, if that country had nuclear weapons, it could be devastating for a country if attacked by them. I think that the U.S. should only keep countries from having nuclear weapons if the country might do something bad with them.

  233. The United states would like to just to make sure theyre safe, but no country should be allowed to decide what another country can an cant do

  234. I think we should be able to prevent the other countries from having nuclear capabilities. I think it’d reassure Americans that they don’t have to fear nuclear attacks, since we prevented the other countries from having the weapons.

  235. I think we should be able to prevent other countries to have nuclear power. Its a big risk to let countries that we don’t have alliances with have nuclear powers because they could harm us. But on the other hand i don’t think that we should make a big deal about it and cause something that can be avoided.

  236. Your Question: Should the United States and its allies be able to prevent other countries such as North Korea and Iran from having nuclear capabilities (the ability to have nuclear power and nuclear weapons).

    If yes, why?

    If no, why not?

    I think that the U.S. should be able to prevent other countries from having nuclear capabilities ESPECIALLY Iran and North Korea because they are the ones who are going to be most likely to use the nuclear technology on the U.S. and other countries.

  237. yes we should, because all countries should have an equal amount of nuclear weapons. Because if one country is too powerful they could take advantage of that and just blow another country to pieces

  238. No, I don’t think that the US should be able to prevent other countries from weaponry because they are their own country and that isn’t anything we can change.

  239. Yes because nuclear weapons are a threat to everyone not just the U.S. If we keep them from using nuclear weapons, then we can keep the world safe for a time.

  240. Yes we should be able to because they can destroy other countries around them which could cause a nuclear war.

  241. Yes because this country is only going to use their program for destruction. If we allow them to have a nuclear program they are only going to want to launch missiles at their enemies which will just end up starting a nuclear war.

  242. yes very much so because they will eventually try and nuke us which would not be good for any one it would probably cause a nuclear war.

  243. yes, we have shown that we are responsible with them if they got there hands on this stuff we would likely have a missile or bomb dropped on us. we have to protect the world from all out war.

  244. No i don’t think America can restrict another countries nuclear abilities. This is because they have the right to use nuclear power. Although they might develope nuclear weapons they have the right to develope nuclear stuff.

  245. I don’t think that America and its allies should try to prevent other countries from having nuclear capabilities. The only time that i think we should interfere is if we got tips that the other countries are planning on making nuclear weapons.

  246. I don’t think they should be able too have a nuclear weapons because they will us them for bad like they always do. I also think that they could do better thing then just making weapons and things like that. They would mostly us it for bad and not good.

  247. Yes, I think that they should be prevented in different country’s the reason why I say this is that if we are not getting a long with them and they have the power then they could hurt us.

  248. No, and it’s not like we could either. Several countries have nuclear weapons, including us. If we were to try to force a country to end it’s nuclear program, chances are we would get ourselves in a war with that country where they could use those weapons against us. It would put us in more danger

  249. i don’t think its fair for the U.S to do that, but i think that the U.S should be able to prevent other countries from having nuclear power because. it protects us so if the other countries get nuclear power they might use it on some other country and start a word war.

  250. Yes i think that they should keep some countries from getting nuclear weapons. I think that if they got nuclear weapons that they would kill everyone. The world would end as we know it.

  251. No they should not be able to tell other country’s that they cant have nuclear power. because if they got there hand on nuclear weapons it wouldn’t be good.

  252. yes because if the US did they can louche a nuclear weapons and say it is a different thing

  253. I don’t think any country should have the right to decide what another country can have and can’t have. That’s a business over there so you would be shutting down a whole business. People will lose jobs.

  254. Yes we should disable them from having nuclear weapons because most of the Americans most likely do not trust either of those countries, and they could turn against us or threaten us at any moment, I don’t think we need that kind of problem to worry about them and baby sit the nuclear weapon.

  255. I don’t think we should be able to tell other countries that they can’t nuclear capabilities. I don’t see why we can just go around and tell other countries that they can’t do something but we can. It doesn’t really matter if they have it and even if we tell them they cant’t they will most likely do it anyway, so it would just be as waste of time arguing about it.

    • Totally agreed, I don’t believe that a country can have more rights than others. I say. if they declare war or something, let them. We’ll kick their butt. If not, and it comes to an nuclear fall out/apocalypse, heck yeah.

  256. i think that north korea has some problems with the rest of the world because the rest of the world has some problems with north korea

  257. Yes, the US should be able to prevent other countries from having nuclear weapons and nuclear power. They should because some countries that have this power/weapons, could harm the US troops and other countries that they wish to harm.

  258. No we shouldn’t be able to control whether they have nuclear capabilities or not, until they actually try to use the nuclear power against us.

  259. i think that they should in hazardous situations like we are in. we should do what we need to so that we can insure safety to our country and others. it’s a good idea to stop threatening countries from attacking us.

  260. I do not think the U.S. should allow these countries to have any nuclear power. These countries are the dangerous countries on the planet and who knows what they’ll do next. All it takes is one mad scientist with a lot of power to do some major damage to the earth. I would think the U.S. and other countries should try to strip these countries of their nuclear power, but in a safe calm way. The last thing we need right now is another war.

  261. Well i think that they should have whatever they want in nuclear stuff, like weapons & power even though i’m against nuclear power but that’s their decision not mine and i think the u.s should do something if they plan to attack us with their nuclear power weapons.

  262. i don’t think that other countries should have a say on if a country has nuclear weapons or not. Mostly countries that are going against that country. I think that they are scared that they will use the nuclear weapons on them.

  263. Well I think yes and no because they haven’t used in the way the could be an attack on U.S or any other countries but if we are keeping out eye on them but if they do then yes we should.

  264. I really don’t think that the U.S should be able to prevent other countries from having nuclear weapons. Even though it would be nice to stop other countries from having nuclear power its not fair.

  265. Yes because it dangerous for any country to have nuclear power it dangerous and can cause more damage if ones launched it was stupid to give Iran nuclear power

  266. I do not think that any country should be able to prevent another country from having nuclear capabilities. It’s not fair that a country can just stop another from having nuclear capabilities.

  267. Yes, we should be able to prevent those countries from having nuclear capabilities, because if enemies of our country have that powerful of a weapon it could end badly. But I actually think that nuclear weapons should not be used at all, it is too powerful for mankind to have.

  268. I don’t think its fair but if they are likely to use it to attack another country then it should be stopped.

  269. i don’t think that it is any of the United states business being able to stop other countries. its like saying other countries are going to stop the US for making nuclear power. any other country deserves that privalage too.

  270. I believe that the U.S. Military should be able to block another country from using nuclear energy. If they are a threat or seem like they could be a threat to another country than I say block it. I would rather have a country get mad at us than have them bomb us with a nuclear weapon and conceal an area of the U.S. because the radiation.

  271. I think they should because we fought both countries and it’s likely that they would try to attack us so these precautions I believe are OK.

  272. I don’t think the U.S. should be able to prevent other countries from having nuclear capabilities. I think if the other countries were saying the U.S. couldn’t we would get mad. So I think countries can pick what they want and shouldn’t have a say in what the other countries have.

  273. I think that they should because if something goes wrong with the nuclear weapon, it can efffect our whole world which will eaffect not only us but they to so i would not do much for them.

  274. Yes because we dont need a full scale nuclear war if one country gets a little of edge.

  275. I think that The United States should be able to warn them of any acts on them if they launch nuclear weapons. Now can they stop them no because if they want to do that a war will have to break out. So their countries have their decision on if they want war or if they want to launch nuclear weapons. It is their choice.

  276. I dont think the United States and its allies should be able to decide what happens in other countries. We wouldnt want another country saying what we can do and what we cant. I just dont agree i guess.

  277. yes because that’s a danger and isn’t a good thing to have yeah when your in danger you can have those kind of weapons but now right now it isn’t what i agree with as people like north Korean or Iran they shouldn’t have weapons out in there hands….

    • I agree with you that is is very dangerous for us when they have control over nuclear powers, but countries like that aren’t in danger a lot.They mostly cause danger for other countries.

  278. yes i think they should but i think that everycountry just need to get rid of it its bad for everyone and we dont need to use it on each other its dumb and childish

  279. Yes, because it could have an effect of other people in different countries. And North Korea would be doing something the United States told them not to do in the first place, so that won’t be very good. And they could bomb other countries around them such as South Korea.

  280. I think that we shouldn’t keep them from having their weapons and nuclear capabilities because if we have our powers/weapons, then they should have theirs

  281. Yes, they should be able to prevent this. I believe this because if something goes wrong with the nuclear weapon, it can effect our whole world, which will effect everyone. So i think they should not be able to use them.

  282. I don’t think the United States should get so involved with other countries. Over the past we have been over seas in Korea when we don’t need to. I think that we should let other countries death with themselves because if we keep on getting so involved we are going to keep on having more wars.

    • i agree with you melanie. i do not think they should get involved either because it could start a war.

    • I agree with you mel mel. I do not think they should get involved either because there will be another war. And we dont need another war. melanieeeeeeeeeeeeeeee

  283. I do not think that the u.s should have the power to stop a country from having the option of nuclear power/weapons.

  284. yes because if we do not they will most likely attack us with the weapons. so are kids can grow up and have their own kids if we don’t they will have a higher chance to win a war against the united states of american and the men and women who will fight the war will lose their lives.

  285. We should be able to. But if it’s gonna end up being a big risk, possibly not a good idea.

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