Presidents have kept company with critters of all types. Theodore Roosevelt turned the White House into a zoo with parrots, horses, ponies, bears, a zebra, snakes and, inexplicably, a one- legged chicken.

John Quincy Adams actually used to love surprising guests in the White House with an alligator he kept in a bathtub.

Pictured above: Brady, Mr. Andrews’ favorite pet!

Pictured above: Mr. Moore and his pet frog!

Pictured above: Lions Quarterback Matt Stafford and his puppies!

YOUR QUESTION: Tell us your best pet story! What kind of pet do you have? What’s it’s name? If you could have any animal as a pet what would it be?  You may also email us a picture of your pet and we will add it to the blog!

About Mr. Andrews

Professional Educator

280 comments on “CNN BLOG: FRIDAY, MAY 18th

  1. Mr. Andrews it was nice having you as a teacher I loved everyone in 7th hour and sitting in front of your desk and jammin out to beastie boys and n sync

  2. I don’t have a pet. If I could have a pet I would have a dog. A pet story is that I use to go over to my friends house and we would freak out over his neighbors dog, It was giant and rough.

  3. I have two dogs (Charlie and Max) two cats (Mia and Tae) and a crap ton of fish right now. Though none of them have been as close to my heart as my dog Mason who died 3 years ago. I grew up with him and when he died a part of my heart broke:( Though now when I think of him all I can do is smile because of how much love he gave me.

  4. My best pet story would have to be when my chinchilla slapped my cat Sox in the face. Also, my cat Maggie was on the bar and stole Todd’s big piece of ham. Brittany and Todd were running around the house saying ‘Look out for a cat with a piece of ham!’ I have two dogs. One named Taco, and one named Sasha. I also have a cat named Maggie, she is the cat we have had the longest. If I could have any animal as a pet I would want another chinchilla. I used to have one named Jerry but he died.

  5. I have three cats and one dog. We got my first cat before I was born, he was 21 years old as of last month. My second cat we got at a box in a gas station, and my third cat was a stray that we fed every day for about a year and then took in when his family disappeared. My dog was given to my brother, who has muscular dystrophy, as a present when he failed to get a dog specially trained to help him. I like how my cat can knock over an entire shelf, and then pull an innocent face when I turn to look at her. One of my cats can climb any wall in the house. And my dog is just hyper and funny. If I could have any pet, it out would be African Serval or it’s more domestic hybrid, the Savannah.

  6. i have a dog he’s name is Pulgas and he wont lat anyone sleep in till he go’s pee first and he will go to are room and try to wake use up

  7. i have two dogs. The oldest one is 9 years old. She is a German Sheppard mix named Roxie. I got her when I was six for Christmas. My youngest dog is 3 years old. She is a Golden Retriever named Maple. I got her in fifth grade after my, 12 year old, Dalmatian Cheyenne died from cancer. Before that I had a yellow lab named Sassy who we gave to my grand mother. She died five months ago and she now has a new dog named Coco.

  8. I have a golden retriever.My best memory was when my dog was stuck out in the middle of a pond and he wouldn’t come in so we had to go and get him.It would have been sad if he died but he didnt so it was kind of funny.

  9. One of the best memories I have with one of my dogs is when my dog Jack was a puppy. It was the first time we left him alone. He was in a indoor fence that’s about 3 feet tall. When got back, he tore up paper off the counters and made our house a mess! We put him back in the fence to see how he got out, and when we did, he climbed up the side and jumped right out! Even though he was less than a foot tall.

  10. I have never had a pet before. If I could have any pet it would be a dog or cat because I would like to cuddle with it and pet it all the time. But I would like to have a ferret. Like the in kindergarten cop.

  11. My best pet memory is when we bought our first dog, a border collie named Bailie. I currently have two boy cats, Indiana Jones and Geronimo. I have two border collies; a boy named Piper and the girl is Bailie that I mentioned before. I also have fifteen highland cows, three Holstein calves, and my 4H steer, Ladies Man. If I could, I would have a horse or maybe even a tiger or Galapagos turtle.

  12. i have a black lab named rex

  13. I have a red nose pit bull named Bud and he is the coolest and nicest dog that I have had my whole life. I got him just last year in June when he was six weeks old and started training him at eight weeks and he picked up on sitting, staying, lying down, speaking, shaking, and an interesting nose trick. I am obsessed with pit bulls because they are so cute and so smart! My dog will always lay on back and sneeze every time when he does. I love my baby!

  14. I have a dog named Oscar, he is wild and crazy. I’ve had him for 8 years he a great dog.

  15. I don’t really have a dog story. My dog is just really hyper and boring. I have a palmoraian.

  16. My pet story is when i came home from brownies (when i was younger) I went to my back yard and my dad was holding my dog (he was a puppy at this time) and he was standing in the sunlight so i couldn’t really see that well and all i could see was two legs hanging and so I said “we got a duck?” and then i walked in closer and realized it was a puppy. He is a 7 year old German Shepherd named Lenny. And if i could have any pet i would have a bunny.

  17. I have a doberman named Chopper and a pitbull named Petey. My best memory with a pet was with my dog Jari when he would drag me around the house with his tug. If I could pick any animal in the world it would be a wolf hybrid from Siberia.

    Second one is Jari:http://petmemorialcards.com/mem2006-10.html

  18. My Kitten Baby. She was so funny, I was eating a New York Strip and went to get steak sauce… I came back and watched her walk down the hallway with the steak in her mouth and she was a runt, tiny little girl she was. Lol. If I could have any pet, it would be Baby Kitty Crenshaw forever and always.

  19. my best pet is when i got fish when i was about 8 and my mom and dad got me fish and one of the fish ate the other one.

  20. I don’t have a pet, but i had one when i was in 3rd grade. I named him Young Snif. He died just a few weeks after i got him. He got hit by a car

  21. My best memory is playing with my dog in the snow in the winter. My dogs names is tug and he is a golden retriever. I would want a dog out of any other animal.

  22. I have a black cat named Piper. If I could have any animal as a pet, I would have a dog. I would have a dog because dogs are awesome and good to play with.

  23. I have a dog and her name is Mocha because shes a chocolate lab. She is 4 years old. I don’t really have a story about her but she does keep running away, she always comes back tho.

  24. You may also email us a picture of your pet and we will add it to the blog! i had cat and it name was bandit also if i could have any animal it would be a dragon becuse it could take you places and also no one has something like that and if could do so much more then any other animal

  25. I have 3 dogs named Corky, Cajun, and Chloe. I also have to cats named Tober and Kekke. I have a lot of good pet stories. My favorite has to be that my one dog Chloe, whenever there is another animal is on T.V. she will bark at it. If I could have another pet it would be a guinea pig because I used to have three and they all passed away, so I miss them and I would like more.

  26. I have a dog and a cat. My dog is Sunny and my cat is Chloe. If I could have any animal as a pet I would want a chimp to mess around with, I think that there would be a lot of practical jokes and that he could be the next Johnny Knoxville. You could tell him to throw a bees nest in a limo that is full of your friends. Or do crazy stuff with a bunch of skateboarders.

  27. Well i mean the only pet story i can think of is when Brooke Hoskin’s dog bit me. That hurt, now i have a fear of dogs. Well i have my own dog it’s a yorkie, his name is Wilson, and i like him, cause he doesnt bite.

  28. I have never had a pet in my whole life. My mom is allergic to dogs and cats. If I could, I would have a dog because cats smell bad. My favorite pet story is about my friend’s dog Bella. Bella is a really cool dog and she jumps on the trampoline with us.

  29. I have a Boyken Spaniel named Tucker.

  30. My best memory with a pet is when i got my dog Madison, I was in like 5th grade and I was super sick. But it was so worth it to drive two hours away and get her. If i could have any animal i would get another Turtle .

  31. I have a dog, 2 cats, and a bearded dragon. Whenever I watch TV and a commercial with a dog comes on my dog will start barking and kind of claw at the TV screen.

  32. I don’t really have an amazing pet story but I do have 3 cats! There names are Tabetha, Tess, and Bailey. i really want a dog and will probably get one when I get older. A racoon would be a pretty cool pet too.

  33. My best memory with a pet is also my worst, as it involved the death of one of my cats, and what the other cat did that same day. However, it is too difficult to explain what happened, and even if i did, it would not make sense unless you were there. Currently, i have two cats named Miracle (she almost died), which turned into Miracle-whip, like the mayo, and now we just call her Whip, and another cat named Rumble, due to his purr. I have had two other cats as well.

  34. My best pet story is of the Shetland Sheepdog puppy I have right now, Sonny. We had gotten him after the death of my uncle Walter “Sonny” Larson Jr. He is exactly like uncle Sonny was, he always has a smile, he’s yappy, and he’s a very smart and handsome puppy. I’m fine with the animals I have right now, 3 dogs, 4 cockatiels, and a fish is enough for me.

  35. I do not have any pets. If i could get one it would be a Scorpion. It eats once a month.

  36. I have a pet snake named Ace. A few days ago Justin Carter Pruett came over and I put my snake under his shirt. He started a combination of laughing and crying. Goooooooooood Snaaaaaaake

  37. I have a ferret, his name is Pouncer. He is larger than most ferrets, he’s about 4lbs. He’s fluffy and squishy and funny with a bell.

  38. My pet is a dog and her name is Dixie. I have many other pets and if i count the fish i have had 15 pets 3 dogs 2 hamsters and 10 fish. All most all at different times.

  39. I don’t have any pets but I at different times I have had a dog, cat, bunny, guinea pig, lots of fish, and a hermit crab. If I could have any pet I would have a giraffe. My pet story is that one time my dog got on my bus in the morning.

  40. I have a couple of small dogs that are boring and a cat but if i could have an exotic pet i would probably have a bobcat because they are giant cats that are the size of a dog. and they would be cool to have and watch because it is so big.

  41. The first pet that I remember getting was my first dog Casey. He was in the back of my dad’s pick up truck covered in fleas and he was terrified. We cleaned him up and kept him for a few years until he ran away. Then I got my three cats and my last dog. The cats names are Chase, Scrappy, and Sassy. And the dog is Nitro. If I could have any pet, I would want to have a spider monkey.

  42. I HAVE 3 CATS! but if i could have an exotic pet i would want a LION! It would be sweet!

  43. My best memories is when we got my white golden retriever named Libby. The second or third week we had her we thought we lost her. We ended up finding her stuck under are couch. She crawled under there to get a ball but ended up get lost when the cover fell behind her and it became dark.

  44. I have a dog she is German Shepard mixed with husky and her name is sissy. We got here when she was just a little puppy. If i could own any animal it would still remain a dog, because I really don’t like cats at all!

  45. My best animal is my dog, Rastus. He died, but he like watched out for me when i was little. He followed me around and slept with me at night. But if i could have any animal it would be a polar bear! they’re so cute!

  46. mt favorite pet memory was when we got my dog Griffin and when we got him home and he did know what to do, he was so little and now he is almost 100 pounds and he is only a year old.

  47. My favorite moment is when my dog one the happiest dog competition. I have a dog and her name is storm.

  48. The pet I have are 1 dog. I used to have 2 but recently one of my dogs died. The one still have is 3 years old and her name is Chloe. The one that just died was named Oliver and he was only 2. If I could have any pet, I would want a lizard.


  50. my bests mannerly was my sis lat my dog out. my sis was following my dog. but they were next door the hole time in the gorge. then i fownd my sis and my dog. my dog started to grow, but then my sis woke up and ran to my arms then my dog came over.

  51. i have a pit bull named dot and she is white and one of the nicest dogs ive ever seen and any pet in the world would be a basilisk http://learnwithtechnolgy.com/basilisk2.jpg

  52. My best pet story was when my bird flew out of it’s cage when I was younger. It was funny because the bird could talk so it was kind of mocking my parents in a way. Now I don’t have any birds, but I have a Golden Retriever named Casey.

  53. I don’t have any pets. I used to have a dog but my mom gave it away because she didnt like it . She didn’t want me and my brothers and sisters to be mad so she told us that they ran away. His name was Chipper. If I could have any animal I would want a Husky or a finger monkey.

  54. my best memory of my DOG LUCKY, was when he got hit by a car and survived. i understand that its sad that he got hit but i think it was the best moment when i heard he will survive. if i could have any animal i’d get a tiger, also a lion, so i could make a liger. but the best animal would be the tiger.

  55. The best memory I’ve had with my pet was when he scared some solicitors at my house. The only reason why he scared them was because he’s an English bulldog, and he tends to be stereotyped. Haha, his name is Churchill, and I like any pet I have.

  56. I have 3 dogs, a turtle and 2 cats. Sammy, the cocker spaniel is my dog though. I wouldn’t recommend another animal because I love mine. If I had the chance to get another one I really couldn’t pick because I love all animals.

  57. My pet story is i have a white boxer and a Boston terrier. the Bostons name is Murphy and the boxers name is Tihtus. Murphy’s full name is Murphy Oden’s son Deyo, and Tihtus’s is Tihtus Magnis Maximus ( after magneto from x-men).

  58. i had a yellow lab that recently died named maddy, and i currently have a bunny named jay.

  59. my best pet story is when my i was playing with my dog sparky and i threw a ball and it bounced off a wall and so sparky rammed into the wall and then went after the ball. i would get a tiger and a lion if i could have andy pet.

  60. I had a fish that wouldn’t die so we didn’t feed it but the fish didn’t die for like two years. I have have no pets, they have no names. If I could have any pet it would be a turtle.

  61. My best memory is when i got my dog. I got to pick her out when i was little all by myself. She is now a 12 year old chocolate lab. I like how much fun she is to play with. She has always been really adventurous and active. She likes the company of my little sisters dog allot because she has company during the day while I’m at school.

  62. One of my best pet memory’s is when in then winter we go and take my dog to the park and we have in run on the ice. when ever he try’s to stop he does like a split, and its so much fun. If i could have any animal it would be tiger also a hippo.

  63. I have a dog named Cody, he is a golden retriever. The dog that i would get would be a blood hound probably or another golden retriever! i just love them! i don’t have just one specific memory with Cody I have just to many.

  64. I don’t have any pets. I would want a dog if i could get a pet. I think that dogs are the best pet a person could have and they are the most common pet to have.

  65. my family has many pets including a dog,cat,bunny,snake,bird .my best pet story um our bird had a mate and had a babie at one time.if i could have any pet i like snakes i have one already so yeah.

  66. My pets’ names are Bear and Bella. They are me two dogs. The craziest pet Iv’e ever had was a pet alligator when I was like, five. If I could have any pet in the world I would have an actual wolf. That is my favorite animal.

  67. I don’t have any pets. If I could get a pet I would want fish. I think fish are cute and they would be a cool pet to own.

  68. I have a cat named Molly. She was a stray cat that my dad found on the side of the road by his work, and we took her in. I really want to have a finger monkey or a bobcat.

  69. I have a whippet named Happy, and three Siberian Huskies, Cotton, Thor, and Slick. I would not want any other pet other than a Bull-mastiff. My favorite memories with my pets are when I get the chance to show them at dog shows.

  70. I have a 2yr. old Boston Terrier named Zerk. I don’t have any stories about him though. If i could have any animal for a pet i would have a wolf because there mostly like a dog, but dangerous unless you train them right.

  71. My best pet i have is my dog autumn. She is a mix of many dogs to name a few Rhodesian ridge back,Greyhound,Boxer. She is super energetic she is constantly making me take her on walks. But when i’m down she come up to me and puts her paws on my shoulders and rests her head on her paws and it the closest thing to her giving me hug.

  72. I have a cat named stewie. we got the name from family guy. If i had a pet i would want a German Shepard.

  73. I don’t have any best pet stories. I have a puppy and a cat, named Emma and Toby. I would have a flamingo as a pet!

  74. I have two rottweilers. The mom’s name is Heaven and the son’s name is Hadies. I also have a guinea pig named milo.

  75. I have an orange cat, Cookie. That’s it.

  76. I have a Golden Retriever named Max. My best memory with my dog, is just everyday. I come home and see him everyday after school. I wouldn’t want any other pet, he’s perfect<3

  77. i have a cat a dog and a fish.

  78. I got a dog that is now 4 months old, shes a very hyper. She is a Husky, Yellow lab, Chow, and a pit bull mixed. Shes very, very happy to see and one. But when she does, she pees.

  79. My best memory with my dog is when i was little. I was afraid of ghost and thought they where everywhere. So i would take my dog Pogo everywhere i went.

  80. i dont really have a story but both my pets died two years ago!!! i miss them 😦

  81. I have one cat but if i could have any animal i would have a liger becaue it would be cool to have a lion tiger mix…That is all

  82. I have a dog named Maggie. She is about five years old. She is a bichon (a little white dog). She is very cute and energetic. When we first got her five years ago, she threw-up on my brother. 🙂

  83. I have a kitten named Lilly. She is a grey tabby cat. My favorite memory with her is when she followed me while i was on a walk around the block with my dog. If i could have any animal i would get a horse, they are so cute and you can ride them.

  84. I have too many good pet memories to share. My favorites are all with my old cat, Scooter. He was by far the most amazing pet anyone could ever ask for. Not having him anymore was probably one of the hardest things I’ve ever had to do. I think about him all the time, and I don’t care what anyone says, he was more than a cat.

  85. I have two cats, one of them is named Sugar, and the other is Dottie. I love them to death. One of the funniest things that Sugar did is when she was a kitten she used to play with crinkled up paper and growled at you when you tried to take it away. If I could have any pet in the world I would have a cougar/panther or like a horse, I like red pandas too.

  86. I have a dog named Charley. The best pet story that has ever happened was when we took my dog home from the Human Society and he jumped onto the couch and flipped off. Now, he does it all the time and even rolls down the stairs.

  87. I have two pet turtles. One is named awkward Chip because he has a part of his shell missing by his butt. The other one is named Rose. If i could choose a pet I’m pretty sure I would want a pet pig because they are just so cute and are amazing.

  88. i have a dog named Benny, and a cat named Koda. If i could have any type of animal it would be a Liger. I want a Liger because they are really big and cool

  89. I have two dogs, Mikko and Kalla, two cats, Sunny and Thomas, and two turtles, Emily and Rhombus. My dog Kalla is very annoying and never shuts up and sunny is just a big fat orange cat. I don’t really have any good stories about any of them though.

  90. i have a pit bull mastiff and half mastiff half lab. we also had a black lab named molly but she passed away.

  91. I have a dog, cat, two rabbits, and a fish. My favorite pet story is how my cat turned on the water to drink out of the sink because she doesn’t like drinking out of a bowl. If I could have any pet I would want a golden retriever or German Shepard.

  92. I uses to have a dog that was the best I had him ever since I was born when he was a baby and so was I. We practically grew up together. He was a block head black lab and his name was Rascal. We had to put him down last year. I really miss him but now I have a new dog and he’s a Pomeranian mixed Maltese and his names Duncan.

  93. I have way too many pet stories to even share. But I have 1 dog, Buddy, and 4 cats. My dog is severely pathetic, with an unnatural obsession involving my mother, and hes under the impression hes a cat. My cats….well, 3 I hate with a burning passion, because like my dog, they are obsessed with my mother too. The only animal that loves me is my cat, Rosalie. Who’s honestly my child.

  94. my dogs name is max, he is a golden retriver that loves catching balls. Balls of all kinds, footballls, soccer balls, tennis balls, lacross balls, any kind of ball. If i could have any animal I would have a puma, it would keep robbers out of my house

  95. I have a Bernese Mountain dog named Bella. She is very cute but she is a brat. One time my neighbor was watching her and then my dog broke her arm by pulling her down the stairs. Luckily our neighbor likes us so we didn’t get sued.

  96. I have a Siberian husky name Max and he is the best dog ever. I got him for my 10th birth day as a surprise by my parents. I had always wanted a husky so I can’t think of any other pet I would want. He is really smart and really nice so hes just awesome.

  97. My dog is a mutt shes a cross between a black lab and a border collie. She is very smart and is always playing around. If i could pick a pet i would pick a wolf because they are awesome.

  98. My best pet story was with my German Shepard Joker. He was my childhood pet and I remember him the best. He was a really old dog when he died though, so I got to love him for like up until I was 10. If I could have any pet I would have a very furry golden retriever named Lassie.

  99. My best pet story was when i had to go through a blizzard to get my dogs. I have 3 dogs 3 cats and a bunny. My dogs are really stupid and bark at a spec of dust all the time. If i could have any pet it would be a snake.

  100. My favorite pet is a dog and I would much rather have a dog than a cat. I HATE cats. I want a pet creeper. I want to ride my bicycle I want to ride my bike.I want to ride my bicycle I want to ride my bike.I want to ride my bicycle I want to ride my bike.I want to ride my bicycle I want to ride my bike.I want to ride my bicycle I want to ride my bike.I want to ride my bicycle I want to ride my bike.I want to ride my bicycle I want to ride my bike.I want to ride my bicycle I want to ride my bike.I want to ride my bicycle I want to ride my bike.I want to ride my bicycle I want to ride my bike.I want to ride my bicycle I want to ride my bike.I want to ride my bicycle I want to ride my bike.I want to ride my bicycle I want to ride my bike.I want to ride my bicycle I want to ride my bike.I want to ride my bicycle I want to ride my bike.I want to ride my bicycle I want to ride my bike.I want to ride my bicycle I want to ride my bike.I want to ride my bicycle I want to ride my bike.I want to ride my bicycle I want to ride my bike.I want to ride my bicycle I want to ride my bike.I want to ride my bicycle I want to ride my bike.I want to ride my bicycle I want to ride my bike.I want to ride my bicycle I want to ride my bike.I want to ride my bicycle I want to ride my bike.I want to ride my bicycle I want to ride my bike.I want to ride my bicycle I want to ride my bike.I want to ride my bicycle I want to ride my bike.I want to ride my bicycle I want to ride my bike.I want to ride my bicycle I want to ride my bike.I want to ride my bicycle I want to ride my bike.I want to ride my bicycle I want to ride my bike.I want to ride my bicycle I want to ride my bike.I want to ride my bicycle I want to ride my bike.I want to ride my bicycle I want to ride my bike.I want to ride my bicycle I want to ride my bike.I want to ride my bicycle I want to ride my bike.I want to ride my bicycle I want to ride my bike.I want to ride my bicycle I want to ride my bike.I want to ride my bicycle I want to ride my bike.I want to ride my bicycle I want to ride my bike.I want to ride my bicycle I want to ride my bike.I want to ride my bicycle I want to ride my bike.I want to ride my bicycle I want to ride my bike.I want to ride my bicycle I want to ride my bike.I want to ride my bicycle I want to ride my bike.I want to ride my bicycle I want to ride my bike.I want to ride my bicycle I want to ride my bike.I want to ride my bicycle I want to ride my bike.I want to ride my bicycle I want to ride my bike.I want to ride my bicycle I want to ride my bike.I want to ride my bicycle I want to ride my bike.I want to ride my bicycle I want to ride my bike.I want to ride my bicycle I want to ride my bike.I want to ride my bicycle I want to ride my bike.I want to ride my bicycle I want to ride my bike.I want to ride my bicycle I want to ride my bike.I want to ride my bicycle I want to ride my bike.I want to ride my bicycle I want to ride my bike.I want to ride my bicycle I want to ride my bike.I want to ride my bicycle I want to ride my bike.I want to ride my bicycle I want to ride my bike.I want to ride my bicycle I want to ride my bike.I want to ride my bicycle I want to ride my bike.I want to ride my bicycle I want to ride my bike.I want to ride my bicycle I want to ride my bike.I want to ride my bicycle I want to ride my bike.I want to ride my bicycle I want to ride my bike.I want to ride my bicycle I want to ride my bike.I want to ride my bicycle I want to ride my bike.I want to ride my bicycle I want to ride my bike.I want to ride my bicycle I want to ride my bike.I want to ride my bicycle I want to ride my bike.I want to ride my bicycle I want to ride my bike.I want to ride my bicycle I want to ride my bike.I want to ride my bicycle I want to ride my bike.I want to ride my bicycle I want to ride my bike.I want to ride my bicycle I want to ride my bike.I want to ride my bicycle I want to ride my bike.I want to ride my bicycle I want to ride my bike.I want to ride my bicycle I want to ride my bike.

  101. I have a Begal hound mix. Her name is jewls. she’s about 5 years old and she loves everyone.

  102. I don’t have any pets. I used to have 2 cats but my mom gave them away. She didn’t want me and my brothers and sisters to be mad so she told us that they ran away. Their names were Toby and Tiger. If I could have any animal I would want a Husky or a finger monkey.

  103. I have a Vezsla named Brimley! she is 10 years old and i love her to death!! shes a real cutie<3 If i could get another pet i would get a another dog, because they are adorable and they are really fun to cuddle with! aha

  104. I have two small dogs, and three cats. My dogs will rabidly chase our cats, even though the cats are bigger. (Messed up situation, right?) My dogs will also go insane when somebody turns on a laser.

  105. My old dog bear woke me up while i was sleeping and pooped in my bed. Good times…

  106. We used to have a dog that would always run away. We tired all kind of different leashes and finally we put him on a chain. He chewed his way through the chain and ran away again. We couldn’t find him for the longest time and then we found out that the neighbors took him. They said that they didn’t take him and weren’t going to give him back. We don’t own any animals and aren’t going to. I like not having a pet because I have so many other things to worry about, so I don’t have time to take care of a pet.

  107. Well i have a lot of animals. I have 3 dogs, 2 cats, 1 bird and 1 turtle. I cant really think of any good stories. I wish i could have a duck.

  108. My best memory with my pet is when we took my dog to my aunt and uncles in Indiana and he got to run around the fields with my cousins dog. They live on 80 acres so they were running around almost all day. My dogs name is Beanz..

  109. I do not have a pet but I did have two dogs. There names were snoopy and boomer.
    They were both boys and we had them since they were puppies. But when we moved we had to give them away. If I could get a new pet I would want it to be a dog and just like snoopy.

  110. I have an half french bulldog and half Boston terrier whats called a froston. I have to dogs and there names are Renny and Georgie they are so cute! I love when they play fight together. I wouldn’t want any other pets than i do have now i wish they could live forever!!

  111. I have around 3 pets in my house a Dog, a cat, and a snake. My dog Bruno has some of the best pet memories he is a 180lb rottweiler that doesn’t do much but sleep all day. But when he was younger he could run and jump and used to be fun to play with. And my cat is crazy and acts like a dog and goes crazy at night especially when shes outside. And my snake it is a ball python that is about 4 foot and is always fun to take out of the cage and just let it cruse.

  112. I have a golden and hes the cutest thing in the world. When we first got him he was sleeping on our floor with his stomach pointing towards the ceiling. Sometimes he would put his paw up and it looked like he was raising his hand so we would ask him questions and he would raise his hand for us. It was really funny and adorable we couldn’t stop doing it!

  113. The best and funny pet story i have is when my Newfoundland tried to jump out my brothers window because she doesn’t like the living-room..? And i have 4 dogs, 1 hamster, and 1 huge guinea pig. I mostly love my dogs. Laci, Cricket, Piper & Hunny.

  114. one time, my two German shepherds decided to get frisky on each other and the one on the bottom decided to take a dump and the one on the top got off and ate the others poop. It was very disgusting and i would never want to see that again. And i stopped them when i saw the poop eating.

  115. I don’t have a pet. I used to though! His name was Shibby! He was adorable. He was always happy, and running around, and playing. I wish I still had him.

  116. I don’t have any pets. If I could have any animal as my pet it would probably be a dog.

  117. My dog Pepper is a mix of a German Shepard and a Collie, once when my brothers and I took her down to the lake she ran to the water and dragged my brother Jacob down with her until they were both in the water and later when we were all swimming Pepper started to swim to Jacob and swam right on him and scratched his whole entire side. And I would love to have a giraffe as a pet cause I just love them.

  118. Well I have two pets. I have a cat and a dog. The cat’s name is Tigger. He is my baby. I love him so much. And my dogs name is Buster. I just got him not to long ago so I have yet to find out what he will do. If I could have any pet I would have to say I would want to have a tiger and lion cub. I would also really like to have a giraffe.

  119. My best memory is when my Mom and Dad told us they were going to the movies and they brought back a little puppy, my dog. My siblings and I were so surprised. His name is Rocky and he is a Pitt-bull mix. He is so sweet and cute. If I could have any type of pet it would probably be a sea turtle. Though it would be difficult to take care of it I still think it would be really cool.

  120. My best pet story was when my dog Pecas ran through our electric fence just for fun. She would just run back and forth over it and we would try to stop her. Pecas was a dalmatian. If I could have another pet it would be another dog but instead of a dalmatian it would be a Siberian Husky.

  121. I actually hate my dog so, we don’t have memories with him. He’s a Siberian Husky so he howls and wakes me up in the middle of the night. His name is Smokey. If I could have any pet it would be a Zebra, because they are my favorite animals.

  122. well my dogs name is Gus he is smart he dose some thing cool ever day but if i could have one pet any thing i what it to be i would pick a unicorn cause i bet i could git a lot of money for him

  123. My dogs name was Carmen and was hit by a car in front of me by old people and still survived. Plus, those old people did a hit and run.

  124. I have a yellow lab named Zoey. We havnt really had any good times and honestly i hate her. The best story was when she bit my arm.

  125. My best pet is a dog i have, named Jasmine. We got her one day for Christmas and have had her since. If I could have any pet, I’d get a wolf and train it to not harm unless I say so. It is possible and would be fun.

  126. I don’t have a best pet story.

  127. I don’t have a pet story because I don’t pay attention to them, i have 2 outdoor cats but i hate them. Their names are cat 1 and cat 2. If i could have any animal as a pet i would have a giraffe.

  128. My best memory with a pet is when one of my dogs ran into a wall because he is stupid. I have two dogs, both boys. Their names are Kendall and Boomer. If I could have any animal as a pet I would have a hedgehog.

  129. i have a awesome pet fish. He has no name, and he is easy to take care of. You don’t have to take it for walks, or clean its litter box, or even play with it. All you have to do is give it food twice a day and your good. I guess you have to clean the tank, but i don’t do that my mom does, so its easy to take care of my fish.

  130. I don’t have a pet, but i want a pet Tiger. I’ve always wanted on because their my favorite animal and i think their the prettiest animal ever!

  131. I have a sugar glider. his name is Joey and hes the greatest pet ever. he climbs the tallest thing he can and he leaps of of it and lands perfectly. he thinks hes a tiny acrobat. He loves french fries and candy, although hes not allowed to eat chocolate. He hides inside my clothes and burrows his tiny head to sleep. i can take him to school and noone will even know hes there because he is such a good hider. i love my handsome little man.

  132. I love my pet. She is the most wonderful thing that’s ever happened to me. She gets so excited when she sees me. Her name is Candy. She’s my pet human. I feed her table scraps every day and give her toys to play with. I keep her in the basement when I don’t want to see her. When people come over I bring her out and she can do tricks for them. She’s good at whimpering, rolling over, and playing dead. That’s my pet.

  133. Tell us your best pet story! What kind of pet do you have? What’s it’s name? If you could have any animal as a pet what would it be? You may also email us a picture of your pet and we will add it to the blog!
    My cat its just like me grumpy and unsocial and sleeps alot. If i could have any pet in the world it would probably be a goat!

  134. Once my cat Ethel and my lizard Henry were cuddling and it was the cutest thing I’ve ever seen in my life. It was weird because when he was in his cage she like tried to attack him through the glass but when we introduced them they cuddled for like fifteen minutes.

  135. i have 3 horses charlie, hickory. and lil’ guy (all boys) they are pretty cool and charlie is over 40 which i think is pretty cool. i also have hosin fefer (girl) who is my mini Rex/velveteen rabbit, then i have aarlee my baby girl (the only girl dog) who lose my bunny to death which is funny because her breed is suppose to hunt them, then there is pox and westie (boys). westie is a westie and pox is a Australian cattle dog. then i have 14 fish, 2 squirells, 33 baby turkeys, and finally 17 chickens.

    • oh i almost forgot they 2 cats, tiger and midnight, i know not original, Andy my parrot, shadow my mouse and terror my tree frog.

  136. I have five cats my cats name is Molly. my favorite memory is when she thought the window was open and she ran it to the window. She is such a diva too if she wants to go into my room she will through herself against the door. anther funny memory is when she had cat nip and she kept jumping.

    • That’t funny I have a cat and a dog. My cat just sleeps all the time but he is my baby. And the dog is another story.

  137. I have a rottweiler and his name is Bo. My best pet story would be when we first got him, he was really nervous in his new home so he wouldn’t bark for the longest time. He soon eventually started to bark and it has been annoying ever since. If I could have any animal for a pet, it would be the honey badger because the honey badger don’t care.

  138. I used to have a German shepherd- black lab mix. His name was Duke but sadly he died when I was in the 1st grade. Now I have a pure bred Llewellin Setter and her name is Molly. If i could have any animal for a pet it would have to be a bear-cat. Yes they are real if you don’t believe me look it up.

  139. the best memory I’ve had of a pet was my dog zena. she was a German-Shepard mix Husky and she was the best dog ever. if i could have any animal I wanted i think it would be a tiger.

  140. I have 3 pets. I have a golden retriever named Buddy and a black lab named Cedar, I also have a gold fish. My best pet story is when a guy selling stuff came to my door, Buddy jumped on him and took him down, I thought it was funny.

  141. I have a golden retriever named thunder, i have had almost all my life. She is the sweetest dog you will even meet. she know’s when your upset or hurt. The thing is is that she is very old and just sleeps all day. I feel bad because no one ever plays with her.

  142. my best memory would have been the day i got my Doberman i was so happy and his name was jammier and if could have any pet it would be to have another doberman

  143. I have two dogs and ones name is Ruby and the other ones name is Gastby.
    They are really nice dogs and if i am in a bad mood, they can always help me to get out of that mood. And i love to play with them.

  144. I have two cats, fish, and a hedgehog. I love all animals but mine are part of my family. I used to have a cat named Joe that i got for Christmas when i was five but he died about 3 years ago. He was deaf but was an amazing cat. Once, he got ran over by a truck (not the wheels) and he was cut up pretty bad and still lived. Unfortunately, he died of diabetes. My one cat i have is named Foxy (Foxy Hoxie) and she had five kittens a couple years ago and we ended up keeping one and named her Gem. Then, my hedgehog’s name is Kiwi and she is pretty darn cool.

  145. My best pet story would have to be when there was a really big thunderstorm at my old house and my dog got scared and came up and snuggled me, and he’s not a very snuggly dog. I have a Shiba Inu and his name is Chauncey after Chauncey Billups. If I could have any animal it would be a duck.

  146. I have a red footed torturous. His name is Clyde. He digs hole’s, drinks water, sleeps, and eats lettuce. He is awesome. If I could have and pet i wanted it would be a Lion because there cool.

  147. My favorite pet is the dog I currently have now. She is a golden retriever and always is extremely jolly and can brighten your day whenever you need it. If I could have any pet, I would have to with the Kim Possable classic, “the naked mole rat”. It would be ten times cooler if it could actually communicate with me in some way as well.

  148. My family and I have three pets, two cats and one puppy. My cat is Riku and he’s a long haired black cat and five years old. My moms cat is Jasper and is a orange cat and three years old. Both we saved from either the humane society or found them in the rain outside. We just got our puppy two days ago and we saved her from the humane society. Her names Harper and she’s a Black Lab/ Boxer mix and she’s only two months old. My best pet memory is when my cat was just getting used to our house and he jumped on our rounded banisters on the landing and fell. It was pretty funny when he broke my Moms lamp and took a chunk out of her favorite wardrobe, then hopped up and walked out of the room unharmed. If I could have any animal it would totally be a Raptor because they’re just epic. And they’d eat anyone who I didn’t like.

  149. I have two cats named Nemo and Sophia (my sister named Sophia). I also have a dog named Lizzy that is like 13 years old.

  150. I have a terreor mix as a dog named Isabella, and a calico cat named Jinxie. I have many fond memories. I would like a Wolf.

  151. My favorite pet story is when I went down to Kentucky to get my dog for the first time. I have a Great Pyrenees. If I could have any animal in the world as my pet I would want a Bear because the big and strong.

  152. My best pet story is we have a dog named Shelby. One day my grandma was over watching Brynn, my little sister, until she got on the bus to go to school. After she got home from taking Brynn to the bus stop she couldn’t find Shelby. Come to find out she was having puppies under my sisters bed. Funny thing is it was my other sister’s birthday and we didn’t know she was pregnant.

  153. I have two pets a dog and a cat. My dog is an English Bulldog named Tugboat and I’m not sure what my cat is because we got him as a stray from Ohio, his name is Gizmo. If I could have any animal as my pet I would want a deer because my grandma found a baby deer wandering alone once so she brought it in her house I thought that it was pretty cool.

  154. if i could have any pet i would have an arrangitang because iv always wanted one

  155. I have a pet dog. He is awesome. I kind of want a Tiger as a pet.

  156. If I had a pet it would be a dog. I think that a dog is the best overall pet. Not too big but can still play with it.

  157. The best memory with my dogs are when they where playing around in the snow for the first time. I have 3 German Sheppard’s. Their names are max ,Sadie, and sparx. If i could have any animal as a pet it would be a penguin, lion, tiger, cougar, or jaguar.

  158. Tell us your best pet story! What kind of pet do you have? What’s it’s name? If you could have any animal as a pet what would it be?

    I have a dog That a friend of my mom’s named Ronda in new mexico found Zellie (my dog) in a pile of her dead sibling’s at a Indian reserve. that’s her first story the best pet story i got with her is the time she ran jumped on the trampoline and landed on top of my dad’s shoulder which she stayed on for 2 seconds before falling off.

  159. Okay I have a dog named Owen which I got about 1 year ago at Wal-Mart which we were shopping and there was people giving dogs away for free so we just took one.

  160. My first pet was a baby snapping turtle i had it in a fish bowl for 5 months. and now i have a dog and chickens, ducks and turkeys and fish. I would want a ostridge.

  161. I don’t really have a best pet story, because we don’t have good luck with pets. They always pee and poop everywhere so we don’t get any. I don’t have a pet, but if I could have an animal it would be Clint Eastwood.

  162. I never had a pet other than a fish in 1st grade. My family doesn’t really want a pet and no one has the time to take of one but I want a dog. I never had one but I was around them a lot as a kid. I don’t have any favorite pet stories because fish don’t do anything at all. If I could have any pet it would be a dog.

  163. My best pet story is i have a pure bred yellow lab and she is the most ignorant dog ever. We have a swamp in our back yard and she will run into it come out all dirty and act like she didnt do anything, I would wash her off and she would do it again. I would wash her off at least 10 to 15 times a day. It was fun and horrible at the same time.

  164. I have two cats at the moment, but I love dogs. I hope that one day I will get three dogs, a golden retriever, a dalmatian, and a Maltese. I would love to have a pet chimpanzee and teach it sign language so I could communicate with it. what person wouldn’t want to talk to a pet simian.

  165. My dog Koda is my best friend. I have many memories with him, but the thing I will never forget is when he saved my life. Well this isn’t really a memory but we were walking a couple months ago down my road and a huge coyote jumped out at me. It tried attacking me but Koda jumped out and attacked him.. I love my dog<3

  166. I had a dog. Its name was Dixie.It was a Australian shepherd and my dad got it when I was like 7 and it died when Was 11.It was around 6 years old when it died and it was a very awesome dog. We used to go running together and play catch with a Frisbee. Then one night it went to cross the road to go visit my neighbors dog because they had a “fling” going and it got hit by a car. Then the person who hit it brought it up to our house and knocked on our door and told us.

  167. My favorite pet, that is have is my dog, her name is Nala, she is a White Husky/Labrador mix. We got her when I was nine years old. She is my favorite dog because I was the one to train her and take care of her. She is my favorite dog, she is about 5 years old. I think a cool pet to have would be a monkey, that way I can have not only a awesome pet, but one that is or maybe even smarter than me.

  168. I don’t have any pets. I would not want any pets in the future because i am allergic to pet hair. Pets are not really important to me, so I would not consider buying one.

  169. I have two dogs, both wiener dogs too. One’s name is Bluie (go blue) & the other is Ruby. If I could have any other animal it would just be another dog.

  170. I have a cat. His name is Boris. One time he attacked my sister. It was pretty cool.

  171. Tell us your best pet story! What kind of pet do you have? What’s it’s name? If you could have any animal as a pet what would it be?
    My best pet story is when we went on vacation and i was taking my dog on a walk in the campground and she walked to the water and saw a bunch of minnows. Once she saw the minnows she flipped out and started chasing after them and she almost got one which was very funny to me. I have a dog and she is a Rat Terrier and she loves to play around and she likes to give kisses too. Her name is Kira. I would want a bird and a chinchilla because they are awesome and they are fun to play with.

  172. My pet is a blue pitbull and she is 5 and every time i sit on my couch she will literally try and push me off the couch and kick me or lay on my lap.

  173. I have two miniature dachshunds (wiener dogs), their names are Isabelle and Benzie and they love to dig. About 2 years ago they got themselves stuck under our deck in the back yard, aaand then they started to attack each other. I had to get under the deck and dig them out before they both really got hurt. Sadly Benzie was bleeding when i got her out, and Isa had managed to bite through her own lip. Both of them are fine now, and the hole under the deck is filled with bricks. If I could have any animal as a pet I would want either a teacup pig, yes a teacup PIG, or a baby white tiger.

  174. i had a cool dog named scout. he was an English setter that was trained for bird hunting. if i could choose any pet i would get a cougar because it could get use to you and be your pet. i could also have it as my home security. i would just leave the doors unlocked for anyone who thinks they can rob me.

  175. I don’t have any pets right now but my sister used to have a raccoon until we let it back into the wild, if i had a pet it would be a German Shepard

  176. I have two cats Scooby~Doo and Beau Beau. Scooby has six toes and a curly toe, And Beau Beau is a blue Russian who licks plastic bags. Also i have a dog named Kona and she was a rescue, she lived with her mom and dad in a barn. If i could have any pet i would want a the penguins from Mr. Popers penguins.

  177. I have a Doberman and three cats, and my sister has a ball python. I have had two dobermans in my life, but one died about three years ago. His name was Copper, and my best pet memories are with him because I grew up playing with him in our backyard and taking him for walks, although I love my new Doberman, Jasper, just as much :). If I could have any pet, it would have to be something exotic and big. Maybe a predatory cat like a lion or tiger.

  178. My favorite pet story was when I was on vacation without my dog and when I got home and was on my way to my grandmas and he heard me pull in so he somehow broke through the screen to get outside then through a rose bush and when he got to me he was so excited. His name was Nikko and he was a black Maltese and a poodle. He ran away a month ago because my mom left him outside and went to dinner because she is dumb.

  179. i have a little shizu named boo his name is boo because he was born on Halloween. if i could have any pet in the world it would probably be a tiger cub because i could play with it and they are really cute. i would use him as a guard cat so if anyone broke into my house he would eat them.

  180. YOUR QUESTION: Tell us your best pet story! What kind of pet do you have? What’s it’s name? If you could have any animal as a pet what would it be? You may also email us a picture of your pet and we will add it to the blog!

    I don’t have a pet story. I do have cats though. I used to have a dog but he died. My cat’s name is pickles ( I didn’t name her). If I could have any animal as a pet it would be a dog.

    • JESSE . Ahh Pickles ? I LOVE IT such a cut name for a cat (:
      and i like pickles to so i like her name even more ! um who names her anyways ?

  181. My family and I own four dogs, all of which we love. We have a yorkie named Bella, a Shitzu named Chloe, a shitzu poodle mix named Gracie, and a yellow lab named Bailey. My personal favorite is Chloe because she would never hurt a fly and likes everyone. One of the funniest stories about her occurred while playing fetch. I threw a chew toy for her and as she was making a turn on our hard wood floor, she lost traction and slammed into a book shelf. It was sad yet funny at the same time. I am happy with dogs, and wouldn’t really want more than four pets.

  182. Well my dog named tango was sitting by my sister and I while i was helping her with her homework and he comes up and takes a huge bite out of her homework. we both sat there in awe. My dog legitly ate my sisters homework.

  183. I have a 4 year old golden retriever and here name is Libby. She is the only whitish golden retriever I really ever see. She has this black spot on here tong witch my old dog had to witch is weird in a way. My dog can be annoying and funny though.

  184. My best pet story is when we got our 2nd dog and his name is Rascal. Every afternoon he runs around the living room for about 5 minutes and none of us know why. He freaks out about every train that goes by my house and one goes by everyday and he still barks at it. If i could get any pet than i would get another dog.

  185. my dog got attacked by a deer and died, which is pretty BA if you ask me.

  186. my pet is a golden retriever and its name is sadey if i could have a pet it would be a beagle

  187. I have a chinchilla named Rodney. He’s a boss. If I could have any pet, I’d take a horse or a cheetah, just because they’re both awesome, majestic beasts. Nah not a horse, a stallion. And not just any Cheetah. A TALKING CHEETAH.

  188. i don’t have a funny pet story. i had a cat her name was coconut. if i could have any pet it would be a German shepherd trained by the police.

  189. I have a cat and its name it domino. He is black with a white belly, white paws,white whiskers, and white back legs. I do with I had a dog because I miss having one.

  190. When my cat had kittens, we named them Walker and Texas Ranger. My cat was an outside cat, and we didn’t see her much, and so we just kept the kittens as inside cats. If I could have any pet, it’d be a Ball Python. I used to have a Python named Monty, but we had to give him away. Pythons make great pets because you only have to feed them about once every two weeks, and they don’t take up a lot of space..

  191. I live on a farm so I guess you could say I have a lot of pets. My favorite are my dogs though. They’re faithful and they’re always happy and wanting to play or when I’m sad they quiet down and just curl up in a ball next to me and keep me company.

  192. The best story I have is when my cat was chasing another cat. i have a black and white cat. My cats name is Max. If i had any pet it would be a cheetah because those things are so viscous and cool.

  193. I have a cat and a dog. Their names are Sugar, the cat, and Lily, The dog. If i could have any pet i wanted it would be a ferret because they are so funny.

    • Ferrets are fun and all, but I’d take a fire ferret. They’re so much more clean, and awesome. I would name it Pabu.

  194. My family kind of has an obsession with pets so we have 2 dogs and 4 cats…it’s kind of embarrassing. I don’t have a favorite dog, but my favorite cat is my kitten named fatty. I couldn’t live without her.

  195. my best story waas when my dog hopped in the shower when we werent looking we found him when my mom was about to get in the shower. it was an intersting day

  196. My best memory with a pet is when we got my dog. It was about 9 years ago, and I could remember how happy I was. I couldn’t believe that my family got a dog.

    • And then what happened? Did you guys eat him? That would be sad.. Just kidding why are you dogless now?

  197. My dog’s name is Buster and he’s a mutt but he looks like a retriever. My favorite memory with him was when I got him for Christmas and he tried to tackle me, it was adorable. If I could have any pet I would have a pet tiger because who doesn’t like tigers? Even if they do maul people and rip animals to shreds, who doesn’t like them?

  198. I want a Husky dog as a pet they are my favorite type of dog.

  199. I have a dog. His name is Bly and hes the cutest thing i have ever seen. One time when my puppy was a puppy he ran away and he got this one dog pregnant. Then a couple weeks later he ran away again and got another dog pregnant. Then like a year later he got another dog pregnant. So he had 21 kids but 2 died. He got neutered last year.

  200. My dog at my Dads house is a 7 year old (i think) Great Dane Harlequin color whose named Bella. That means she is black and white for those who don’t know. I used to have three but them being Great Danes they got to be very pricey. My old dogs names were Chaos (all black with a white chest patch) and Cody (brown with some black). Bella has been around me for as long as I can remember though. She is very unique saying that she has an extra nipple, and two different colored eyes. She is super old and weak though now so she is very lazy. Chaos and Cody were sold not to long ago and I miss them. They were very energetic and Chaos reminded me a LOT of my old, old dog Wrex, who died at the age of two right outside my house. We still have the can of his ashes and I hope that when I’m older I can either take it with me or have it buried with my dad. I miss Wrex most of all and i still get a little sad-eyed over his death. I know that during his life though he had a great time, so I am not totally sad. My mom has a dog named Oliver and he is a all white, short-haired, Maltese. He has also been with my family a very long time. Almost as long as Bella. He is very energetic though and is funny to watch sometimes. I will be very sad the day he passes and as the days go by I wonder more and more when that day will come. I won’t be too sad though cause he did live a good prosperous life with lots of fun. If I were to get any pet I would want something exotic. I’ve always wanted a lion, or a cheetah. Maybe even a panther because they are black. I like foxes and wolves too because they are amazing versions of dogs. I like Huskies, Great Danes, and German Shepard’s the most though.

  201. If i could have any animal as a pet it wood be a German Shepherd train like a cop dog.

  202. I have a 9 month old blond golden retriever, his name is Ruger, he is 89 pounds, and hes a tank. When he wants you to play tug of war with him, he will pull you out of your chair, and probably pull u across the floor. If i wanted a pet, i would want a red golden retriever. My old dog, his name was Harley, he was only 5, and i had to put him down last year due to cancer, and he was a red golden retriever, and i would like to have another golden like him.

  203. I was ridding my bike with my brother and friends we were hearing a little meow and then we looked over and there was a little kitten poking its head up by the rode and I was really exited I though to myself it is my birthday tomorrow I have to have that kitten so I ran over there and I had the kitten cradled in my hands and I left my bike on the rode and ran to my house put the kitten in my room gave it some food and water know he is my little boy he is 2 years old his name is Allie or Sprecken we call him both! But if I could have any animal it would be a tiger I don’t know why but i love them and I want one.

  204. I have a dog named Heidi. She is a miniature pincher. She is only 1 1/2 years old and we share the same birthday. If I could have any animal I would have a Siberian Husky.

  205. my best pet moment was when i saw my tabby cat jump at the screen door to catch a bug and she stuck to the screen and started to climb it. I have two cats and two dogs, one is a tabby cat and the other is a Siamese cat and i have a German Sheppard wolf mix and a shi-tzu.

  206. My favorite pet I’ve had has been my dog Carmel, but i think that the most interesting pet I’ve had was my teddy bear hamster, June. I was only 9 when I had it and I didn’t really take care of it so my sister cared for it. But, one time for like a week she forgot to give him water and he ended up chewing off the bottom of his water bottle, crawling up into it, and suffocating himself. If I could have any animal I would have boa because I’ve always loved snakes.

  207. i don’t have a favorite pet story, i have a black lab and his name is Jethro.

  208. I have a tiny yorkie terrier and her name is Daisy. If i could have any pet it would probably be another dog. I would want a husky.

  209. I have a dog, and one time she got outside without her shock collar on, and it was when we lived in Florida. We had a pond in our backyard, which had alligators in it. So I went to go get her, and i couldn’t because there was an alligator sitting out on the side of the pond. So my dad had to throw something in the pond for the alligator to go back in, and we ended up getting my dog. I would want a pink flamingo.

  210. I have 3 dogs. A white and black Jack Russell Terrier, named Molly, An albino white doberman, named Zues, and a German Sheppard, named Trinity. I dont think life would be the same with out pets. I love my dogs more than anything! & If i could have any pet it would prolly be a Polar Bear (: .

  211. I have a REALLY fat cat…. Her name is Blue…. Blue did something funny the other day. She was walking outside and I walked up behind her and tried to pick her up and she flipped out and started chasing her tail I thought it was funny.. But I have 2 horses, 2 cats, 3 fish… I want to get a dog but my dad hates dogs.

  212. I have dog named max. He is a shiatsu and wiener dog mix. He is about 10 pounds and he is black brown and grey. He is just over 1 year old. If i could have one other pet, i would want a monkey, because they are so fun to watch. they can brush their own teeth, clean, and do other crazy stuff.

  213. I started out with six pet mallard ducks and they made friends and so there will be up to 12 at a time. I just call them ducks. If i could have any pet it would be a hunting dog.

  214. I have a dog named Pete. He is a yellow lab. I like to talk him fishing ans=d let him play with the little fish that i catch.

  215. Well, my mom doesn’t let me have any animals because she says “I cant keep them alive”. However if i did have an animal i would have a fish again because mine died!

  216. I had a dog, his name was Riley and he was the best dog I could ask for, I wouldn’t want any other. But my favorite time was when he was going through his puppy puberty getting bigger and stronger, well he would love to play in the snow, and my brother decided he wanted to throw snowballs at my dog, and I guess he didn’t like it so Riley grabs him by the boots and then drags him into the backyard and leave him there.

  217. i have two dogs and there names are maggs like the maggs on the tigers and DJ. If i could have one pet its would be a monkey they seem so cool and it would be fun to play with.

  218. I have a dog she is my favorite pet and she means alot to me. She is a rescue dog but know we have had her for 4 years and she has loved s ever since. i love my dog and i walk her everyday to give her exercise.

  219. I don’t really have a best pet story. I have a dog, her name is Chulla. I used to have two cats but they both died. If I could have any animal as a pet I would want a fox. I’ve always liked foxes so I think it would be really cool to have one as a pet.

  220. I don’t really have a best pet story, but right now i only have one pet, which is a hamster and her name is olive. If i could have any pet in the world i would want it to be a bunny. I love bunnies i think they’re really cute and i think it would be fun to learn how to take care of them.

  221. I had a dalmatian for a dog and this dog would catch birds out of the air, he would catch fly’s in the house. It’s name was Zack. I would want a lion or a tiger because there the sickest animal out there by far.

  222. well i have a dog and he is probally the weirdest dog. he snores with his eyes open he will stare at you and SNORE. he spends 90 percent of the day sleeping.

  223. I don’t have any pet stories. My cat died 2 years ago, I think. If i could have and pet in the world i would have a zebra striped cat with wings the size of an Ipod.

  224. I have a dog named Audrey. I remember playing with Audrey for hours in the yard when i was younger. She still is very wild and will never refuse to play with you. She is the best dog in the whole world! I love Audrey.

  225. I have one dog and that’s all I need. Her name is Katie and she is a Shiba Inu. My best memory with her is when I got her on Christmas eve and we came back to my house after church and she was waiting for us by the door in a dog crate. She is awesome and has made my life a lot better.

  226. The type of pet that I have is a dog. its name is Sammy. If I could have any animal as a pet I would have a monkey.

  227. I don’t have any pets but I use to have 2 Geckos. They were very cool and interesting pets. If I could have another pet it would be a dog. I think dogs are very loyal and nice.

  228. I have a dog named Jada. She is a chocolate lab and she is 6 years old. Whenever i am sick or don’t feel good she is always by my side. She still acts like a puppy but that’s just her and i wouldn’t change that for anything. She is, in my opinion, the best dog anyone could have

  229. well i do not own a pet so my best story would be a lie and since i don’t lie i wont say a story….but i want a liger that would be so kick butt<3

  230. my dog skip was being bothered by some guy trying to sell us a car(long story). somehow he managed to get the wallet off the guy. it was pretty cool.

  231. I have a black (fat) cat. Her name is Gloria and we rescued her from the Last Chance Rescue in 2006. I really want a dog again like I had when I was younger. Black lab as usual, and I’m thinking about buying my own after I work for some money this summer. I miss having my buddy to play with when I’m at home alone.

  232. I have dogs, but the best trained is Max. If I could have any pet it’d be a Zebra, i think they’re a cool animal, and i like that they have stripes.

  233. I used to have a dog that was amazing but we had to put him down last year because he had cancer. Next month we are getting a new puppy from a breeder in Ohio. Last weekend we went and visited them and they were so tiny and cute. We’re getting a dark almost red golden-doodle girl and my whole family is excited.

  234. I have a Yorkie! Her name is Lacee. I always wanted big dogs, so in the future i want either a husky or german sheppard!

  235. The pets I have are 2 horses, 1 dog, 1 cat, lots of fish, and 1 hamster. My bets pet story is when my Aunt was over and she had her dog with her and her dog and my dog were chasing each other around the yard and our dog ran into the electric fence where the horses are, she will not go near the fence anymore. If I could have any pet it would have to be a pig cause they are so cute.

  236. the best story of me with my pet is when we were watch CSI Miami in the dark and she started to bark at the person who did the crime. i have a teacup Yorkie and her name is Lilly. if i could have a pet that i wonted it would be a horse.

  237. My best memory with a pet is when we got our pictures taken. I have a french bulldog. Her name is Sasha. If i could have any animal it would probably have to be a tea cup puppy.

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