CNN Blog: Monday, May 14

Recent issues in Greece and Spain highlighted protests by citizens of those respected countries against their governments. These protests mostly come from very poor economic situations in both countries.

Protests in Madrid, the capital and largest city in Spain.

Your Question: In your opinion what is a responsible way to protest what your government is doing (whether it involves the economy, civil rights, or other thing) in order to bring about change?

Remember, write three to five full sentences. Which includes capitalization and punctuation, and the use of the spell-check feature as well.

About Mr. Moore

Professional Educator

259 comments on “CNN Blog: Monday, May 14

  1. i don’t think they should because they are just going thought a bad time.and they government should pay attention to protesters

  2. I think that the most effective and responsible way to prove a point to the government is to start a petition. But, you should use social media to get huge numbers of people to agree with you. The government might have a completely different view on the topic then because if several people stand by you, they might start to doubt their selves. They might even realize you are right.

  3. If the government actually paid any attention to the protests, maybe then there would be less violence. I’d like to say that we shouldn’t have to do much to get the change we need, but sometimes we have to. A rally or strike would probably be fine, but the internet should also be used to our advantage. We should avoid violence and riots though, and never break laws in any way.

  4. Our government officials do not pay enough attention to the protesters all around the US. I don’t think we should care also but tell them that they are unemployed and they are the problem, not us. We should make the protesters go out and get a job so that our economy can improve more and more. All we need to do is fix the issue.

  5. I don’t think that the government pays enough attention to protesters. I think that the best way to protest for a change is non-violence protests. Maybe even a silent march. People should be able to protest if they think that the government is wrong or is doing something wrong. That falls under the first amendment. Also, if we were not allowed to do so, the government could possibly be even worse than what it is now and there would probably be a lot more laws that citizens would consider unlawful.

  6. If it doesn’t include violence i think it is fine.People always protest and then the government sends them home and nothing changes. People should be able to protest as long as there is no violence included.

    • I agree. People should be allowed to protest even though the government just tells them to go home and nothing changes.

  7. they should be able to say what they need to say and not leave in till the government tells them that they would change it so they know that the people will stand up to the government for what they think its rite

  8. I think non violent protests are good but they don’t really help because the Government doesn’t really change their laws or rules because of protests.I think everyone has a right to protest but most likely it’s going to be a waste of time.But violent protests are bad because they just cause more problems

  9. i don’t really know what would be a responsible way to protest are government would be.but i guess that you could be holding signs on the streets.

  10. Everyone has a right to their opinion. How they choose to express it is their business. As long as a mass gathering for a protest doesn’t get violent i don’t see a problem with it. All the protesters want is change….. GIVE IT TO THEM!

  11. I think the best way is to protest. March the streets and protest for what we want to change and until it changes you don’t stop marching. Or maybe have a vote but if you vote I don’t think the government will really care if its just a vote. I think it would make a bigger difference if people were to protest and then maybe if the government said lets come to a vote then vote.

  12. I don’t know what would be a responsible way to protest. They should probably write letters and then work there way up to something big. They should try and do it in a way so that no one will get hurt.

  13. In your opinion what is a responsible way to protest what your government is doing (whether it involves the economy, civil rights, or other thing) in order to bring about change?
    I don’t really know what you can do to protest. I guess you could just stand in front of a major building and hold up signs. They should try and do it in a way so nobody will get hurt

  14. Organize a petition. Make sure you’re uniform because something sloppy would end up marking you down and not many people would listen to something sloppily put together… Such as a riot or a group gathering would not be listened to, it would be considered a danger to most people. But if you have a uniform organization or petitions signed, the Government has no choice but to heed the warning of your actions. Violence is NOT the answer.

  15. I think that you should be able to protest with signs. I also think that you should be able to protest with crowds. Ii think that everyone has a right to protest against something they don’t like.

  16. I think that going straight to the head of the operations to make a change would be best. I also think that the government should pay more attention to protesters, because they represent a large group of Americans who want a change. And those changes should be made to better the lives of citizens.

  17. I think a petition would be a good way as long as nothing turns violent but still gets the point across would be good and help people see the change they want to happen.

  18. You protest it peacefully for one. You try your best to not disturb other people mainly because believe it or not, not everybody’s life revolves around the issue that is at your hand. You just need a large number of people making others aware of the issue you don’t need to march down Main St. because you think something is unfair. Just let people know about it and don’t be a nuisance to others.

  19. I think a good way to protest is by doing things like petitions and rallies. Then the government can see how many people are against what they are doing and are willing to change it. Like we were taught when we were in elementary, you get more done and get the point across when you’re in big groups

  20. There are many ways to responsibly protest. A way to protest responsibly is to take a stand on what you want changed. Then, you have to make sure that it is a peaceful protest and make sure no violence comes about. Also, you should make sure what you are protesting about is a topic which others might feel that need to be changed. But, I also think that some government officials should actually take into consideration what people are protesting about because most of the time it is something that needs to be changed to make the US or wherever a better place.

  21. They could go outside and protest with signs. Another great way could be to find our where the main people who make these decisions leave the building to talk to them personally. If you do this with respect they could get their mind changed.

  22. i think people should protest respectful and peacefuly like voting,.

  23. I don’t ever plan to protest because it is very pointless to protest because you’re just going to lose. Most protests had resulted in failing. The government always sends them home and then, the people realize that they failed.

  24. I think that people should take a write a complaint and see how that is responded to. If the letter that a person sent is not addressed in the way the person wanted, then they could get people together that have the same opinions and have a protest about it. I think that the protests need to be strict until the people get what they want.

  25. I think that the government really cares much about what protesters want and need. Current protests don’t seem very effective. As long as the protesters don’t get violent they are already pretty responsible.

  26. I think that as long as it doesnt turn violent, mass gatherings are ok. Also, sending letters over and over would also work. In mt opinion, i think most forms are fine, as long as they dont cause an inconvinence to other normal people and dont lead to violence.

  27. I think a petition is a good idea and then get everyone who agrees to sign it. That way your showing how many people who agree with you and support your idea for change. It’s a responsible and calm way to protest.

  28. I think that a responsible way to protest would just to send a lot of spam emails with complaints to the government. Or just send letters in large quantities. But most people will just stick to standing around with signs.

  29. I think people should protest about what ever they want to say as long as you know whats right and whats wrong and keep everything safe you could make a change in something for the better.

  30. I think that if you want your voice heard, you should go to the government official’s house at three in the morning and tell them how you feel. Also I think that if there’s no harm, there’s no foul.

  31. A petition is a responsible way to protest. It’s safe and not violent and can really help. It also is a easy way to get more people into the protest to help.

  32. I think that a responsible way to protest is to do it peacefully. Don’t harm anyone or anything. Just stay persistent without ever being violent or mean. I think that it should only protest against what you’re protesting.

  33. As long as we aren’t hurting anyone i think we can do what we want. Its not that big of a deal. If people do hurt others than there is something we should do.

  34. I think people should protest about what ever they want to say as long as you know whats right and keep everything safe you could make a change in something for the better.

  35. I think that a protest can be anything as long as it does not harm anyone or anything and is done during a timely matter.However the protesters should also write letters to the government for change. Finally the protest should have one clear objective if the protesters want change.

  36. I think that the government isn’t paying enough attention to protesters. If we are thinking about change, we should stand by our grounds and know our rights to make it happen. I think that people should protest and hopefully see change for the better and not just watch it go to waste.

  37. The protest would defiantly need to be peaceful. A violent protest would not work well with the government because they just wouldn’t want to change then. Protesting can turn very violent and end up bad in some cases. So the government needs to recognize protesters as soon as possible.

  38. i think that the only way that people should protest their government is peacefully and it should be in only anywhere that it needs to be. it should also only be people that appose the new government.

  39. I dont really know if there is a specific thing to do for everything. Whatever you do make your opinion clear.

  40. A responsible thing to do is to protest peacefully to change something that they don’t like. But we’er human so that want likely happen. But things are what they are.

  41. The best way to protest against the government is to get a big group of people to stand up against it. You have to keep the protests peaceful though because if you get violent the police will get involved and force you to leave. The government will have to do something eventually to get you to leave the area. If there are enough people standing up for something then it will get noticed.

  42. I think sending a simple letter would be a good type of mature legal protest, or a petition that a lot of people can sign in order for the government to listen to the civilians needs.

  43. I’d say that the most responsible way to have a change in the government is to have a petition and get everyone who wants change like you to sign it. It will tell the government how many citizens are unhappy with something, then maybe there would be a change. Not only is having a petition the most responsible way to change something, but also the safest. Because if you have a regular protest then you will have a lot of people in the streets making lots of noise. Sometimes protests even lead to riots which will make it so that the police will have to use force.

  44. I think as long as we aren’t harming anyone, we can do it however we want. Too many people leave things unsaid, if we want change, we have to speak up. Otherwise, we leave everything in the hands of others, which is fine but then you don’t have the right to complain if things aren’t the way you want them to be because you didn’t do anything about it.

  45. We could have a vote or a petition. It is friendly and harmless way.

  46. vote or petition and stand your ground

  47. I think the best way to protest would be to find a group of people that agree with the way that you feel. The safest way to protest is to make signs or use petitions. That would be a good way to get the governments attention safely.

  48. Personally I think that the best way to responsibly protest what your government is doing would be to start a petition. That way if you get enough people to sign the petition, the government will realize how many people are unhappy. In order for a change to be made, first you need to be heard, then compromises can be made. I think when a large group of people agree on a topic, it can make the argument much stronger, which is why a petition is the best way to protest.

  49. a responsible way to protest is sit and hold signs and shout things in random places.

  50. I think that protesting is annoying so i don’t think protesting would be a good way to make a change. I think having a vote is a good way to try to tell your government that there needs to be changes made. Violence is the wrong way to get something you want too.

  51. I don’t think there is any irresponsible way to protest, unless it involves harm to a person(s) safety. I personally, think the best ways to protest is through the public. commercials that could be seen/ heard on televisions and radios, or even protests on billiards on the freeway could raise awareness.

  52. I think that a responsible way to get your problems heard by the government is to make a commotion, but in a good way. You could write letters, appeal to legislatures. The worst way and the hardest to get your demands heard is by doing it no peacefully.

  53. The government doesn’t care about what the protesters say. Although they should, they don’t. It really should be up to the protesters in my opinion. The people are who live and thrive in the environment, it’s not about the government.

  54. i think that whatever works to change the governments mind is right. because the point of a protest is for the people to get there way and if they dont do what is needed then there will be no change therefor they have to do whatever it takes.

    • So…..anything is ok? You may want to word this differently, cause this makes it sound like shootings and beatings are ok.

  55. I think the best way to protest is to boycott something but not to have violence and shoot regular people. They should let them stay and shout all they want but if violence starts they have to take action and change somethings. If they let this violence go on it will snow ball and maybe start and civil war. So they have to handle this as peacefully as possible.

  56. I don’t think government officials really care what protesters have to say. I think we need to keep protesting but also getting in touch with other people who have the power to speak out to them and against them. Also they need to fight for everything they want and not give up until change is made. Also they need to protest things that will effect the economy and the people in the government and make the changes themselves if no one will help them.

  57. I think a good way to protest is to get a bunch of people and do it how they always so it, but not to cause any violence or destruction, it shouldn’t get out of hands like it usually does. i think that would be a good change.

  58. I think that the best way to protest is to march peacefully. It gets the attention of the government and lets them know what you want. And doing it peacefully means that you wont get in trouble with the law and you can continue your protest.

  59. i think a right way to protest is to be peacful but angry about it. because we always protest through riots and fights and stuff. if its a way to solve it then i will use that.

  60. I think that the governments don’t pay enough attention to the protesters. We stand out ground because we know what should be the right things for us. By know the rights that we have now protesting is safe. I think that people should be able to protest and see change for the better.

  61. I think a responsible way to protest the government is to have small groups of responsible people get together and discuss the issue or even talk about it over the computer. I think if enough people join in it can be effective in bringing change.

  62. I think the government needs to pay more attention to protesters. I don’t think there should be any laws on protesting as long as it is non violent. I think the rules make it hard for protesters to make an impact.

  63. Just getting a lot of people who have the same opinion as you, and making signs and stuff and just standing around and humiliating the government. Even if it doesn’t get changed, you still stand up for what you believe in and stick to your beliefs. Keep trying until you get the point around and things get changed.

  64. I think that the best way to protest is to get an organized march. I thin that it is important that there isn’t any violence, because it ruins the point your standing for, if there is violence. I think it would be better to march than anything else because it really gets the people’s attention.

  65. i could get a petition to be signed or make a deal with the government.by giving them something they would give me something in return.or do some protesting but i think making a deal with them might work better. the deal might be more effective than the petition but maby not.

  66. A peaceful protest is always the way to go. It is nice to say what you want in your protest as long as no harm comes to anyone. Also there should be appropriate signs that states your message so that others know what the protest is all about.

  67. I think people should protest about what ever they want to say,as long as you know whats right and keep everything safe you could make a change in something.

  68. A good way to protest the government is to get a big group of older people. I don’t think that the government will listen to a group of kids my age. This would be a great way to show what needs to improve in our country.

  69. I think a good way to protest against the government would be to get everyone invoulved in the protest and to not give up a responsible way to protest is to do like many already do,sit there and do nothing

  70. I think we should give our input in things we want to change. I don’t think the government gives us enough attention to these choices. I think by standing on our grounds and knowing what we want we can make this safer for us and the people around us.

  71. A good way to promote awareness of a problem in your country is to rally up and protest. If you get enough numbers and get noticed it would work. Getting noticed would be pretty easy.

  72. I think that a good way to get the governments attention would be doing a petition. I think that if many people signed it, then the government would realize what they’re doing wrong. This would be peaceful and no one would get hurt. It’s way safer than a strike or a rally.

  73. You could write a strongly worded letter or get a petition going. You could also march through the streets with signs peacefully. Whatever you do you must be peaceful. Violence solves nothing. :p

  74. I think the responsible way to protest is to march in the streets peacefully and maybe send a letter to the president and make sure and hope it doesn’t get vetoed make a petition ,and maybe take up something with the Governor of your state and possibly he will talk to the president Well plus if you want something to change you stick to it and not give up unless someone is hurt.

  75. I think a responsible way to protest is to start a petition or have a march. Marches seemed to work for other countries. Also petitions help show the government how many people are against or with something.

  76. I think that we should have the chose to vote against the government, or agree with him. it shouldn’t be just up to him or her. but to the people, because we all don’t think the same, so as everyone votes for something it will be equal.

  77. I think that the best way to responsibly protest what your government is doing would be to start a petition. If you get enough people to sign the petition, the government will realize how many people are unhappy. In order for a change to be made, first you need to be heard, then compromises can be made. I think that when a large group of people agree on a topic, it makes the argument much stronger, which is why a petition is the best way to protest.

  78. I think a responsible way to protest is by having something like an organized march or something. The government doesn’t really pay attention to protesters though, and they should. If they did, it might make everything go smoother and people wouldn’t get angry or anything. It would be way more peaceful if the government payed attention to protesters.

  79. A responsible way to protest would be maybe to hold rallies and strike. Be able to protest with out people getting injuries or anything. Just protest to change not to cause violence.

  80. I think a responsible way to protest would be to not do it at all. The government doesn’t really care in my opinion. I think that they can make the changes as they want & we shouldn’t get into it.

  81. I think that a good way to protest is to get a bunch of people and just ask them questions on why they are protesting and what they would do if they could change it. If they just stand out in the streets no one will understand why they are there. But i think that the government should take it more seriously because there is obviously something wrong with what they are doing.

  82. i think that they should make signs and do it the old fassion way. it is deffinently the best because the police cant do anything about it because there will be so many people

  83. Marching in protest is always appropriate, so long as you don’t interfere with other people’s rights, and so long as it remains peaceful. Some protests, like the Occupy foolishness, are not alright. They interfere with people’s lives by getting in the way. Some stores suffered because they had mobs camped outside their front door, and nobody could shop there. Another good way of protesting is voting lawmakers out of office if you don’t like them.

  84. A good way to protest is to have everyone sign a petition. Also the government needs to pay attention to people.

  85. I think that a good way is to get a bunch of people to sign a petition. If you got some more politically important to sign it, there might be a better chance of the government actually doing something. A bad way to do it would be to go around rioting and destroying things to get what we want because all that leads to is trouble.

  86. We need a revolution. We need to force every government into a state of urgency to where they will see that we need change, or we will rebel. The entire world should flip around the way that governments work. The people should be in control and everyone should have the same amount of wealth as their neighbor. We need to crash the economies so that the government will see the we need a revolution.


  87. I think that the best way to protest is to have a very large number of people protest to get the governments attention. Having violence would just cause more problems and get the government angry. The government also needs to pay attention to what people are protesting about and ways they can fix it instead of just ignoring them.

  88. I think protesting about something you want changed is a good idea, as long as it’s peaceful and doesn’t get out of hand. I also feel that the government doesn’t really pay attention to people who are protesting and should pay more attention.

  89. Even though we have freedom of speech in our country, the government doesn’t really pay attention to protests. Also some people get violent and out of hand during protests when they don’t get the results they want. This makes the police have to step in and people get in trouble.

  90. with gas prices we should just try to get as many people as we can to boy cot the gas stations. The way you get change is to start doing the opposite of what the law, or rule, or leader says until they meet your demand.

  91. I don’t think that the government pays much attention to protesters. I think that they should pay more attention to them because sometimes it can be dangerous. I think if we pay more attention to them it could be safer. Protesters are people who want to change the country.

  92. I think that if someone is protesting they should do it in a non-violent way. They could stand there with signs and shout things but they shouldn’t resort to violence. Many people are harmed in violent protest when they get crazy but if you keep them under control they wont become that dangerous.

  93. I think that the best way to protest is go in front of the capital building or were the problem is and protest. But if what protesters are doing can get people hurt or stopping people from doing something that is not related to the protest then it is not fine. But I also think that we should do what ever we need for our government to be better.

  94. I think if anyone protests it should be in a non-violent way. The government will pay more attention to you if you don’t try to hurt anyone or anything. If you just can get a group of people together, any other way could get you arrested and put in jail. If anyone protests they need to watch and know what there getting themselves into.

  95. I think that we should just keep calm about what we protest about and not have any violence. Actually show what your trying to prove and if you have a large enough group of people the government might go along with it and agree.

  96. I think that a good way to protest is to get what your doing out there and then get people together so you can actually show that its not only important to you but to other Americans too. The government should pay protesters more attention because if our government is for the people by the people then it should pay attention to the people.

  97. I think protesting is a good way to show what you want changed, but honestly, protests don’t seem to be recognized by the government. i know they pay attention, obviously, but how many protests do we see and nothing happens. If your going to protests, do it the right way. There is no need for violence, showing your opinion should be peaceful for everyone involved.

  98. It shouldn’t be a riot or violence, but a sort of peaceful protest that still grabs attention. Just stand our ground and let out the feelings inside. It should be safe not unsafe or hazardous, and it should be appropriate signs to, or language. You’ll look really unprofessional if you start swearing or using dirty language.

  99. I think that you can protest and stand out in places but don’t camp out there. Like back in the fall when they had the occupy wall street protest, I don’t think people should have camped out on wall street. Also don’t do anything that would harm the safety of others. That would be taking it too far.

  100. I think that we should protest but in a way that no one gets hurt. We should make it so that we do get attention but in a way that is good. I think that we should make a change in what is going on so we can make everything a lot better than it already is.

  101. I think that protesting about something you want to change it good, as long as it is peaceful and does not get out of control. I feel that the government doesn’t pay enough attention to people who are protesting. I think they should pay more attention.

  102. I cant think of a way to protest in a peaceful way.

  103. I think that the best way to protest about our government is to get a very large crowd like in the wall street rally’s. Then you just have a peaceful protest6 because as long as you don’t break any laws the police cannot do anything to you. This will also show the government about how most people feel if there are a ton of people present. Any other way such as violence will just antagonize the government and will bring no change

  104. I think that a safe way to protest is to hold rallies and strike. You do this without anybody getting injured because then you are putting someone in danger and the government would be less likely to listen to you. You can have a safe protest by being nonviolent.

  105. I think a responsible way to protest what your government is doing in order to bring change is having a march but if the police tell you to leave do it, that’s being responsible. Also, they need to let the government they are serious. I think that’s the responsible way to get the government to change.

  106. A responsible way to get your problems heard by the government is to make a commotion, but in a good way. You could write letters, appeal to legislatures. The worst ways to get your demands heard is by doing it no peacefully.

  107. A non-responsible way to protest is to attack police and riot. Peaceful protest is to strike and have the government actually notice what is happening and do something about it.

  108. I think a responsible way to protest against your government would be to go directly to someone who could do something. This is always a good thing to do instead of doing it in public where really bad things could happen. If something wasn’t going the way I liked with y government this is what I would do to keep everyone else in my city or town safe.

  109. I think that a protest is a good idea because it brings attention to the topic and people will do something in order to stop it. If it changes something then you have received what you wanted. I think that if there is violence then it is a bad idea because then the government has to punish the people and they might punish everyone by raising taxes or something like that.

  110. I think the best way to protest something you disagree with the government is a silent protest. Therefore, no one will be physically harmed and it would be a lot more responsible for the protesters to do.

  111. I think a responsible way to protest is by doing something big. Not something violent, but something that could make a big impact and force the government to pay attention. Signing petitions, standing outside with signs, and attempting to share your ideas are all way to protest peacefully.

  112. Yes because unless you show you want change they aren’t gonna know what to change. I think that people that protest are really helpful to our government cause they make things change.

  113. I think a responsible way to protest your government is to picket and protest outside a officials office, but do it peacefully and support nonviolence.

  114. Do whatever you want that you think that will make other people join and walk around the whole town. Advertise it, put it up on the internet all those kinds of good stuff.

  115. A reasonable way to protest is possibly making a popular You Tube video that is seen by millions of individuals. That would get a lot of popularity, just like what happened with KONY. Technology is a fast way to get many things out and heard, and many other people would be likely to join.

    • That is a really stupid way to protest against something. Some people could be offended by it. If this happened you could end up hurt or something. I think the best way is to be nice about it and go straight to the government.

  116. Crash the economy to destroy the government. If you do that, to government will listen more or it would be a better time to rebel. You could also try to protest more and bring up the violence rates to have the government fear a revolution and have them notice you. If they still don’t listen, start a revolution.

  117. well i think that it is a good thing to stand up for what you believe in so i think that people should it to gather in a group an stand in the way of some thing on till they git what they want

  118. By starting a petition of what they don’t like or write letters.

  119. The government don’t pay enough attention to protesters. I think that protesters should make signs stating the problem, and making their point obvious.

  120. I think the government should start paying attention to more protesters. A good way to protest would be, using many signs stating the problem. Or making a petition for change.

  121. have everybody sign a banner

  122. I think that we should do a protest in a non-violent way. I don’t think that government officials are paying a lot of attention to protesters. We need to change. i think that staying on the grounds and knowing the rights is a good thing. I think that people should be able to protest for there rights

  123. Protesting can be a bad thing, but it can be good also. Many people feel like they are helping or standing up for what they believe in when they protest but most of the time the government doesn’t pay attention to it. In the long run they’re going to do what they think is best and ignore what we think.
    If someone wanted to protest they could get with a group of people and talk it.

  124. I think a non-violent way to protest is to just stand there with a sign and standing there shouting at them to do a better job would be a good way to protest.

  125. The government doesn’t really pay too much attention to protesters, the only way the protesters really get their attention is to riot and break some rules. Just like a kid that’s being ignored, America feels as though its “parents” should break their back on some issues that aren’t as important as the task at hand. Not to say the economy isn’t my first priority, because I really am a cheap person.

  126. I think a responsible way is to get a lot of people together. They could make signs with peaceful and kind sayings. I feel like the government does not really pay any attention to protesters and what they are saying. If the government listened to what they had to say they wouldn’t have as many problems with people protesting stuff about the government.

  127. People themselves cannot change the government but with thousands of people you should be noticed by a government if you stop doing something they want you to do. For example look at the NFL. If players hold out coaches try to offer them deals to get them back.

  128. Protesting can be bad and good. But i’m pretty sure the government don’t pay any attention to them. If there was like enough people, then maybe but otherwise…they don’t give them any attention. I don’t really know a good way to get the attention of the government.

  129. i think that people could just send letters because they have to take a look at them so they will get the idea sooner or latter

  130. if the government was not doing what is best for its people i would protest. how i would do that isn’t really clear. i think i would probably have a non- violent protest and get the message to the government that they are doing something wrong and their people want it to change. if they ignore it i would continue until they changed.

  131. In my opinion I think that the government does’t really pay attention to protesters. I don’t protest so I don’t really know what would be responsible when it comes to protesting and what not.

  132. Protesting with fighting and arguing is not a good way to do so. I think a good a way would to be able to vote on the government should be run. This would be just some suggestions.

  133. I think any non-violent way to get the people’s message across to the government is a good way. There are things that individuals may do like complain but that definately won’t get the message across. If you want to make a change you have to be heard. Saying that, peaceful protests, voting, or opinions on social media would be a good way to get your point across. One thing to remember is not to use violence because it could have the opposite affect on you than what was intended and all in all is just not a good strategy.

  134. A responsible way to protest is making you tube video’s sending messages to the congress to see if they can change the problem. Getting attention from outsiders with the same idea and tell them to send messages to the congress if that does not work hold a protest outside the area you want to protest about.

  135. i think that the government people don’t pay a lot of attention on the protesters. i think that the government people should pay more attention to the protesters because they might being protesting something that is a view that might be good.

  136. I think that one of the best responsible protests would be the wall street protest. Virtually the entire nation understood that they were not happy with the way the country was going economicly, to my knowledge, they did not get violent, and it gave the average Joe of America a voice that could actually be heard.

  137. I think that a responsible way to protest is to express what you think in a peaceful manner. Let people who are not protesting get on with their life. Do not harm others.

  138. I think that the government should pay more attention to the protesters because then greater problems would not develop and it would prevent other problems.

  139. I think a good way to protest to to write it down on paper. This way if the government even considers it will be peaceful and understood. I think starting a big riot is just starting more problems. This way (writing it down) will make it easy for everyone and the government can choose whether or not they will make this change.

  140. I think a good way is to use children like the Childrens march back during the civil rights act, and that worked out well. so i think kids can do anything together.

  141. I would camp out. Just sit there and do nothing at all.

  142. I think a good way to get the governments attention is to a rally with a lot of people. Or you could get a petition for people to sign. But something that involves a lot of people because you cant do it alone.

  143. I think it shouldn’t be a riot with violence and screaming! I think it should be more like a voting system. Like everybody casts there vote and the government counts them. Then the government will grant there wish.

  144. I think to protest against the government without having a bunch of hassle you need to approach the situation peacefully, smartly, and without violence. If you approach it with violence you are guaranteed not getting what you want to see change. If you want a change you have to get your word out there and heard but that doesn’t mean to put people’s lives in danger and become selfish.

  145. I think the responsible way to protest your government is to do research and know what rights you have and what you can do in the existing government. I think you should protest peacefully, killing and endangering innocent people isn’t the right way to get your point across. I think you need to be prepared so that everyone knows you’re serious about what your doing and it’s not going to be easy to get you to back down. Stand your ground and do whatever you can as long as it’s safe.

  146. Well, a good thing that you could do is get even more people to protest. But don’t start riots and other violent things. Do it peacefully and just get hundreds of thousands of people to get into desired locations around the country or wherever they are doing to protest and just sit. So no other places can do business or anything.

  147. i really don’t think they even pay attention to that stuff. If they did ii would get a bunch of people together and spread the awareness of what’s going on.

  148. I honestly don’t know . But my guess would be that the government does not even really pay attention to prostesters . So i think they should do what ever it takes to get there attention . But nothing harmful or anything like that . But i would try a quit and peaceful protest first ( if there is such thing ) .

  149. I think that if you were going to protest, them you should do it in front of the building/ place that you are protesting about. Also you should be loud and dont give up until you get what you want.

  150. I guess the best way to protest the government is peacefully and in a civilized manner. The government really should pay attention to protesters, its like they think only the people that protest are the ones that think the government is doing wrong, but really so many more people do just don’t do anything about it.

  151. I think the way to protest is in a peaceful way. There shouldn’t be any violence from either the police officers or the protesters. I think protesters should also stay on topic with their protests. For example, with the Occupy Wallstreet movement, if you asked ten people why they were protesting, you’d receive ten completely different answers.

  152. i think that protests and rallies will not change a governments decision. i think that people that want to make a change should write a letter. they could also write a petition.

  153. They don’t pay attention. The government has one point of view, theirs. The president will not change his values based on a protest. There needs to be someone that does listen though

  154. I think that saying your believes loud and proud to the government is the best way to get your message across and get noticed. YouTube, Facebook, Twitter, anyway you can get your message out there and get people to back you up, that’s how you get the governments attention. While rioting and protesting are ways to do it, they aren’t exactly the best or safest ways to do so. Social Media is a much better way to do so. Plus, it could bring about more change than violence ever does.

  155. I think that you could d o a lot to protest. You should Protest what you believe is right. there are plenty of things you can do to protest. Look back in time. For segregation they boycotted buses and did other things to show what they believed. I guess it depends on the person you are what you would be willing to do for what you believe.

  156. I think that protesters should gather peacefully to respectfully protest their government. I also think that a petition would work too. Something should change in the government though because they always just wave these protests off

  157. i dont think they even look at protesters. i think that they are greedy and do their own thing and take our rights away. we could protest as much as we want and nothing would change, sort of like peta. they protest about animal rights but nothing changes in there favor because no one likes them.

  158. I think that we should do a protest in a non-violent way. I don’t think that government officials are paying a lot of attention to protesters. We need to change. i think that staying on the grounds and knowing the rights is a good thing. I think that people should be able to protest for there rights.

  159. You could do something like Occupy Wall Street, but more peacefully. The recent occupy Wall Street wasn’t very peaceful, because a lot of people got arrested, and/or hurt.

  160. i dont think they even look at protesters. i think that they are greedy and do their own thing and take our rights away. we could protest as much as we want and nothing would change, sort of like peta. they protest about animal rights but nothing changes in there favor because no one likes them.

  161. I don’t think there is a sure way to grab the government’s attention, they don’t really pay attention to protests, or rallies, so i’m not sure, how to get the government’s attention.

  162. i think rally’s or protests on the government could help with changes, but there can not be any physical harm towards the government or the people because that would just cause more problems.

  163. I think we should vote every month on how we want our government to be run. I think a good way would be to protest. I also think a bad way would be to start a riot and have people get hurt.

  164. In my opinion, a responsible way to protest what the government is doing is to start a petition. This wouldn’t hurt anybody and would be peaceful. You could also get a group of friends to stand with posters and signs.

  165. i think you should be able to protest and see changes.i think that all of us should protest until we see good changes,and the economy becomes better.

  166. I don’t think the government pays enough attention to the protesters and what they have to say. If protesters know their rights and not have it lead to violence, protesting can be safe.

  167. I think that it is okay when people protest as long as it stays non-violent. I think that the government should pay somewhat attention to the protesters, they just ignore em’… those chumps, thinkin’ there all hot shot…

  168. I think that a peaceful protest is the way to make things change. There does not need to be violence, but the people must stand their ground. I think that if the people who have the same beliefs about that particular subject should all gather and stand outside of where the people who control it are, and they should stay there until there is a compromise made. If people stand up for what they believe then there can be change, there just needs to be cooperation.

  169. I think that a responsible way to to protest about your government to bring attention is peacefully with no violence and none of the protesters are harming anyone, is the best way to protest. The protests that I I’ve seen have been have been violent and some of the violence has been from the police.

  170. I think that a non-violent protest is the best way to go about things. You don’t want to give the government a reason to arrest you or something, but you also want to get their attention. Also, getting things online is a good way too. There have been a lot of effective protests that were started online.

  171. If we all protest on the same thing, there’s no arguing or fighting, just a safe protest. why is it so bad that the people are standing up for what they believe in and for whats right? That should get the government thinking and ask themselves if there doing this right.

  172. A better way to protest could be to not get in people’s faces, be persuasive but not annoyingly loud or in the way. If you try to be more peaceful, you may get a better outcome than you would think. That is a better way to protest, maybe even get a petition. This could make people pay more attention, so no one gets scared or annoyed of the protesters.

  173. I think a responsible way to protest is to get a bunch of people to gather in one part. I think that they should protest with signs and peaceful sayings. I also don’t think that the government doesn’t pay enough attention to what these protesters are saying. I think if the government actually paid attention and did what they wanted they wouldn’t have to protest against the government and what they are doing.

  174. the government should protest over the internet and over t.v

  175. I think that a reasonable protest against things the government is doing would be making fliers or signs and getting it noticed. If people can do this without starting riots and being violent I think it would be a very effective protest. The government would probably be more likely to listen to people when they aren’t screaming at them.

  176. I think that there are many responsible ways to protest the government. As long as people’s civil rights and lives aren’t in danger, people should be able to protest in any way they want.

  177. A responsible way to protest to your government about something you disagree on is to get a group together and protest but in a safe way. I don’t think that they should be able to camp out there and be rude. If that doesn’t work than they should vote or get signatures to make sure that everybody agrees with you.

  178. I think the best way to protest would be to find a large group of people who feel the same way you do. The safest thing to do after that would probably be to get signatures from people who are concerned, to show how many people are affected. But there’s a good chance the government won’t pay any attention to it.

  179. A responsible way to protest is having a lot of people who are against whatever get together and just talk about outside the government offices. They could talk about it there and people could go to the government and speak with them in a civilized manner. Some places go to war over it or start killing each other. That isn’t a good way to handle things and the mature way is to talk it out and make compromises.

  180. think that we should protest in a nonviolent way. I don’t think that government officials are paying enough attention to protesters. I think that people should be able to protest for there rights.

  181. A responsible way to protest would be a petition or anything that doesn’t lead to violence. Also, protesters could offer ideas as to what to do. If people are protesting peacefully and giving ideas, the government should listen and do what they can to make things better.

  182. I think the best way to protest something done by the government would be a peaceful protest or march. If the protesters gain enough supporters and remain peaceful, the government is more likely to listen than if the group turns violent. So peaceful protest is the way to go.

  183. I think it depends on the situation but all protest should be peaceful and not violent. For big things that have alto of support they could due marches through major city’s. I think that they can protest any way they want unless it affects public health or safty.

  184. I think a responsible way to protest is not not fight or argue with other people. Everyone has their own opinion that they are able to share. People shouldn’t get so outraged that the police get involved.They also need to have it be peaceful.

  185. i think there should be no violence involved. they should sit there peacefully and tell the country want they want through picket signs. but they should never create violence because no one will ever consider what your doing if you are violent.

  186. i think that we can vote. if the people know there right they could protest all they wont.

  187. I think a peaceful protest is a responsable way to protest.You could start a putshion abot what you are protesting about.If yo have a lot of people sing it could work.

  188. A responsible way to protest would be not fighting and trying to talk and get what you are saying through to the government or what ever you are protesting about. Also make sure they are listing and not trying to just get you out of the way.

  189. A safe way to make a protest is to get signatures. If that doesn’t work then get a big group of people together but be safe about it. Also make sure everyone believes in the same thing of what you are protesting to make sure fights don’t happen.

  190. Yes, I do believe that protesters should have room to talk, but only so much room. Police officials should be able to step in when things get crazy. I think that protesters should be able to protests until lives become at risk.

  191. a way to protest is to get tons of people and meet in one place then you speake your mind to the government and try to keep peace in all this because then it turns to be a riot and that never ends well. the government also needs to be responsible about the protests to.

  192. Basically the way people have for the longest time, no violence, just marching or standing outside of a building. I’m not the type to protest, but if you’re going to do it just avoid violence and try to be mature about the way you do it.

  193. I think that if we know our rights we can protest in many ways. We could go on strike or just have a gathering to show how many people don’t want a law or change of rights.

  194. A responsible way to protest against your government about bringing change is to somehow show the government why your there. They might not care but its worth a try. You don’t want it to lead to violence because people will get hurt and we don’t want that.

  195. I think no one really pays attention to protesters so if theirs another way they can get noticed but in a safe way and legal way then I think that would be big for them to get their word out of what their protesting about.

  196. The government does not pay enough attention to protesters its almost like the government doesn’t care. if people knew their rights protesting would be a lot safer because in some protest i seen on TV they re burning cars and a lot more and they just keep doing it even if someone sends them home they will come back and do the same thing.

  197. I don’t really think the government cares about what the people are protesting about. I think they really care about the number of people. More people means more power to the people. Lets say that a small group of people are protesting about civil rights, the government wont care and just brush it aside. But if a very big group of people were protesting about the same topic, then the government would have a problem.

  198. A responsible way to protest would not to be to crowd the streets and such everyday, but to maybe start a big petition. Then the government could see just how many people are protesting and why.

  199. Change needs to be brought to our country, bringing awareness about what the government is doing to change things is important, Protesting can be a dangerous thing, so if we make it safe then more people could get involved.

  200. i think a responsible way to protest is a letter. people have been killed at those protest events. I wouldn’t want to be killed because i spoke my mind. if your protesting against the government your not gonna win so its a waste of time.

  201. You have to get a lot of people to pretest about the same topic because then they might have a better chance of listening to you if you have a crowd of people. You also have to make yourself stand out in the crowd, make posters and signs saying what you want better that could change the way that the government runs things. If you do these type of things, the economy might be changed because you spoke out for what you believe.

  202. I think the most responsible way to protest against your government is to get a big group of people like the one in the picture and tell them what you want. If they were to get enough people to protest the government would most likely change what the people want. The would change things because without us they really don’t have much to do. A lot of people turn protests into riots and that’s the worst way to protest things because that’s not getting anything done it’s making things worse more than anything.

  203. I don’t think it is civil rights i think it is the government. They don’t pay enough attention to them and that’s not right. So they should be allowed to protest as long as they don’t have riots.

  204. I think that a responsible way to protest would be just getting the government to agree to let the protester to make a partition and have certain and also normal people to sign them under the government rule. Then when the is signed with the amount of signatures the the government will grant the protesters wish.

  205. I think that we should be able to protest. I think that the government officials don’t really care when people do because they normally don’t do anything about it. We should be able to have our say in it so they should pay attention to the people protesting and make a change from it.

  206. I don’t think that government officials pay enough attention to protesters. We need to start to bring change and we should stand out grounds and knowing our rights we can make protesting better. People that protest have to get sent home and nothing is happening with the government i think that we should be able to make decisions and see change!

  207. In my opinion, responsible protesting would be just getting the word out that your protesting against something. You don’t need to hurt anyone, you just need to get the public to know what your talking about.

  208. I think that protests are fine as long as they are not violent. I think if people gather and say what they want there could be change. Too many times there have been protests where government officials send home the protesters. People should be able to protest what they want.

  209. I don’t think government officials really care what protesters have to say i think we need to keep protesting but also getting in touch with people who have the power to speak out to them and against them. Also they need to fight for everything they want and not give up until change is made. Also they need to protest things that will effect the economy and the people in the government and make the changes themselves if no one will help them.

  210. i think a responsible way to protest a government is to send some letters and keep sending them till the government does something about the problem.

  211. do it either in a blog or you tube video that way your not hurting any one and it uses the popularity of social media to your advantage. signs on the street aren’t going to change anyone’s mind.

  212. I think that it’s 50/50 because sometimes the government is right and some times the protesters are right. Maybe it’s time for change. But protesting is sometimes not safe.

  213. To bring change I think it’s a good idea to gather and protest but I don’t think it should become violent or a campsite. I think the protesters should respect the police officers because they are only doing their job and should gather everyday they want but go home at night. I don’t think they should camp out and create bad living conditions though.

  214. Due to large crowds of people, the government might change their mind, or they would just ignore the crowd, and just keep working.

  215. I think that we should do a protest in a non-violent way. I don’t think that government officials are paying a lot of attention to protesters. We need to change. i think that staying on the grounds and knowing the rights is a good thing. I think that people should be able to protest for there rights.

  216. I think the most responsible way to protest is just have a big rally full of people that agree with you, make a bunch of signs and have a meeting place or do a march by the government places. Its not hurting anyone and its showing what you want by seeing that you got a ton of people together and made posters.

  217. in a protest that is n a responsible way is by Not harming anyone, and just letting the government know why you are there. Its about change. not violence.

  218. The right time to protest is whenever it’s a major thing. Although when protesting goes too far, no matter what it is about, it needs to stop. Other than that, there should be no protesting.

    • Protesting can really help a country though. It lets people say what they need to say and can make their government see what needs to be changed to keep the people that live in their country to make everyone happy.

  219. I think that we should do it in a non-violent way to get our word through. People need to know their rights and what they should do in a protest and not just rage into it. Also police shouldn’t try and arrest everyone that tried to protest because people have to have good reason for what they are doing so police shouldn’t always try and take control.

  220. I think protesting might just annoy the government to do more things that citizens don’t like. I think it would be much easier to just go and talk to whoever is in charge, just get a group of people together and tell them what you want to change. It would be much more confronting than protesting.

  221. I think that government officials don’t really care about protesters but to if the protesters know their rights and don’t harm anyone then I would say it would be a safe protest.

  222. A responsible way to protest is to hold rally’s and strike. A non responsible way to protest would be to riot or hurt people because you can get arrested for that, but if you protest non violently you can’t.

  223. I think whatever it takes for the government to actually care because with peaceful protest its just wasting the protesters time, if its that big of a deal then make them notice so they can do something about it.

  224. Protesting is a good way to show what we want as a change, but sometimes it can be dangerous. Our government needs to pay more attention to protesters. They are the people who want a change in our Country.

  225. i think we should have to vote against the problem in are government and not just go around destroying things in are cities

  226. You could have a vote. We could march and say what we want to make a change for.We could all just give the people are honest opinion on what we want to change a why we want to change it.

  227. to demonstrate outside of important and populated areas of your country. you must look respectable and make your intentions obvious and appear well. also, you should be peaceful and diplomatic

  228. I don’t think that government officials pay enough attention to protesters. We need to bring about change, and I think that by standing our grounds and knowing our rights we can make protesting safe. People always protest and then the government sends them home and nothing changes. People should be able to protest and see change for the better.

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